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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. Man, I love everything about this. From the incredible beautiful lyrics to all you insightful notes, thank you @hiroki, u're a GOD! that's gotta be one of the best lyrics translation I've seen around!


    What I love the most is that those lyrics can be easily related to any ordinary unfulfilled love story we have in our lifes, the "I don’t want to catch sight of your delighted face." felt like being shot down, lol


    Masashi is the king... really hopeing he doesn't quit music!


    thank you again!

  2. 1 hour ago, hiroki said:

    If anyone wants to order stuff from FoLLoW's webshop you should probably do it soon! They have already shut down their official LINE account and I won't be surprised if their webshop closes soon. I think @echo got their last T-shirt haha :D


    @chemicalpictures I'll translate the lyrics soon. It's one of my favorite FoLLoW's songs as well T__________T


    yay, looking forward!

  3. On 09/10/2016 at 0:05 PM, echo said:

    Like,  I've never been so touched by a ballad before. 人魚姫 pretty much destroyed me. No joke.  


    That's a fucking beautiful song indeed. Does any of you guys know what its lyrics are about?

  4. Yoooo!


    I was in a GAKIDO throwback these days, and I've noticed how their little harmonica gimmicky is a nice touch, specially in Cinderella:



    They even do it live:



    earlier miyavi it aswell:



    Kra did too:



    I'm looking for moar harmonica infused VK, if you happen to know any other song, please share!



  5. 8 hours ago, fitear1590 said:

    @chemicalpictures - I was a Dhalis fan back in the day and you can still hear moments of it in ZON, even though they've amped up heaviness and production value. I need to look into them!


    Please do! they have yet to release a bad single in my books, so there's a few great songs to look out there!


    Spending more time with this list, found two other favorites:


    @togzOh my god, what's that downy song? fancy guitarwork, vocals making it atmosphere-heavy, I miss having overlooked them for so long, the best on the album for sure! I was looking on other ppl opinions about them on the forum, guess I have to check the 5th album now.


    @beni Someday's Gone has a catchy little song there! cute lyrics, nice punching bass, overall feel good song! While indeed his pronunciation could use some work, I find his voice quite pleasant nonetheless. looking forward that album!



  6. ugh...


    How can them they drop a sick tune like Smells Like Virgin Spirit, and then a boring, lame-ass song like this? Just like they did with the awesome BLACK, followed by uninspired singles just to keep the cash flow going... Hope the rest of the mini makes up for it

  7. got dragged back into FTL:AE. No game can make one scream FUCK YOU, GAME. Like FTL. Good times;

    Will be playing the hell of Overwatch to get those sweet skins;

    Deciding if the new RotTR DLC is worth looking into. Anyone got it already?

    First 30 hours of Divinity: Original Sin are quite good, but the lack of guidance on quests can make you feel a little lost sometimes;

    Will start Mirror's Edge Catalyst ASAP! Loved the first one!

  8. fuck. I knew this was coming sooner rather than later, as his health conditions deteriorated so fast they had to end activities again all of a sudden, but nothing can really prepare you, I guess. BBS was absolutely huge in my heart and it pains me to see him going away so young. A fucking fighter, he was. I really hope their legacy is cherished for years to come.


    "Time and space enfolds you
    When the light has found you"

  9. On 09/10/2016 at 7:31 PM, Furik said:

    Song fucking sucks. Kei and Ryo need to STOP tarnishing the Baroque name. 


    Only good thing about it is that at least it sounds like their last album which was sug life/silk tree part 2. 


    That's kinda funny, since baroque was always about kei and ryo... That's like saying Dir en Grey is tarnishing their name because they do not sound like Gauze anymore...


    3 hours ago, madygrain said:


    I agree with the first statement.


    About the second one, sug life had a much more interesting harder rock layer to it. The band lost that when Akira left and Bansaku returned to his planet as showed by Silk Tree and Planetary Secret wich are the bulletprints for the sound they are reproducing now. They can do some nice stuff but I think it hardly has anything to do with baroque's previous legacy. 


    I find it telling that they are not confident enough in their worj to let go of the baroque brand.


    While I do agree that they current work would absolutely fit better under kannivalism name, I think this is the classic case of a musician changing style/direction to something the fanbase don't really approves. Taking Sug Life as an example, which we'll all agree it's their most acclaimed work, from the 10 non-SE songs, 7 are kei's compositions. there's also koma, uta, cherry king, gakidou... While Akira do have it fair share of credit on their earlier works, sucessful baroque arguably has always followed kei musical guidance...


    And I don't think that kannivalism wasn't doing well enough so they had to or needed to revive brq. Major distribution, good charts on oricon, 2500+ concerts...  I guess in the end they probably shouldn't have revived brq anyway, but with bansaku and akira jumping boat and yuchi in sukekyo, guess they decided to salvage what they could in a shitty situation

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