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Posts posted by colorful人生

  1. bona-stan in the back screaming her head off like a pterodactyl is my mood.




    This slayyyys. SinB, Seulgi, Chungha, and Soyeon all in one place *_*. 

    I feel like SinB is a bit more in her element here, imo. Also, it's nice to see Chungha as part of a group.


  2. One thing that I've always had validated time-and-time again, is how your enjoyment of music is subjective, like REALLY subjective.


    My father raved on about how talented Ed Sheeran was live w/ loopers (which he is) , so I tried to introduce him to some Jacob Collier live stuff that leans more toward jazz, poly-rhythms, harmonies, etc. but still emotional > technical in order to not intimidate him... He was absolutely having none of that, lmao.


    I realize I've expanded my music "comfort-zone" to the point where I forget that other people just want to stay in their grotto, which is totally fine. There are still a lot of genres that I'm not super versed with either.


    ...but then he wonders why I've always been so secretive about some of the music I listen to...maybe so I spare him from calling that "stupid" too... ; _ ; 


    The MV is hilari-bad/dated, but I've always enjoyed the early I've Sound artists (KOTOKO, Kawada Mami, MELL, Utatsuki Kaori, etc.)

    Unfortunate that some of their decent songs were wasted on ultra-budget eroge, luckily most of them ended up working on a ton of iconic anime OP/EDs.

  4. Gut feelings here. I'm also going for smaller bands, b/c bands in more prominent labels tend to just "stick around", even if it's their animated corpses. Hence, why Royz, Dog, and Blu-Billion are are still kicking =P (jk, they're all still popular, I've just lost interest, personally) A member-loss or extended hiatus is usually a shot at the Achilles' heel for those type of bands. Colors indicate confidence levels (+=red).

    • I predict ラミヤ (Lamiya) will disband at the latter end of next year b/c while I like them, their sound is largely underappreciated as they lack a certain "intensity".
    • Awake will finally disband some time next year b/c that dead horse they're beating has nearly decomposed. They tried going "major" and ended up losing members & popularity in the process.
    • LOVE LOCK is bound for disbandment (perhaps in the near-future). I really enjoy them being around, especially Shibuya, but they're losing steam.
    • アルファリア (Alphalia) b/c they're the least impressive on Planet Child's roster. 

    • I'm scared to say this, but I think ABOO might be short-lived. Soundcloud rappers have better promotion than these guys right now, I bet there are fans of DOWNER/ダウナー that still have no idea that they exist.
    • I'm giving グラビティ(Gravity) a year-and-a-half. Their songs are fun, but their title tracks are all anthemic and lyrically "meh". 

  5. Finished 3rd "A Hat in Time" playthrough which only took 2 nights. The Death Wish levels on the other hand are ridiculously time-consuming to beat.

    I try to squeeze in a Trial of the Sword attempt in BOTW a day b/c it's really unforgiving in Master Mode.


    In other news, Maplestory 2 is launching on October 10th (for everyone) and I'm going to fiddle around with it. I played GlobalMS in late 2005 close to NA launch up until 2009~ish and a smattering of private servers on-and-off the past several years. I'll probably be super hype until I start seeing the limitation of not having pay-to-win elements and jump ship. 


    *So, checked in on Maplestory 2... Just to play early you have to spend a minimum of $25 usd for some stupid cosmetic shit with tiers going up to $100 USD...WTF. Not too optimistic rn...

  6. 1 hour ago, Shadowtear said:

    Use youtube-dl with an account file.

    Actually grabs the file instead of recording, it does require some knowledge though. (the non-gui)

    Oh damn, I just realized I've been using an outdated ver. of youtube-dl packaged with youtube-dlg (the python gui.)

    I don't use a gui w/ ffmpeg, so I need to just grab youtube-dl, lmao.




    But yea, you can apparently use it now for timeshifted videos on niconico and livestreams. It does both flash vids and HLS streams ^_^. 


