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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. Hello everyone!


    I'm pretty much dying to know the lyrics of this release! Not that Kihiro english is bad, in fact it's better than most around, but I still can't figure out some parts and I would love to death anyone who can help me with this!



  2. 1 hour ago, YuyoDrift said:


    Thanks. IGN/Gamespot reviewers are terrible, and the sheep that believe what they spew are even worse. I bet 1/2 of them have never even played most of the games from MegaMan to know how to distinguish Beck from the original franchise.


    X/Zero/Battle Network series are GOD. I think MN9 is supposed to mimic the original Megaman NES games of old times. I personally thought those games were infuriating lol, so we will see.


    A gaming group on FB was discussing this game right now and I happened to watch a video of the final boss battle. I have to say that I'm absolutely not buying that game until it's like 90% discount on steam sale, unfortunately...

  3. Sadly, I'm pretty sure MN9 is going to suck, and you will be better off playing X1, 2 and 3 all over again =(


    Overwatch is GREATO. I'm totally hooked, it's great to jump in, play a few matches and go do something else, no time wasted, just action! It could use a few more maps and modes tho, but I'm sure Blizzard will fix that sooner or later

  4. It's a hard choice here, but I'll stick with PTP. K passing away was such a shock, so sudden, and on a time I was diving through their discography like crazy, couldn't have affected me more. As @doombox said, his lyrics were so relatable, sometimes very straightforward and full of sentiment like 'Rain', other times less direct and yet really toughtfull, like "innocent in a silent room". K left us when PTP were on their all time prime, RTN and Gene were mindblowingly good. A shame.




  5. 8 hours ago, eiheartx said:

    ^whut??? where lmao

    This is not megamasso at all xD I tried to find the similarities but, besides peko in it, I don't hear any. Please explain? xD

    I liked the spot. Can't wait to receive the EP.




    The bridge and the chorus are Megamasso stuff all over the place... as @nekkichi said, it's totally Megamasso album filler


    but it doesn't mean it's bad thing, not at all, actually

  6. I'm going cuz Mikaru is a boss and hoping for DIO/BLACK LINE songs, since GLAMS sucks so hard...


    But for that price, I don't think they are expecting more than 10 or so people showing up, lol


    9 hours ago, seurong said:


    moro 4 horas de porto alegre mas vou passar essa obrigada

    mas tá 80 conto gentemmm


    p.s shouldnt this topic be moved to the Events section?

    80 é promo, por 150 a meia não vai dar 5 cabeças no show, hahaha

    Os caras não tem noção mesmo

  7. This was posted on their facebook:


    "【posted by nakano 2016.June 1st】
    EP “LAY YOUR HANDS ON ME” is complete and ready for release on June 22. Featuring four tracks and 22 minutes of play time, the EP brings festivities, endings, silence and new beginnings. This EP is both a grand and beautiful—like the life of our band in a mere 22 minutes. The advance listeners are all calling it an “album.” Actually, that was what Kawashima wanted. I think I’ll be able to say with confidence, “Our 10th album is finished at last.” It is a work befitting of the final, closing curtain of our band’s history.

    This is BOOM BOOM SATELLITES final release. Paralysis and other complications with Michiyuki Kawashima’s brain tumor have made it so. Michiyuki Kawashima has now closed his life as a musician and is spending his days living peacefully with his family. Although words come slowly, he can still speak. His arms and legs have become impaired, and he relies on a wheelchair more and more. It is difficult to communicate clearly with him; at times even I don’t know what he’s thinking. But I can feel his aura of completeness and achievement. To me, he looks like a husk that has poured its very life force into this final work. I want to call out to him, “Thank you! You’ve done your best!”

    In a few short breaths, Michiyuki Kawashima’s 20 year musical journey will draw to a close. Together, we’ve crossed countless landscapes. Looking back, nothing was easy—we struggled, squirmed and shouldered forward to our hearts’ content. Every moment remains as an amazing, bright and sparkling memory.

    Just a bit more until the finish line. I hope you enjoy our music on June 22.

    Masayuki Nakano"


    I'm fuckin speechless.



    fuckin goddamned illness, man... I really thought he had fully recovered... feel really sorry for him


    this means they are actually disbanding??


    this whole situation fucking sucks... I really hope this is the best for him, but I'll miss them like crazy, that's for sure


    what a year, it's like 2015 have not ended yet

  9. You guys and gals should not worry about sex. Not gonna lie, it is good. Even casual sex is good. But you know what's really good? having an emotional attachment to the person you are having relations with. No thing comes even near that. Being in love and having this kind of relation is the best thing ever, and it's a necessary part of the human experience.


    What I'm trying to say is that you can take all the time you want, but do not let yourself get away from experiencing human relations in general. Love is the best thing out there, I know sometimes it's hard to open up to someone, sometimes being in love SUCKS, you get hurt and promise never doing that again, but that's all part of life. Try again, don't shut yourself in, there are tons of really great people around for you to know and enjoy their company and everything else.

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