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Status Updates posted by lichtlune

  1. How do you guys recommend moving/backing up nearly 9000 songs? I'm terrified of losing my library if I don't find a way to move them. 

    1. DarkPaladin


      If you want to spend some money on a backup program I can recommend Acronis True Image. It does not copy every single song one by one. Instead it makes of the whole hard drive and image-file. I'm using it for more than one year and I'm still satisfied with it.

    2. Owl


      External HDD. They've become pretty capacious, several TBs will be enough.

      But the problem is copying time.

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      no need to spend money on a backup program, just use crashplan It's free for local and network backups and works great. It's what I use to periodically backup my music collection to my external HDD.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  2. I absolutely adore the new David stuff. 😍

  3. I can't stop accidentally tagging people on facebook! Damn touch screens. Whatever I'll just be known as the creepy tag guy. 

  4. I don't know if this is as slick and easy to look at as the old layout... 

  5. I don't remember your username on discord. I can't find you.

    1. lichtlune


      Give me the 4 digit # after your username. 


  6. I feel like Kaya totally ripped off Je Te Veux on "背徳のシナリオ" Anybody else hearing it? 

    1. lichtlune


      I forgot it's a cover of another song but even the original doesn't have that part that is so obviously taken from Je Te Veux by Malice Mizer. 

    2. Egnirys cimredopyh

      Egnirys cimredopyh

      Lol you are right the intro is basically the same

    3. Biopanda


      That version was arranged by Kozi, so I guess he was just feeling lazy that day lol

  7. I hate when this shit "ŠqƒCS‘Ÿ" happens to my tags -__-

  8. I have a new found love. G-Schmitt.

    1. saishuu


      you mean my Canadian husband?



  9. I hope DIMLIM releases a full album of songs like Vanitas. 

  10. I hope we get a lot of great new projects this year because it seems there aren't a lot of good bands left. 

  11. I hope まみれた(Mamireta) sticks around for a long time. They have a lot of potential imo. Rarely do I say that about new bands like this. 

  12. I just realized the guy in your profile pic is a neo-nazi and your cover photo is also nazi related. Big Yikes birthday boy. 😂

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Yeah it's not like anyone who posted here has any say on finnish culture or memes or anything of the sort when no one can even speak the language enough to know that this is a local celebrity who was a fortune teller, an alcoholic satanist and generally a joke and a meme to this day due to his appearances on public television. Imagine if I went googling some completely obscure Kenyan figure and then went on telling people how to feel about it.  

    3. lichtlune


      Okay so you're not a nazi. Just making sure. Happy birthday bro! Though there was that time you called for the eradication of all jews in the Naziploitation in Visual-kei thread. Just a (((joke))) I know. ;) Jk. 

    4. Zeus


      cut the bullshit everyone.

      @Disposable has had this avatar for as long as I've known him and for as long as many of you have too. He probably has had the header photo for just as long. No one noticed any nazi connections until just today, and now people are getting indignant as if you knew all along? are you fucking serious?

      no but like are you fucking serious? cut the public shaming.

      maybe you can assassinate character everywhere else on the internet where you can still remain relatively anonymous without fear of repercussions, but not here. not as long as my name is green. use your brains people. disposable has been nothing but a good member on the forum and he has contributed far more to MH than 95% of the people reading this update. sometimes he is polemic but this is the internet, who is not? he has more than explained himself, he has not spouted nazi and/or pedo gibberish like some troublesome incel trolls we have had in the past, and i know disposable on a personal level better than most of you do. the staff is fine with both the profile picture and the banner. you see one nazi symbol and a meme and suddenly that erases 8+ years of activity? getting to know people on this forum actually means something. life is not so cut and dry. people are not so easily reduced to 140 character text bytes. learn to see the grays between the black and white.

      some of you in here got twitter fingers like you're gonna go off and actually do something about it. you don't even have the ban hammer at your disposal. use the moderator function or send a PM next time if something bothers you.

      and I told you people to also keep politics off this site. continue to categorize people into political parties and i will start jettisoning people off the site. try me.