    Download & Instructions: https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl




  7. While you can use any rando flash video downloader plugin or inspect element to grab standard niconico vids, livestreams are a bit more difficult (even time-shifted ones) b/c of DRM. Here are some options:

    1. When recording this, I captured the full-screened window in OBS. Obviously not ideal, but it werks :/.
    2.  http://clock08.tumblr.com/post/36799796458/namaroku-and-kakoroku (another set of instructions http://pakaianniob041.tumblr.com/post/18062039507/if-you-want-to-record-timeshift-broadcast-you) I'm unsure if it still works, since the posts are dated. It seems to be the most popular/user-friendly option.
    3. There are GitHub projects for niconico, but most of them don't have a GUI, so they require a background in their respective programming languages. I haven't messed w/ them b/c I don't have a premium acc. anymore.

    I haven't had a premium account in years, so maybe someone else has a more up-to-date solution. I would use a HLS downloader for Akamai streams, but idk if they would work with niconico.



  8. 35 minutes ago, The Piass said:

    Did you read the post ? The tracklist and the release date had already been said. And yes according to the video , it is live-limited "会場限定盤発売".

    I can read fine and clear. Their discography page (http://zigzag.asia/music.html) has it listed under in-store (sound source) releases, hence why I mentioned that there might be a standard release. For now it is strictly live-limited, and the listing could be a mistake on their part. 



  9. crlc-041.jpg


    -真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ 黒盤

    1. 毒占欲
    2. トチ狂っテる LIVE.ver
    3. 糞麺氏ね LIVE.ver
    4. 十六夜 LIVE.ver
    5. 悪いのはバンドマン LIVE.ver
    6. うらめしや LIVE.ver




    -真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ 白盤

    1. 大失禁
    2. 愛シ貴方狂怪性 LIVE.ver
    3. 臨兵闘者 LIVE.ver
    4. 真侍道 LIVE.ver
    5. あっぱれ珍道中 LIVE.ver
    6. 狙い投げ LIVE.ver

    Both came out on the 23rd 

    • Don't get me wrong, I think downplaying these events are obviously wrong, and feigning ignorance is very telling of character. Music v. Artist is not what I was getting at in particular (which has already been mentioned), but more of the person v. persona aspect (which is certainly a more complicated topic.)
    • I find the opportunism a bit more of a cynical response rather than a malicious one. I would hope that no one would try to sell stuff solely b/c of this situation, because that would be in bad taste. (I don't intend to sell my rando KISAKI CD from a ClosetChild box until this dies down b/c I've been putting together stuff to get rid of for months now.)
    • I think not caring or not wanting to watch KISAKI in anything is a perfectly reasonable response. What he did is disgusting and horrible, but I could still watch a Lin MV. Then again, I don't really idolize celebrities & musicians the same way as some people do either.

    Anyway, I'm just trying to approach this from a more neutral state (not with the crimes but w/ KISAKI), since I was never a huge KISAKI fan (moreso Lin.) 


    Personally, I'm not going to meander though non-KISAKI stuff with how omnipresent he was, but I will continue to have a distaste for his image whenever I see him. He can rot in hell for all I care.

  10. Can also vouch for EPSON scanners (not so much their printers...that one goes to brother) as I own a V550. I would probably go for the V39 since you can get Prime shipping with it (usu. indicative of the latest item in a product line), and everything else is pretty much overkill, if you're just doing booklet & magazine scans. 

  11. I enjoyed this a lot! Their Japanese songs are quite nice, and it seems like their overall pronunciation has really improved since Me Gustas Tu (JP ver.). Also, super gorgeous as always ❤️.


    Ayyyyyy sexy wizard-school concept. I still prefer "Dreams Come True" from this year as a title track, but this still sounds pretty great. Gotta go through the whole mini tho. Addicted to the mini, every track is fantastic *_*.

  12. 7 hours ago, Manji 卍 said:

    wait,if they wanted to do goofy things all this time why didn't they create some "alter-ego band"

    like Kiryu did creating My Dragon? They had a lot of potential (check the first 2 releases)

    and they simply lost it


    Lyrically, they've always been a gya-meme band, it just took the form of br00tal buddhist mantra/prayer music when they started out (and still does, -sans the super heavy stuff.) The gya like the cutesy parody stuff, so it sticks at lives. They still have heavy-ish material like 祈り which is a favorite, so it hasn't entirely gone away. Granted, I wish they did something like 愛シ貴女狂怪性 again.

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