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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. Dragon Ash new single "光りの街" will be released on 2016.11.09 in two types:


    CD only tracklist (1,000+tax):



    limited edition CD+DVD (1,980+ tax):



    DVD tracklist (live footage from The Lives at 石巻 Blue Resistance 2016.4.24):

    1.Art of Delta
    2.House of Velocity
    3.Run to the Sun
    4.Blow Your Mind
    5.For divers area
    12.The Live



  2. God damn that DAI and 9GBO videos are beautiful!


    I love Ruvie's good day, good night:



    Temari giving every little bit of himself after  30 songs is simply beautiful


    I couldn't find kannivalism's complete performance of "love" on youtube, but small world is a beauty too:



    This performance of Rainy is a fuckin classic, but they have other renditions of Rainy equally beautiful too:



    Non VK:



    This one is particularly good to me because I'm part of its story. TDCC were nobodies back in the days. they were doing one of their first concerts out of Ireland, and there's a site known as 'queremos', which basically crowdfunds concerts when there's demand for a band, but no money. the crowdfunding was a success and they came to Rio. it was fucking WILD. Alex (the vocalist) reaction in this video is priceless, he said in a MC they had no idea we knew them, even less that they would have that kind of welcoming. they played their entire album, some unreleased songs, and even a strokes cover just for the sake of it, when they went down to mosh with the public, called everyone to go on stage and mosh jump.... it was the best fuckin concert I've ever attended to, in the end was a freaking party... few years later, in a interview to an UK magazine I believe, they said it was the best freaking concert of their lives. Unforgettable for us too!

  3. 11 hours ago, -NOVA- said:

    I must admit i am a little disappointed that they didnt play a lot of their main tracks:



    I do like the setlist but it feels a bit empty since it is their last live and they didn't play most of their well known songs


    yeah, no burst forth, ray of light in the darkness, baby star aswell... kinda underwhelming indeed

  4. sweet list, guys!


    @benigod damn THANK YOU for bringing new Nakata music to my attention! I'm spinning this track like crazy, it is SO GOOD! Nice to see Nakata collaborating with male voices for a change! freaking great!


    @doombox first time listening to abstracts, now I gotta dig through their stuff! great harsh vocals, on point guitar lines, scratching my djenty itch on the right spot! that oral cigarettes is SWEET too!


    @hirokithat's some catchy tune by Blu-BiLLioN! I too feel Mike's vocals have evolved from his riotts days, he is much more "inside the range" he should be, if you get what I mean. He used to be a bit off when going high pitch, and now it just feels right!


    TBS tracks makes me wanna catch back with their catalog, havent listened to them since the first few singles, and seems I'm missing some good stuff.... Mejibray, Sioux, siraph tracks are real solid aswell!

  5. 3 minutes ago, DarkWater said:


    90s kids: B'z

    00s kids: Bump of Chicken

    10s kids: ONE OK ROCK


    still that XD


    But that's not the answer I'm looking for. I'm not looking for a demographic, I want a broader, 2016 view of what is trending RIGHT NOW. The band that is arguably, in the general consensus, the biggest act right now, if possible, with some numbers backing up the claim


    and who are 10s kids? people born from 2010 on? what does that mean?

  6. Just now, plastic_rainbow said:

    not good evidence, but every time i ask a japanese person their favorite japanese band they usually say bump of chicken.


    Yeah, I wish I could find numbers to back that up, but I do think that by today's standards, are either them or RADWIMPS; I don't think B'z is still on their prime or OOK has reached that nirvana yet.

  7. I guess I didn't quite explain what I meant. With nowadays, I meant what is huge TODAY, with the public in general, not rock fans or young people or smth. bands that everyone knows, that are constanly hitting top 10 oricon charts in recent years, the salarymen knows, the waiter knows, the student knows. Always on the TV, and not only living on past sucesses, without any new hit in a while or so... This kind of band. Think Metallica or Coldplay or Foo Fighters eastern equivalent, but would be better if backed up by numbers

  8. Hey guys!


    I was wondering if anyone is able to provide an insight on what's the biggest rock thing in japan nowadays... I was thinking on hard evidence like popularity among regular peers, cd and concert sales numbers, tv show appearances, stuff like that, but since I can't read japanese I don't have the means to do a numbers research on the matter... I believe it's probably something like RADWIMPS, sakanaction, Bump of Chicken, B'z... but if any of you have more solid info on the matter and are willing to share, please do so!

  9. Would love to play Rule of Rose, even got it from the bargain bin back in the days, but I shit my pants with games like that... Only kind of horror game I can play are those who give me plenty of ways to kick baddies ass, lol


    Currently playing MIrror's Edge Catalyst and finding it pretty underwhelming. The open world is bland as bland can be, does not add anything to the game... The mission based first game worked so much better...

  10. 24 minutes ago, Danao said:


    This is actually what is called being a real fan, spending the money that needs to be spent on live limited etc, just to be able to listen to songs from their favorite artists, and not just saying like many people "OMFG I need this so much in my life" then buying nothing at all, not even regular releases nor iTunes releases that costs nothing.


    So being a real fan means accepting being robbed by scalpers? lmao

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