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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. On 17/09/2016 at 9:38 PM, Komorebi said:

    I agree on the "rarities collection" stuff. Morrigan's new album is a joke. And I hate that when I complained about it other fans told me "but it's the trend now, all new VK bands are doing it". So if the other bands start eating shit they have to eat shit too?? 


    Thing is, that ain't no new trend. It always happened, and will always happen. Even the big dogs did it sometime in their career, Dir en Grey did, miyavi did, Gackt did, tons nobodies on Morrigan's level do all the time... I'm genuinely surprised about 'Tranquilizers' backlash, there like five other bands doing the same and people seem fine with that

  2. They are kinda hit or miss for me, I really like ハナムケノウタ, それでもボクらは今を生きる and ちっぽけなプライド, but couldn't relate to any other song... Satoru's voice has a really emotional tone, it's like he gives a drama flavor to their songs just because he can, I really like that

  3. 15 minutes ago, hiroki said:


    i'll probably be crucified by people here for saying this, but when it comes to lolita23q i'm on #teamsoshi XD


    still happy to see sou back though, he's been gone for too long since lemming disbanded


    Team Soshi REPORTING IN!


    As long as they keep the style they had during soshi era, I'm fine with that. From Sou, I could never get into anything released before Hoshi no Kakera and his voice is so nasal it annoys me from time to time, but let's see how he's doing now

  4. 14 hours ago, jon_jonz said:

    Artistically, I mean.


    Like, whoever wins the auction can make them release whatever kind of music pleases the winner and shit like that?


    The only thing that means is that the person now owns the brand "Kuroyume", its iterations and every intelectual property released so far. if Kyoharu and co. would someday do a reunion tour to play the classics, they would need to get its owner permission to act under the name and play said songs; If they ever want to release new shit under the name, they would have to ask permission aswell, and so on. That also means that if the owner wanna get some random musicians and say that's the new Kuroyume and release sugar pop music, it's his call.

  5. 45 minutes ago, inartistic said:

    So it seems like the copyrights are being auctioned by the government, rather than by the band/label. In that case, none of the profits will go to the band or toward their debts, if such debts exist. (Please correct me if I'm wrong!)


    This at least explains why the minimum price is a paltry $500―I imagine the band could make that kind of money just by selling cheki for a week.


    I wonder if KIYOHARU even knows about this?




    Edit: I also notice that the posting is by the Tokyo Regional Tax Bureau. Does that mean the rights only apply to Tokyo? Maybe someone can shed some light on how Japan's copyright laws work in that regard.


    Generally, there are 3 types of auction of this kind:


    Something valuable (physical or intelectual, which is the case), is given as guarantee of a loan, leasing or financial operation. If the deal is not honored, the loaner (usually bank institutions) seize that something valuable and auction to reduce their losses. I believe this is the American mortgage model, right? - does not seems to be the case;


    The owner (let's say Kyoharu) of something valuable has several taxes/loans debts related/attached to this valuable thing. Trying to get rid of this debt, he sells this possession waaaaay below its market value to compensate the debts the new owner will be assuming - also does not seems to be the case, since this kind of auction is generally done by the owner before he is seized;


    The government ALREADY seized the something valuable that is chock-full of taxes debts, and its auctioning to get some of this money and because it does not have any use to it. It may or may not come clear of past taxes to be paid, that depends. The value is low because that's how govern departments operates, you can check your local DMV for seized cars being auctioned at 60%, 65% below market cost - This seems to be the case, since its already a financial govern department hosting the auction...


    In any way, Kyoharu is probably fucked, and some major label will probably buy those rights and shell out at least one best album for year till eternity, from now on


  6. 51 minutes ago, Deathtopi4 said:

    Multiple versions of CDs with different songs on them irritate me so much. Like, make as many versions as you want with different bonus DVDs or whatever else, I don't really care, but there should always be one version of the album available to buy that has ALL the songs from the release on it. That's all I ask lol. Also, kinda the same thing but putting out Itunes versions of the releases that don't have all the songs on them. Like I'll probably buy something right off the bat from Itunes if it's got all the songs, but if it's missing a song or two I'll likely just pass it up and wait until I have the money for a physical copy with every song. And since currently I'm pretty much just buying digital releases to save some money, that's probably going to be long wait >.<


    This is the real bullcrap. I understand that It's their way of surviving, making whale fans spend much more than they should on a couple of songs, but it's bullcrap anyways.

  7. 1 minute ago, kareta-uta said:


    Correct me if I'm wrong but Masashi writes that he doesn't see a future (for this band) anymore after 3 years of band activity. He lost his motivation to continue going and doesn't want to give lives without completely enjoying it.

    The others didn't mention any reasons just said that it's not due to musical differences and that they are still good friends. So I think it's really because they couldn't gain more fans...


    I can understand his point... It's a shame that bands are barely able to survive in such a unstable and small scene that is vk. You either go big fast or you will forever stay in the same place. FeelsBadMan

  8. what the flying fuck, man... any specific reason given? here we go again, losing another band that could actually release good music ending so sudden... Masashi NEEDS to be in a new band, the world can't lose that voice

  9. This one should shock absolute no one, they're around like forever, constantly dishing out awesome songs and never seemed to hit big... Even western people didn't really dig much their sound... I honestly believe they've only lasted so long cuz MANJ wouldn't call its quits, which is freaking sad, their discography is full of gems, Tora was a monster, Brilliant force a damn good album (a re-recording of this album would be so amazing), and Ryuga can definitely hold his own


    Really hope at least MANJ stays in the scene

  10. 5 hours ago, Disposable said:

    Two things


    Reality:  The upcoming Morrigan album is a good example. Any sort of romantic ideal you might have in your head about these guys just going out there to express themselves in sexy angry music and nais hairs and heavy makeup crumbles down when bands pull shit like this. Really releasing an album that's essentially a compilation shows a complete lack of vision, ambition and concern for their own image and legacy. The curtain has been pulled back and the money grubbing hackery is exposed in clear daylight. The profit margin unfortunately is part and parcel of visual kei, and it works to the scene's detriment. 



    I actually find that same thing one of the best things in japanese music overall... Western bands usually releases one album every two, three years, even more. Then go on releasing singles for the songs on that album for quite a long time. Japanese bands do just the opposite. It's good for the fans who will always something new to listen every few months, bands can make a living for that period, and the full album is nothing more than the state the band is now. After that, the cycle starts all over. If they did like the west (Album first, then capitalize on the singles) would be pretty much pointless, since they usually offer a new b-side track, while western bands rarely do so

  11. 2 hours ago, allisapp said:

     Yeah... tbh, I still haven't been brave enough to listen to the last album. 8(

    1 hour ago, doombox said:

    Awww but gene was really well done though. Even if you only listened to the songs with K you'd still get half the album. Even though the song with Taka makes me cry every time.



    Yeah, please do listen to it! most of the songs are absolutely great and you can really see how K improved lyric-wise. it's him at his prime. it makes you realize how the future was shaping up brilliantly for those guys. sad indeed...

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