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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. I think that the FACT (pun intended) that this was a live/one-shot record wasn't much of a help to hiro's voice. He can stand on his ground on lives, but with proper recording he does sound better overall. I can see what you mean in 'doubt', but 'forest' striked me as a honest performance, I quite enjoyed the song. But you are right, this would probably feel better released as a demo or something, rather than a full release. They had the whole recording of it on youtube, but for some reason took the video down and let only 'Forest' up...


    For what I could see, I expect them to keep a 'Eat your Words' vibe, which is interesting, but I hope Adam's band can do something similar to 'witness'-'KTHEAT' era.


    'Push' into 'Justify' is definitely the best thing on this mini, but overall I was satisfied with this preview to their sound.

  2. I can't say I was suprised after that best release a while ago. But it still sucks a fuckin lot. They have a few precious gems in their disco, shit will keep spinning years to come. Thank you, Screw! now brb, going to a corner cry while listening to RAY OF LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS

  3. 20 hours ago, Euthanasia said:




    Besides, when I saw a gig in Japan there were "no photo" rules - they even announced it before the live. Everyone agreed to it expect two other girls from overseas who took out their phones anyway and tried to take pictures and well, got told by japanese fans not to so. So it does happen in Japan too.



    That's the whole point. @emmny answered it perfectly, they can enforce it all they want on the japanese audience, but it simply won't work here in the west.


    I find it curious that vkei fans have some kind of "god and peasant" relationship with their favorite bands... Why would we abide to every rule just because they say so? why would anyone idolize a band like they deserve more respect than the fans, the consumers? they are not doing us any favor by doing live shows, y'know?


    but each to it's own, I guess

  4. 8 minutes ago, JukaForever said:

    40% of your yearly wage? IDK I don't think would spend that much even if that was my fave artist. Even if I were to, I wouldn't fuck up the experience just for a picture. 


    I don't know what fan culture you are talking about. What goes on in this fan culture?


    I just know not to go against a performer's wishes. It is their show after all, maybe they just find the cameras disrespectful.


    lol no, brazilian monthly minimum wage. Kinda sucks to be in a 3rd world country and like japanese bands at the same time, lol


    Culture as in, everywhere in the world we can take pics. Why wouldn't a japanese band adapt to the western culture that embraced them and allowed then to do a nice world tour? It's probably management decision, a poorly thought one, as in most that involves vkei. But in the end, thing is: They are here for us as much as we are there for them, but they sure as hell need fans much more than fans need them. So a little courtesy with people that actually makes their work viable would go a long way...

  5. 2 minutes ago, JukaForever said:

    Meh just respect the band's wishes, not that hard


    the view from the other side: meh, just respect the fans culture and wishes, who paid a truckload of money (I mean, A TRUCKLOAD as in almost 40% of our minimum wage for the most basic regular ticket) for them to come here in our country,and let us take a couple of pictures, not that hard

  6. 44 minutes ago, Original Saku said:


    Difficulty isn't actually artificial at all, it's all about learning the enemies movesets and how to accurately counter certain enemies, it's a learning experience. and honestly souls isn't a hard game, I mean you technically start the game out on the easiest difficulty. if you want to see artificial difficulty you should try to play the game on New Game+7, that shit is bananas xD


    but i digress, souls is not for everybody. some people won't be able to get passed the unique storytelling that  Miyazaki is known for and that's alright, some people just prefer a more linear explicit form of storytelling and plot.


    That's it, I really wanna dig into cuz I find the story amazing for the few bits I've read around... the world and setting are GREAT, indeed! but when a regular dude takes 90% of my life with a hit from his spear strategically positioned so you won't see him coming after climbing a stair, it's really hard to not feel cheated on, lol xD


    But I'm totally trying, currently having a hard time fighting my way to get to Vordt. I'm thinking on starting all over again with a tanker build, may be best suited for begginers like me...

  7. 44 minutes ago, paradoxal said:


    When you multiply taking one or two pictures with the amount of people in the audience, it's an instant "sea of cameras."


    I'd rather spend my time dancing and headbanging than taking a few shitty pictures I will never watch again. 


    I can understand that, but I think is more or less a question of good sense. I mainly stay on the back row in concerts, I really don't enjoy the crowd. So I take one or two pictures and that's it. Those guys who spend 1:30 hours with their cellphone up are indeed annoying

  8. wazzuuuup!


    I've been to Gazette's concert here in Brazil and it was fucking awesome, except for the "no pictures or videos" policy. The staff announced before their perfomance that they would take people caught in the act's phone and erase ALL DATA. I LOLed of course.


    What do you think of this kind of policy? To me its utter bullshit. I understand that its something from japanese bands culture in general, but that does not apply to the rest of the freaking world. They are doing a concert here, and probably enforcing it by contract, and I can't fathom WHY any contractor would abide to such shitty rule. And that reasoning of bands controlling what media they want to publish is shit, because: No cellphone of any kind can take professional-grade photos or videos and I highly doubt they would try such rule on a huge Coachella-like festival.


    In the end I took the pictures I wanted as memento (even tho staff tried to bully me once, which I couldn't care less for), Gazette didn't lose any money because of my silly instagram photos afaik and everyone happily went home after a nice concert.


    It is annoying and nobody cares, why bands still make a fuss about it?

  9. I'm really trying to get into Souls games, but I think it's not for me. It's like a series of bullshit enemies that makes you try again until you memorize the position and how to deal with every enemy. The difficulty seem artificial, I don't know. they rely much more on bullshitting you than on proposing an actual fair challenge... And the PC port is kinda bad, there's few really annoying controlling bugs/issues...


    Also playing Enter the Gungeon (fun fun indie shooter roguelike!), Hyper Light Drifter and of course, Dota 2!

  10. 2 minutes ago, Delkmiroph said:


    Q coisa... Geralmente aqui os shows sao em bares com bebida alcoólica então menores de 16 nao podem entrar. 

    Eu entendo os caras abrirem pra menor, até porque é 90% do publico né... mas sei lá, pede id, comprovante, alguma coisa, mas deixar de oferecer esse tipo de serviço é um atestado de incapacidade absurdo

  11. No pictures é BABAQUICE. É coisa da Yamato não saber negociar contrato e abrir as pernas pros caras. Anunciaram antes do show que o staff ia tomar o celular de quem tivesse tirando foto e apagar tudo. Caralho, eu queria é que fizessem uma porra dessas pra ver a merda que eles iam arrumar.


    O cara veio cheio de marra querendo peitar pra guardar o celular, eles devem achar que só tão lidando com adolescente mesmo...



  12. 14 hours ago, -Arnie- said:

    Olha, há 10 anos era comum os fãs GazettE serem perseguidos. Acho que os alvos precisam ser atualizados hehe Mejibrey é o novo Gazette, do mesmo modo que Gazette era o novo Dir en grey.


    O que é bem bobo... A fanbase de música japonesa é uma parada bem curiosa. Nego parece que não cresce, vive numa eterna adolescência de TRETINHA de gosto musical, de ser TRUE FAN, e isso nem é exclusividade de brasileiro não, é bem generalizado no ocidente.


    Ninguém é obrigado a gostar de nada, mas não precisa tacar pedra, porque acaba que atrapalha a cena a crescer, né...

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