    5. Show next comments  9 more
  13. I love your cover photo! I didn't know you could do gifs... woah.

    1. colorful人生


      Haha, I made sure to find out all the new stuff w/ this forum. As long as the gif is under a certain amount of kbs it'll display.

      Pixelated gifs seem to work the best in HD.

  14. I really like Hitomi's solo work It's the perfect chill music. 

  15. I wanna have another singing contest here and be the very best like no one ever was. 

    1. 123Sandman321


      Wasn't there only one submission, last time? :D


      I'd be down, tho. Would be fun

    2. lichtlune


      Nope there was a lot of submissions with multiple rounds in 2015. :D 


    3. 123Sandman321


      Oooh, nice :D

  16. I wish love wasn't some some far off impossible fantasy. I want someone to kiss and cuddle god dammit. -.-

  17. I wish there was a way to change my stupid username on last.fm. I don't wanna lose my scrobbles though. 

    1. Alkaloid


      Same. Mine is so cringey lol

    2. saishuu


      lmao mine is trash as well but I'm used to it at this point

    3. lichtlune


      Mine is MiseryAndMalice. I made it Back when I was super kvlt 2edgy4U. (It used to be MaliceAndMisery which rolls off the tongue better but I was banned.) I got the name from malice mizer.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  18. I'm probably moving to colorado some time next year from texas. Any of you guys from around there? 

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      No, but I also just moved to Colorado a month ago!

    2. lichtlune


      Awesome! Nothing is set in stone yet but it sounds very likely at this point that I'll end up there soon. :)

  19. I'm really sad Lament. stopped doing music. They were one of the best visual kei bands around imo.

    1. Zeus


      when did this happen?

    2. lichtlune



      Oh I guess it's temporary for some reason I was thinking they disbanded. Maybe they'll be back soon. 

    3. BrenGun


      I went to lives in Tokyo and they only had a handful of fans who came to (almost) every gig.


      But hopefully both will be on stage together again.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  20. Is there a way to hide a user's posts if I don't want to see them?

    1. Komorebi


      Just mentally ignore them then?

    2. lichtlune


      I'm really bad at that but I'll try my darndest. 

    3. Komorebi


      So am I. I just love Facebook's "block" option.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  21. It seems like Madame Edwarda deleted their entire youtube channel or somethign? Don't see their videos anymore. 

    1. Jigsaw9


      You're right, can't find them either... strange.

  22. It's almost 2018. I wish Moi Dix Mois would give an update on that album. They're truly missed... 

  23. KAMIJO needs an artist page but I'm too lazy to make one right now. I need general thoughts on "SANG" come on I don't even know if you guys liked it or not. There's been like no discussion about it whatsoever lol 

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I liked a couple of songs on it. The first real track and I think SANG I were my two favorites, and I liked the lareine-ish song on in the middle. That being said: too many SE interludes and I'm ready for him to do something else thematically. 


      I haven't listened to it a ton because I'm waiting to be able to stream it / buy it on iTunes, but kammykams isn't putting it up anywhere digitally.

    2. lichtlune


      Ahh I really liked Theme of Sang, Vampire Rock Star, Mystery, and Sang II the most I think. 

  24. Kamijo's Eye of Providence is not that good :( I could deal with his english on sang but I would rather him sing from Japanese again from not on out and quit the gimmicks... 

    1. Egnirys cimredopyh

      Egnirys cimredopyh

      Agree... i found the song itself generic too, the chorus kinda saves it for me and ecstasy is just lame lol

    2. seikun


      I'm listening to it on YT. I wish Kamijo relied more on guitars and bass and not so much on those cheap synthetic symphonic sounds. They're exhausting after a time and they don't really add quality to his music.

      Japanese has its charm; no need for English; even less if he can't pronounce it decently. Part of the charm in listening to Japanese music is the language itself.

  25. Kamijo's voice is really good on the live dvd!! wow

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