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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. Finally playing Rise of the Tomb Raider, and it's fucking good, as expected. Tomb Raider 2013 was my GOTY, and this is equally good so far. I really love this new Lara, it's good to see a reboot being so masterfully well done like this. Highly recommended!


    And as an interesting fact, the motion capture and face modeling is hauntingly real in this one. Really, anyone who is familiar with Grey's Anatomy Jo Wilson or Camilla Luddington's work will be creeped out by how Lara IS Camilla, with every small talking trait or how she shakes her head or squint her eyes when in an argument, stuff like this. It's like you know all those traits, but the face is different and you're kinda confused, lol. What a time we live in



  2. 2 hours ago, tetsu_sama69 said:

    Wait a minute... slow down now. Should anyone really be touching this?


    Nope, they should not. Make a new band with the same members and another vocalist, whatever, but don't just find a new one for PTP, that's fucked up


    But I don't think they'll do that, the announcement is probably some tribute live with the guys from gene, or a new best album, dvd or something like that

  3. Absolutely normal and expected reactions... VK is fuckin weird, we all have weird tastes around here, is to be expected of someone who never got in touch with the culture to find it aswell. Hell, I know the scene for 15+ years and I still can't see the appeal of gruesome stuff like Insanity Injection shit...


    More than one commented on the visuals being interested, while not enjoying the sound, and other two or three commented that they like that vk can cover a wide genre of music, and maybe they could find something fitting for their tastes....


    Also, the one who liked it is Jake from vsauce3, one of the best channels in youtube. I was pretty sure he would be interested as tought provoking topics is kinda his thing


    Pretty nice video overall, could have used a better selection of music, tho

  4. Just now, Alkaloid said:

    kaname seems to have composed a lot of their stuff!


    i.e. from mouth, bright or blind, this cloudy, and feel me.


    If you google "kaname songs" you'll find a way more complete list.


    Wow, some of my favorites! even more interested in them now!

  5. 1 hour ago, ricchubunny said:

    can't wait for 5~7 new songs that will sound all the same!!


    pretty much this... they had an incredible run from 2009 to 2012, releasing some freaking good songs, and now sometimes I even forget they are still a thing

  6. That late Nintendo crackdown was actually a way of letting us fans enjoy the game and do their job at the same time. AM2R and Pokemon Uranium are pretty well known since ages ago. Pretty sure Nintendo could have take them down earlier, and chosen not to do so. They must protect their IPs, but at least we can still find it. Sure, would be a lot better if they just find a way to work together with the dude, use his work in some way, redo according to their standads, polish it and maybe "officially" on virtual console charging for it, but that would be ask too much of old japanese corporate men...


    And I've been playing No Man's Sky and I have to say, I can't see it holding my attention for long. Earlier it's more like an inventory management simulator than anything else. Its kinda fun to fly around in space, but planets airspace is extremely limited, your dude take like a whole year to walk a short distance, just to collect materials you cant carry, and have to drop something, and you are out of fuel, and go search for fuel, and now you are out of shields, and so goes on. I find very little incentive to keep going. This game desperately needed multiplayer, human interaction and such to make things more interesting, I believe.

  7. 48 minutes ago, Suuu said:

    I was just slammed against the railing one day.
    when it first happened I kinda of ignored it until the next day while at my day job the pain was so bad, and i could barely breath, I needed to be taken to the hospital, where the doctor cam eback and informed me that I had broken three ribs.

    I still kept going to concerts and doing stuff despite it though, their are actual a few key points during V STAR's initial growing period where i was in a huge amount of pain and secretly wearing a brace.


    wow, this is so absurd.


    I am kinda afraid of my reaction if something like that happens to me. This is like a MAJOR disrespect to someone, and if I ever happen to be into a japanese concert  I would flip the shit out of someone who tried to pull that kind of crap on me, boy or girl.

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