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Status Updates posted by lichtlune

  1. I want money for plastic surgery :c I need to start working as soon as possible!

  2. Lament. Really is underrated. Been listening to their "The Unvarnished Truth" release, too good.

    1. Elazmus


      I'm gonna listen to them today too :]

    2. pinkmakona


      They are sooooo good.

    3. Show next comments  6 more
  3. Lucifer's Underground is so under appreciated. Their mini is easily the best thing I've heard all year.

  4. Our clan's blood will non stop forever!

  5. The beginning of Megaromania's "phantom to the past" sounds sneakily similar to "??夜曲~悲愴~" by Raphael

  6. The rainbow is taking over here too? We're all going to die!

  7. These new Licht:noir'e songs are leagues above the rest. I can't wait to finish this album and show you all! It's got all the old school vk vibes you would want to hear.

    1. Tetora


      I never heard any, but good job actually creating something, tons of musical people with potential who never take that step forward. Even if people talk smack or you start to doubt yourself, you are on the right path.

    2. Naaaaani


      Kvlt bandname, btw

    3. lichtlune


      Thanks guys! :D

  8. This DEZERT album is actually sounding pretty good so far. o.o

  9. What is mikaru doing these days?

  10. Who needs facebook when you have MH <3

    1. Seimeisen


      I don't like Facebook either, the chat interface is god awful.

    2. plastic_rainbow


      facebook sucks in general

    3. nick
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  11. Why hasn't anyone reviewed dadaroma's album yet? I want to know how you guys feel about it.

    1. blackdoll
    2. CAT5


      Elazmus is on it!

    3. togz


      I just realized I haven't even listened to it yet. TIME TO DO THAT NOW

  12. ザアザア(xaa-xaa) Pretty good band!

  13. No one ever told me that ai from Deathgaze's project was this good. Listening to the Despair single now.

    1. Komorebi


      It's really good actually.

    2. Mamo


      Oh sorry you missed out but at least you're catching it now.

    3. nekkichi


      i lowkey like it, this is rly good

  14. 2020 Elections can't come soon enough... 

  15. Art Cube always underappreciated legends imo. 

    1. saiko



  16. Back from Germany. :tw_grin:

  17. Diaura and La'veil Mizeria this week. Are we back in the 90s? 😂

  18. Dude you're coming straight for Florida I see u. 

    1. CAT5


      @doombox- Apologies, our meetup wasn't supposed to happen this way!

    2. doombox


      Too late to tell you to turn back now? X"D

  19. fuck nazis ☠️

    1. nomemorial
    2. sleepy coffee
    3. saishuu


      be careful because some people here think we have to "understand their side" and "respect their opinions" because free speech

  20. gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy just gets more and more addicting the more I listen to them. 

    1. anadentone


      any good recommendations? :D

    2. Tokage


      'in incontinence' is actually one of my japanese aoty so far, real nice shit

    3. lichtlune



  21. Glamscure is just too good. :rawk:

  22. Got fired today. Thinking about going back to school again. It's not really worth it to be talked down to and have your work shit on constantly for 10$ an hour anyway. Buh bye

    1. Himeaimichu


      I hope things go well for you. Just keep your head up and don't ever look back 

    2. K-x-H


      oh my, thats so sad that you got fired from your job but, i hope things went well dear, don't give up. ^^

    3. efuru


      Go back to school! YAAS~

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  23. Happy Birthday! 

    1. rebelstrik


      thanks licht :)

  24. Hope our German bro's are staying safe. :o

  25. How are you guys liking new Schwarz Stein stuff? My favorite songs -  Forest of Paralysis and Wachtraum. 



      I'm actually disappointed by Immortal Verses. I think it's only marginally better than Recurrence Of Hallucination because even though we get five "new" songs, they still sound recycled and partly copied & pasted from older SS or Hora's solo material 😔 Also, Kaya is a great singer but the vocals sound a little strange in the mix at times. Vocals should never invoke the image of "guy in small room singing loudly into a mic", at least not with such persistence as is the case with this mini. Where's Schwarz Stein's ethereal vibe? It's like they lost touch with themselves. Wachtraum is the only song I didn't want to skip on first listen 😕 


      Hora's RESONANT on the other hand really surprised me. I was expecting the same old but he actually seems to have progressed a little sonically with this one. It's a very somber, moody, and atmospheric album. He seems to have borrowed a little from movie soundtracks and put his own spin on it which I really like (I was getting strong Disasterpiece ["It follows" soundtrack] vibes for example).

    2. lichtlune


      I kind of agree with you. My girlfriend is a big fan and didn't seem to be blown away either.  I agree about the mixing and everything. I don't feel like this album really makes up for the awful Kaya solo singles we've dealt with recently. 😔


      I'll give hora's new album a try tomorrow. 

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