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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. 41 minutes ago, emmny said:

    speaking for myself as a vk reviewer, i don't like to see lists overcome by vk. im regurgitating someone's else's post from here from a while ago (sorry) but vk makes a very, very small part of the japanese music scene--its just very over represented on this forum because of how much we all love vk (for the most part). so most of the readers on the post most likely are keeping up with a fair bit of vk--i only chose to feature songs that i find are worth of the feature. there was a lot of vk released this month, but i only write about work that inspires me. the new lack co was good, but not mind blowing, the dalle was good too but i wasnt insane about it. thats my personal ethos on reviews, im not here to spam with all the vk that even vaguely tickled my fancy, but rather stuff that deserves a second look or more praise--because as seen in the polls, most of the users already are familiar with my picks. this is why we need a great indie contribution, and why im so happy to have cat5 back. vk is over represented but is still underground--there's so much else to cover in pop, electronic, metal, post-hardcore etc, and that should take the majority of the coverage in my ideal world. you should be turned on to stuff you might not listen to, and my reviews are oriented especially towards pushing vk onto people who might not usually like it.

    this isn't directed at you, wes, or anyone else on the team. everyone's contributions are amazing, vk or not vk. i think the key to a great recommended list is a blend of sounds that you know you like and some stuff that you might not listen to had you not read the review. this is mostly to encourage whoever's reading this messy blurb to listen outside of their tastes, and why i keep my reviews to three vk songs unless i feel there needs to be a greater presence.

    i read all of your responses, and its especially lovely when i see people who are predominantly j-indie fans turned onto a visual song, or when i see someone who looks like a die-hard visual stan enjoying, say, the novembers. thats the whole point of this list, in my own opinion.


    Oh, just to make myself clear, what I said was hardly a criticism, just an overall observation!


    And I absolutely agree with you, the best part of the recommended tracks (and the mix tape trade-offs too) is to get to know stuff I don't usually follow... I tend to focus on VK bands mainly out of habit, but I love when non vk bands spark my attention, got some real new faves by following people's recommendations!


    And yeah, I even mentioned on my comments, this was really an slow month for vk in general, few releases worth mentioning... (even one of the recommended tracks is from august, lol)


  2. 1 hour ago, beni said:


    Best typo I have ever seen. X'D Glad to see someone else agrees! I'd miss them doing Japanese though, for sure. It was great to see you again as a guest by the way, great job!


    LOOOOOL, more a misread than a mistype, I was pretty sure that was actually their name!


    And I'm not even gonna correct it, that's totally their name now, as far as I'm concerned! xD

  3. If any of you is looking for a fine Metroidvania, you can't go wrong with Ghost 1.0! What a nice little game, from the same creator of UnEpic (which if you are not familiar with, PLEASE open your steam client right now!)


    Nice story, fun dialogues, tight gameplay and a fair price for about 10~15 hours of content!

  4. yay! glad to be part again! This was hardly a VK month for the reviewers, huh?


    And apparently I'm missing some nice tunes... this "I don't like monkeys" band should absolutely ditch japanese and fully embrace english, cuz they are onto something right with their music!


    Really enjoyed "Sunshine Freeway" too, I wonder what a good vocal could do for them, cuz their sound is TIGHT!

  5. one thing people fail to realize is that people fuck up, people will always fuck up. He will face the consequences of his act, but other people going out of their way just to make his life more miserable tells me more about them then what Kisaki did. Guess what I'm trying to say is that he (and any person who fucks up somehow) WILL face consequences and is probably in a pretty shitty state right now, for other people who has nothing to do with it to go on and be mean, makes you no better person than him

  6. Lycaon = overhyped band that has more bad songs than good ones. I'll give you that when they hit it is GOOD, but no soooo better than several other bands that doesn't get half of the acknowledgement;


    Can't understand the appeal behind Kiryu. Really tried to like it, but it is not for me, I guess. If I want classic japanese infused-VK, I'd spin some Kagrra,;


    I think visuals impair a lot of bands from shining on. Yeah, the V part on VK gets more in the way than help it. I can't shake the feeling that bands like xTRiPx, Develop One's Faculties, yazzmad, DIV could go/have gone a long way if they drop/had dropped the act;

  7. Just finished Pony Island, and what a nice little meta breaking game! More or less 01:30h  of gameplay, full of funny and creepy moments, a really unique experience! Saying anything else would be a spoiler, so if you can, check it out!



    17 minutes ago, peffy said:

    Corpse Party - Also one for the backlog, because after I bought it, I realized that it requires you to know what the hell happened in the previous 2 games. Guess I'll have to read some plot summaries. I just bought it on impulse because it was on sale and it is totally normal to want to see gruesome bloody anime death horror and don't worry it's totally not going to cause deep psychological trauma haha nope.


    I have to check Corpse Party aswell, heard some interesting things about it! let us know if it's any worth later!



  8. I've started a playthrough of Danganronpa cuz I saw praise everywhere, everyone saying really nice things about it, but to be quite honest, so far I found it pretty... retarded, to say the least.


    Really, a bunch of stereotypical looking characters with their stereotypical personalities acting all weird and a lame ass teddy bear acting stupid, with little to no gameplay or player agency, with thousands of unnecessary steps just to get anywhere in the story...


    I know what a visual novel is supposed to be, but I was expecting something more like 999, Zero Time Dilemma, or even battle royale vibes... I think this is too "japanese" for me, if you get what I'm saying.


    point is, the story really gets any better? Is it worthy to keep playing?

  9. On 18/09/2016 at 10:44 PM, ricchubunny said:

    You guys are really weird. LOL 

    What make you guys think that he wont come back in a band? For me it was really clear that they'd form a new bad soon... It takes some time ya know?

    I have some VK bandman friends and they told me that after you disband/leave a band you have to wait at least 1 year to enter in a band again, probably that's what happened to them as well.

    I'm pretty sure its a new band and i hope they have all Lycaon members on that <3 


    Could you elaborate on that? Why a year? Contract issues, for fanbase reasons? Cuz it's pretty common for bandman that are active on the scene to annouce new projects 4, 6 months after disbandment

  10. Does anyone knows if Maru (ex-bis) is involved in any band activities, sessions, producing, stuff like that? The last I heard about him was when he hanged with guys from a band called Toga, and it was a quite while ago...


    The same question about Yoshito (ex-xTRiPx) Anything on him? any news music related besides that Yoshito with Speed Disk All-Stars session back in january?

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