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Posts posted by WhirlingBlack

  1. If I remember correctly I heard stories about how Satsuki used to send his roadies out into the audience after gigs overseas in order to ask girls he had selected if they wanted to have sex. Suddenly all those strange gigs in eastern Europe makes sense.

  2. Actually, Kamijo supposedly gave them the idea of the name and said they should use it, and gave them that bogus explanation of it meaning grey coin in English, french and german, which they used to mention in interviews until they released the truth that it was utter garbage.


    I'm going to bet also that any makeup steals by Kyo would be from Kiyoharu and not from Kon. For some reason visual kei musicians are very wary about taking influence from contemporaries, which is why when there are sessions and things they usually cover bands from the previous generation rather than their friends.

  3. 2 hours ago, Tokage said:

    we need to ban everyone from posting about the scene in public, we need to go deeper underground




    Someone better move MH to a deep web forum next to all those hitman listings and drug sales.

  4. What has always struck me when it comes to Merry Go Round is how disconnected they were from the "visual" scene of it's day. And I feel like it was almost a conscious choice to keep a distance stylistically to the other bands around at the time. I've met Kazuma briefly a few times and he's a seemingly very nice (and ancient-looking) guy, but his connections to the "visual kei" scene remains fringe at best, despite participating in some sessions and things with established people in the scene he's never been a part of it properly in my opinion and his influences and interests at large seems to lay elsewhere.


    In terms of their influence on the next generation it's the most obvious in the other "fringe" acts, bands like deadman, mucc, emmuree, munimuni, etc. owes a lot to Merry Go Round and I don't think anyone disputes that, just look at how aie rushed at the chance of forming a band with Kazuma back with highfashionparalyze like a giddy fanboy (And  for anyone who has watched KEEL live can attest that he treats Tomoi the same way, haha). If you compare it to ROUAGE for example you'd find that they did their part influencing these acts somewhat as well but carried more influence into the more "typical" visual kei of the late 90s what with the chorus style and more "melodic" touches in the darkness.


    Anyway, great that you're shedding some light on this band again because they're easy to forget about these days and certainly easy to overlook for anyone new to the genre.


  5. I'm really curious as to why people keep saying the band hated doing the GAUZE tour, and most likely only base it on the one performance released on DVD. As someone who attended the entire tour I can attest to the fact that it didn't lack energy at most dates. Sure, it was a bit uneven at times, but that's how this band is. Some days are bound to be better than others and I've come to terms with that many years ago. I wonder if people confuse the nature of some of the tracks which doesn't really call for a whole lot of audience interaction, or in some cases I assume, can't be afforded due to the technicality and state of practice, with boredom and dislike.


    The truth is, they wouldn't have done the tour if the whole band truly despised doing it, so I'll just put these opinions in the pile of other tinfoil hat conspiracies like the monthly disbandment speculations (that have appeared at least for ten years if not longer by now), Kyo communicating with aliens via inward screams and various other things in descending order of crazy.


  6. 1 minute ago, Kiryu999 said:

    Love how people are talking about the girl basically begging him to fuck her while there's absolutely no details about what really happened between them 


    I think it's because it's not far from the truth quite often if you've experienced the scene for yourself.

  7. I would estimate I started lurking here pretty soon after things got off the ground, I remember back in the day people advertising Tainted World as a replacement for the Batsu download forum which it's now-infamous admin Kevin decided to take down after being told off by someone or just having some stroke of paranoia. Either way, as long as Batsu flourished I only used TW for downloads and once that forum started declining and I simultaneously had some harsh encounters over there I went into lurker mode for several years. I decided to make my comeback only in 2012 at the insistence of other members here ( @Biopanda and @allisapp) and started hanging out regularly in the chat primarily, which is why I'm sure I'm most familiar to the chatbox crew. 


    All things considered, those years when the chat had it's most intense activity, were truly great. Like @Disposablesaid, it was a short (I think less than two years?) but very intense period and so many things passed by. There was the DemonAndroid drama involving his many cousins of unknown provenance who always seemed to provide "legit" (read: Youtube) rips of wanted CDs. Then in the end when his transcodes got banned all he could do was ask people to come upstairs.


    I remember the guy from Colombia who hung out for like two weeks and talked about trains and raping corpses. It was a strange little parenthesis but I remember it well for some reason.


    There was drama back and forth with Ryu/DarkWater/tons of other alt accounts, long speculations and teasing about what sai actually looks like, discussions about angura rarez in the old old Skype chat that caused Prism to ban me and a bunch of my friends... Zess and his ever shorter username. I'm sure there's more but it takes time to remember everything.


    There have been differences in opinion between how a forum is best run to be sure between myself and some of the staff, culminating in the revolt and finally break which I helped facilitate. But ultimately I think this forum gained a lot from that event. Just like the protestant reformation forced much needed changes to the catholic church, this place underwent a lot of changes for the better after that and I can honestly say right now that I'm quite happy with the way things are. I've met a lot of amazing people here and I can honestly say that it really has changed my life for the better. If anyone still have hard feelings from those days, I hope we can move on and hopefully face the coming years as a community.


  8. Förresten, om du har möjlighet så PM:a gärna din Facebook till mig, försöker få igång en grupp för de rester som finns kvar av  folk intresserade av J-rock här i Sverige. Det går lite trögt än så länge men har också haft lite begränsat med tid att få igång något.

  9. They need to find a new niche to rip off. I bet after they disband they'll come back wearing over-sized knit shirts and play mediocre shoegaze. I don't think there's any moderately popular Plastic Tree rip-offs yet.


    Or they'll just do like that other new band and simply steal the name of an old band (Lamiel -> ラミエル, was it?) and play lackluster neo-vk. God knows we don't have enough bands who play generic-core with badly implemented synthesizers. 

  10. Using a "he shouldn't behave like that" excuse makes me think of the courts where they ask rape victims what they wore at the time.


    Let's not be so accepting of cultural differences that we try to relativize this kind of brutal and medieval laws. These countries who enforce sharia law should be condemned internationally but for some reason they always slip through the cracks. It's as if we don't expect them to be able to live up to the same standards of human rights as "white" countries. Sad and unacceptable. 

  11. From the list I choose D'espairsRay although if there were a MUCC (1997-2004) option i would've had a hard time choosing. 


    My dream is a vk band that can fuse the raw despair and occasional quirks of the old MUCC sound with the refined somewhat frail darkness of emmuree combined with the atmosphere of old burzum or other mid-tempo Black Metal. Throw in some shoegazing reverb for good measure. Please give me that for 2017.

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