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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. Sounds great! Would be even better with Roa singing, but it's good nonetheless!

    great news! i wonder what happened to the solo album that Roa was planning to release though..?

    I was wondering that as well, but I suspect he simply did not release anything, and this band already have so many songs... maybe he's simply using his compositions for that album...

  2. Fuck... No one is surprised I guess, but it's really sad to see a band that went through so much fading away like this... I don't think they have half of the credit they deserve.


    Anyone who does not know them, listen to VISIONS. You won't be disappointed.

  3. Fuck them, I say.


    If I bought something, this is now my possession and if I want to share, I'll do so and you will shut your mouth. It's as simply as that.


    As far as piracy goes, anyone who truly enjoys and is able to afford, will legally buy it. If I didn't like your shit, or if I don't have the money to buy it, you are not losing anything. Why were you counting on my money, in the first place?


    TL;DR Create good stuff, people will reward you accordingly. Create mediocre stuff, people will reward you accordingly.


    Btw, that single was kinda sucky. Do another 'a forlorn hope' and we'll talk again, Akane.

  4. Hey Tetora, nice review!


    People should see this as a natural step from kannivalism's 'helios' and even more as a refined, atmospheric evolution of kei's solo effort 'silk tree'. BAROQUE always evolved, always changed in sound/concept. baroque from 'sukebe boy' is not the same as baroque from 'SUG LIFE', as it's not the same of 'non-fiction' or 'PLANETARY SECRET'. 


    The problem here is expectation. If it was labeled as a kannivalism release, it wouldn't receive half of the flak it did. That being said, this may not be an easy listen for the average VK fan. This is as far away as we can get from VK, and I'm glad they choose this route, as I find this album an exceptional, cohesive piece of music.


    I believe it was made to be listened in one go, as each song compliments each other. There's a whole sense of grandeur, of greatness through the whole album, that makes you understand why they went with this album's name. It starts with a sweet melody in 'PURIFY' (they did the same on the releases mentioned above) that paves the way to 'PLANETARY LIGHT' and 'DREAMSCAPE', two highlights of this album. However, it really peaks when 'SWALLOW THE NIGHT and 'SILENT PICTURE' starts, halfway through the album. both are rocky, guitar-focused songs that takes you back to kei's classic style of composition.


    The "overused" auto-tune may turn some listeners away, but I assure you, don't let that youtube preview turn you away before giving it a listen. It has a purpose, it FITS the experience they wanted you to have. I do agree that some tracks would sound better with a little less tho ('CELEBRATE' falls into this category).


    In the end, this is a really great album that should not be missed because of one's misconception of how a band should evolve. Everyone has a right to turn away from a sound they don't like, but as they named their tour, If you "open your world and see the light" of BAROQUE, you may enjoy the ride.

  5. I like J enough but his albums are just SO same-y.


    You could pick any of his LPs and pretty much have all the J you ever need... here's hoping he tries to mix it up a little bit (but I doubt it).


    Thing is, J outdone himself with 'Unstoppable Drive'. He will never achieve such greatness again, so now he just keeps releasing stuff that you can barely remember after listening with one or two songs that stand out, while making a kick buck from it.


    That being said, I'll totally listen everything he ever releases, so...

  6. To me this sounds like an absolutely natural step from kannivalism' helios, and I totally do not buy baroque being this cash-grabbing revival people keep talking about.

    Just look at their lives after the return and the venues they have been performing recently. Kei even stated that they wanted smaller venues, closer audiences....


    To me this is more about acting as their vision for what BAROQUE should be. And quite frankly, the 'sug-life' era was basically about Kei and Ryo, and that's what people really love about baroque, so...


    lmao this is complete garbage except for tracks 6 and 7, they autotuned the fuck out of it to make sure vo. bae doesn't strain himself too much during touring

    another 4 albums of this shit coming soon tbh, while baroque ~name~ is still big enough to get milked off


    this is awful, just disband already and reform boogieman tbh #justice-4-madygrain


    As if Kei & Ryo had anything to do with boogieman, lol

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