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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. jesus, wtf are The Survivorz?

    baroque will never EVER do another Sug Life. Few people realize how freaking great and influential that album was, even outside VK.


    and you can say that non-fiction couldn't meet baroque fans GIGANTIC expectations (kannivalism albums were better) but it wasn't a bad album at all.


    I do agree that they should just call it a day and go back to kannivalism, but after kei's recent interviews and sukekiyo obvious success, if find that really hard for now...

  2. excuse me,but are actually kidding me xD ? their latest releases were quite different thats true,but still incredibly awesome and to mention I have all their latest releases,gothica,black maria and JUDECCA,and shikibu will come at the end of april in my collection XD and its actually good to see that they try new things not likesome others who do always the same ****

    They've set a high bar for me with Persona, No.A, Initiator, GothiCa, but I find Black Maria just bland, and JUDECCA actually bad. Still have good hopes for some nice music, tho

  3. The first Cube was EXCELLENT but as said before, I think it's more sci-fi than horror... trivia: ASS'n'ARRow sampled a line from a character of this movie on 'thesis of ASS'n'ARRow (E komo mai ! !)'


    I enjoyed The Cabin on the Woods very much. Its more of a dark comedy, but the way it plays with the genre is fantastic.


    SInister was very nice. I simply can't get scared with horror movies anymore, and recent productions are so laughably bad that this one actually stands out.


    Shouldn't need to mention 28 days later, right?


    Oh, and if you enjoyed the Paranormal Activity movies, you should totally check The River. Very fun. Kinda cheesy, but fun.

  4. I agree with everything you wrote, but baroque is an exception. Unlike all of those previously mentioned bands they did some really innovative stuff and even "created a new genre", which is discussable, but I think baroque is in a higher level compared to all those others bands mentioned before.


    And yes, bis is fucking dope, actually. Can't wait for the surprise.

    I agree, early baroque influence on the VK scene is tottaly underrated, at least to western fans. 'Sug Life' is like a textbook for many bands that came after, they were not always this tuned-down version of kannivalism, lol

  5. Try bands like bis, porori, old Irokui, Tokyo Shitei... Even LM.C does that. That's why I don't really see any difference in xTRiPx. Same for DIV. I do agree they are way better than most bands nowadays, but they are not innovative, avant-garde or aything like that to me. They're just generic. Good, but generic.Not that it's a bad thing, you know ? I think it's better to be generic than trying to be extremely different and doing a bad job.


    bis is my favorite band of all time, I agree that their style is kiiinda similar (I have a little surprise for you fellow bis fans, as soon as I receive my order from rarezhut =P). I would also add to the list Sug Life-era baroque.


    The way xTRiPx infuses the electronic sound, and the "rawness" of their sound is not matched today at all. In my opinion,Tokyo Shitei was a try-harder, LM.C is way too silly/kawaii, I really don't see any similarities between them. But I totally agree that good generic is not a problem. (the only one I think stands out from DIV is Shogo, everybody else is normal good, which makes them a normal good band).


    I guess in the end is just a matter of taste, as you said. I think that they are all extremely talented (in a way few VK artists are, Ena in particular), and their sound is tight as shit. I really can't find anything to complain about them.

  6. I don't think that there are any bands that do the same as xTRiPx on the scene. I believe they would actually be more successful outside VK little world. Mixture rock infused with electronic sounds and that hip hop flavor maybe is a trend today, but I can't see any bands that do it so perfectly as them. To me, they are ever evolving. From a more generic VK sound of the 2007~2009 era, to their electronic transition phase with double/astrovibes, to the new songs on their full album where they've hit the sweet spot. This new single sounds AMAZING. Also, the drums and guitar lines are EXCEPTIONAL. they really stand out from most VK bands. You can see that on DIV aswell, Shogo lines have a similar style of awesomeness


    If anyone knows any similar bands, please recommend!

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