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Posts posted by colorful人生

  1. Spoiler
    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOkkxc,'...................................    ............,cdOXWWWWWWWWMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
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    Use width of 104 on "About Me" and 118 characters on normal posts if you don't want horizontal scrolling. You also have to do it inside a code box... Messing around w/ copypasta nonsense and just thought of this.


  2. 4 hours ago, GreatNorthernVK said:

    Does a guy that grew up listening to post-hardcore really enjoy all of these K-pop acts

    Who summoned me? (Went from trance -> opera/pop ->c-pop/j-pop -> prog metal/metalcore/post -> v-kei -> k-pop)


    TBH, he could have genuine interest and has "Jimmy Fallon" syndrome (compensating for a generally "dry" personality), but it's also likely the ad revenue/views. Even the most mundane of videos with K-pop content (or even the mere mentioning of groups/idols) will summon the stans. With everyone trying to "make it" on YouTube, the amount of attention K-pop has gotten has been a godsend to small channels/creators. That being said, genuinely liking the music and wanting to grow an audience are not mutually exclusive.


    Now, I personally don't watch MacRyanMac regularly, but he piqued my interest b/c he comes from a somewhat similar music background as myself. My observations on the music side of things lead me to believe that he shows interest, but purposefully plays his reactions REALLY safe to grow his audience. However, what's more telling is the way he constantly squeezes in videos that involve popular topics & trends and constantly retweets larger creators. Which means he's just using this common method:

    • Make videos about/utilizing general YT trends to build an initial, albeit small, following.
    • Hone in on some large bands/trending topics to develop an audience. Alternatively, spill your guts on camera and turn yourself into a drama channel.
    • Mold every single one of your videos to user comments/suggestions.
    • Keep a steady stream of content based on said comments/suggestions for eternity w/o offending your audience. 
      • Additionally, keep up with other SNS platforms and show up on larger creators feeds/comment sections.
      • Also, release a ~10 min vid at least every other day to stay afloat. Rev up those buzzwords and hashtags.


    He might listen to some of these bands every now and then in his spare time, but the large coverage indicates that he's mainly accommodating to his audience. Those who find genuine interest in a genre will typically carve out their niche of artists w/ similar characteristics and then bounce around, his broad-brush artist selection doesn't indicate that (This might come off a little gatekeep-y). BUT, you can't build a large channel based on only your interests though... Which leads us back to the start.


    The only way to have decent growth on a YouTube channel in this day and age is to pander to as many people as possible. People typically watch reaction videos to validate their own opinions b/c it makes them happy. Small sketch comedy, animation, and blog channels of the past are simply not viable on YouTube anymore b/c of how content dense YT is now. Some might make it, but why do that instead of the method above? It's not like it's "wrong".


    We still haven't gotten to the making a living on YT part either, lol. 

    (This turned into a YT schpiel, lol)


    TL;DR: He's interested b/c he has the patience to do what he's doing, but he's mainly doing it for the views. He capitalized off of his spike in viewership after his first react video to Babymetal which was trending at the time. 

  3. Most of my stuff is Calvin Klein, Nautica, Levi's, or Gap. I only wear two types of sneakers, Nike Air Force 1s or Ebernons in black or white b/c I'm a size 13 US Mens/30.5 cm and it's a pain in the ass to look for shoes. I'm either business casual or Asian lumberjack on any given day, lol.


    Not crazy about jewelry, but I was gifted a Tonino Lamborghini watch several years ago that I wear to this day. 



  4. 1 hour ago, platy said:

    @colorfuljinseiI've seen mainly good opinions regarding the first episode of Goblin Slayer. Are you talking about people dropping it because of the rape scene? Personally thought it was an alright start and I'll try to keep up with it. 

    Yea, I initially thought it was a select few, but when I saw a thread on it at the top of Reddit I was taken aback. There's a firestorm on Twitter over the whole thing about avoiding/dropping the series, etc. I guess I've forgotten about the current climate, as I usually delve into series w/o going through public forums/SNS. It is implemented to set the tone, but I get why it's offended victims of sexual violence/offence/rape etc. That being said, this concept is faaaar from unheard of *cough* orcs&elves *cough*.


    I guess it's somewhat of a good thing that the first episode has a lot of shock value b/c it's not like the theme/premise of the series gets any "lighter" (new watchers should heed this warning.)

  5. As someone who's followed the Gob Slayer series since late-2016, the response to the anime reminds me how you can't rely on internet denizen's opinions when it comes to how "good" a series is. Especially so when the whole internet is hypersensitive atm.


    Enjoying everything that I've planned to watch, so far. They're all quality shows.  I'm typically 2 steps ahead when it comes to the actual content b/c I'm more of a manga/LN person, but it's a different, enjoyable experience when everything gets animated (brings everything to life.)


    In all seriousness, I'm pretty much like the above comments. Be nice, honest, thoughtful, etc.

    A good thing to remember is that people don't think of you as much as you think of yourself. So don't be afraid to make mistakes along the way.

    I'm still learning this.

  7. On 7/25/2014 at 4:41 PM, colorfuljinsei said:



    Making some adjustments:

    1. xTRiPx
    2. Janne Da Arc/Acid Black Cherry (latter is technically not vk, but who cares)
    3. ダウナー tied w/ Clavier~クラビア~
    4. ネオン/the LEM/RIKUTO.inck
    5. ロストワールド/ドレミ・ファ
    6. キャンセル/ユナイト
    7. NEXX tied w/ パノラマ虚構ゼノン
    8. Neverland tied w/ Anli Pollicino
    9. vistlip tied w/ SINCREA/FEST VAINQUEUR 
    10. MoNoLith tied w/ ViViD
    11. Anfinit/i.Rias
    12. Ray°C / オトイロハ /−真天地開闢集団−ジグザグ


    Rising Favorites:






    Falling Favorites:






    the Raid.


    These lists are really hard ;_;.


  8. Pertaining to Kavanaugh, the user PoppinKREAM does a great job at compiling sources:


    It's a constant shit-show over here with Trump Administration. Most Republicans have completely thrown out any semblance of thoughtfulness for "party loyalty" & job security. The president, aside from his glaring ineptitude, is a liar and propagandist (*cough* and possibly a criminal *cough*). Rather than gutting the swamp, he's implemented a sewer full of like-minded (rather, like-mindless) cronies. While I don't consider myself completely versed in politics (as most people shouldn't, tbh), I recognize that this isn't how we should be running this country. Too bad, there are a ton of closet-racists, not so closeted anymore, that would rather adhere to "Deep-State" conspiracy theories than spare some thought to what's really going on.


    On a personal note, it's become such a day-to-day thing to where I have to space out the times I read the news. The past nearly-2 years has been so information-dense, an entire college class could be based off the Trump Administration. I've literally lost friends b/c of their closet-racism coming out in the open (not towards me, but those of darker pigmentation.) I just want it to stop ;_;. That's why everyone needs to GET OUT AND VOTE.

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