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Posts posted by colorful人生

  1. * deep inhale * Which one of you chucklefucks suggested Insanity Injection to the Fine Bros., cuz I don't think I'd be able to listen to them unless I pre-game with a cringe compilation.


    In all seriousness, hate is a strong word. I don't think I particularly hate any band, I just don't listen to said band.  You from 0.1 no Gosan is a piece of shit, but the band sounds ok. Also, Kuina from Royz has a bunch of controversy surrounding him ...so does the rest of the band sans-Koudai, according to rumors... 

  2. 2q9a05z.jpg


    Top Artists (Favorite Songs) :

    Mac DeMarco


    Yuki Saitou (already included below)




    Top Songs:

    PRISTIN V - Get It

    LOOΠΔ (Vivi) - Everyday I Love You (ft. HaSeul)

    Mew - Snow Brigade

    Yuki Saitou - Yours

    GFRIEND - Windy Windy


    I'd say that 50% was Spotify this year. It's a 25 - 25 split with my mp3 collection and YT. Total music hours probably amount to 300~ish. It's been a helluva year in music, tho. A looooooot of K-pop. I haven't really bought any physical K-pop CDs (except for 2), so Spotify is my main platform for that genre. Some artists that were more infrequent for me, listening-wise, were YT listens.

  3. Just going to mention two in here for now.


    NEXX - VELVET RAY(Re-recording ver.)

    Apparently, they were given out to those who attended both of their last lives (w/ both tickets). I have yet to see it on auction, and I'm unsure if it even exists at this point. 


    faice - Act[L]ess

    Another one I have yet to see on auction. It "came out" before they disbanded, but there's no record of it being sold on Like an Edison's site (It was only in-store and mail-order, though.) With all of the tracks mastered, it has to exist somewhere (?).



    So after some sleuthing I can confirm it was released, but in extremely limited quantities. At this point, it's understandable why it's never shown up on auction.  





  4. 45 minutes ago, violetchain said:

    Is that last icon your result, or is it the same for everyone? Because mine says humanism. Ended up with a bit more in spiritualism than I would have expected, but I guess that's because it's weighed against all the questions about money, and I can't say being rich has ever been a big priority.


    Yea, just pulled mine up and my logo refers to "Epicureanism". Neat.

  5. While I felt a decline, a disbandment was the last thing I expected. When it comes to your favorite bands, you want them to stick around forever.


    Here's hoping some of the members form a new band under Planet Child. I've always liked the label. 

  6. "Cautiously pessimistic" just about sums my feelings. We never know though, it could be good.


    inb4 they release a trailer and the actors aren't to *insert group here* 's liking and they complain about *insert here*-washing. The internet gets fixated on it until it airs, and then everyone forgets that they were arguing in the first place. Most of those who've complained never end up watching it.  Then, contrary to popular belief, it doesn't ruin the original anime series, like initially predicted.

  7. holdup, try this


    ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Garbage


    ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 2:14 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐


  8. Spoiler


    Man, did everyone flock here quick, lol. Not an exhaustive list and def. has bias. If you find an artist you like, last.fm is a good tool to branch out... or at least was. Just binge a bunch of YT vids. 


    What everyone's posted looks good. We might want to tone down the embed vids tho, out of consideration for those w/ slow internet speeds and/or bandwidth caps.

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