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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. You guys are missing one point: Keita was fuckin amazing in CodeRebirth, I'm pretty sure he has not forgotten how to scream and sing.


    This is all about production, the same "problem" Deluhi had. This is way too clean, way too polished for this kind of music. There's no raw instruments, rough edges, everything is so crystal clear it takes away every "punch" this song could have. I betcha it will sound GREAT live.


    That's the reason I'm waiting for the DVD. Just by that preview, it sounds like a whole different band.

  2. Tinha também a J-rock/Visual Kei no orkut, composta 90% de weeaboos pagando de conhecedorzão pra amigo da patota ver... não sei nem porque eu entrava lá, hahahaha...


    Tonberry, depois o TW e por fim o MH sempre foram as melhores comunidades de jrock pra se frequentar... o batsu tinha conteúdo legal, mas a comunidade, pelamor

  3. Shiina has a lot of respect for his elders. When xTRiPx disbanded, he went to their last live and made a huge post about how he was a huge fan, how they inspired and encouraged him when he was starting, how was sad to see them going.


    Which is quite nice and humble for him to say, since UNiTE. is probably way more sucessful than xTRiPx ever was. Shiina seems to be a really nice guy, all props to him.

  4. Vocalist has the charisma of a door and not even autotune can make his voice enjoyable, but other than that and the shitty synth, this sounds alright.

    Pretty much this, but strangely, I find myself listening to it more often than not...

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