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Posts posted by colorful人生

  1. wut

    why are they re-releasing かわいくなりたいねん if it's going to be live-limited again, lol.

    LOVE GAME is a favorite, looking forward to finally listening to it (in full.) 10/10 gya-meme band.


    *Just realized that this is LOVE GAME. I was wondering why I didn't have it.




    @ghost You might wanna check this out if you haven't already. (or you might already know b/c of that post)

    I'm trying to grab the Crystal ver., but I really want one of the cassettes going w/ the drops (hopefully.) Crystal Vinyl drops in a bit over an hour. 


    *Well, tried getting the crystal ver. and it only took one paypal verification code delay for it to go out of stock (whilst paying.) Nabbed the cassette tho ;_;.

  3. 4 hours ago, Seelentau said:

    So, like a Japanese Ian Watkins?

    That was one of the first things that popped in my head.


    Man, this is fucked. 

    I didn't open the photos w/ the tattoo & guitar until now, this (his right arm) def. confirms that one pic... (for the uninitiated)




    Still waiting on the investigation results b/c some of the evidence here could be pics out of context, but with the amount of detail & individuals referenced, it doesn't look very good for him : /. 


    Thanks for the translations cvltic!

  4. Dropping this link here for those interested: http://files.sq10.net/music/vaporwave/list/


    This is a mirror of "The Vaporwave Library Project" that was active some time in 2014, which I remember using a lot myself. Most of the stuff you can grab on Bandcamp, but it's pretty convenient if you need to grab any early vaporwave gems. 


    These are all the albums off the Ultra Edition Essentials Chart: https://mega.nz/#F!iwABUApY!MaExct8QR-gKyg_2zdt1YA

    Someone compiled this a while back, too. 

  5. Here are two other ones:



    Pairs an artist with a cocktail recipe. 90% are absolutely absurd, b/c this was a project made in 24 hours. It's worth messing around with though.




    Every Noise at Once

    Every genre you can think of. You can get mostly accurate previews for each, and if you click on the genre it takes you to a grouping of artists within that genre.

    If you find an artist, you can click on it and it'll take you immediately to Spotify.





    I recognize Waka from a mile away. Pino, Cocoro, and Waka have all "promoted" the band on twitter, so I assume they'll be changing their account names shortly.  


    Pino = Vo. Om

    Waka = Gt. aria.C.millefeuille

    Cocoro =  Ba. heartphilia.E.merrybell

    REA = Gt. anormal.D.nightmare


    It makes sense that Ryose isn't there b/c he was in アマンジャク。.

    I jumped the gun hoping he was there, but the Dr. is absolutely a diff. person T_T.


    This is super chill, I love it. It's def. experimental, but I've always loved that about these guys.

    Excited to see what's in store!!!


  7. 2 hours ago, Reiko said:

    I agree but think I can see most of this in motion already. I mean modern underground electronic music is already where you are taking about. It's like subtle sad boy trance and broken beats with pop vocals. And stuff like SOPHIE and all that is kinda in that vane as well. Aesthetically the Y2k shit is def in already. 


    I think surf rock is kinda coming back hard. At least at local DIY and punk bars in cleveland. Lots of hardcore punk bands seem to be going really strong. The grunge angle is def in. Bands like Cherry Glazer kinda represent that wave (Hedi Slimane YSL collections were already a few years ago).


    I think that 70s worship is starting to hit for sure. I can't elaborate but I def get that vibe lately from a lot of different scenes.

    Yea, I think it's harder to predict eras of music genres when everyone has become more opportunistic w/ different styles & genre fusion. I think compared to before, the internet has really bled everything together. I still can't shake off the feeling that there will be something completely unpredictable, but maybe we're past the point of distinctive music eras? Though music is heavily influenced by tech advancements, so I guess it will always be impossible to fully predict stuff like this (or we would've done so already.)


    The Y2K revival stuff is def. going to be interesting as it evolves. 

  8. Calling it now 2020-2030 Genres:

    • Some bastardized electronic version of crunk called Nu-Crunk or Post-Crunk. The dirty south rises again.
    • Vaporwave/Millenniumwave will evolve to cover 2000s trends mainly using New Age, Trance, UK Garage, and Madchester. Instead of slowed down Diana Ross it's sped up Enya. Aesthetic is based in post-modern late 90s-00s design with a lots of silver and 2.5D logos.
    • As we ascend to greater levels of irony, butt-rock/post-grunge, once considered the laughing stock of music genres, gets revived in some form or fashion through a meme. 
    • As marijuana gets legalized nationwide in the US,  70s culture revival starts to happen. Some new psychedelic genre arises that's some amalgam of previous psychedelia genres.




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