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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. If you are looking to leave the piss-tasting beer tier, here are some of my sugestions:


    ps¹: Best beers are belgian. period. german are great too. people do say that you can find a lot of small breweries in america producing great beers, but I haven't tasted, so can't help ya.

    ps²: Really good tasting beer tend to be expensive. But you have to see it as an experience, a drink to enjoy, not something to chug down just to get drunk. for that, go find yourself a cheap vodka, or grow up, cuz no one likes to deal with your drunk-ass bothering everyone and vomiting everywhere all night, right?

    ps³: Good Beer usually have a high alcoholic graduation. Man up. But don't worry, it takes time to truly enjoy all the tastes that compose a good beer, but after that, you'll never want to go back, trust me.


    Delirium Nocturnum:




    Delirium Tremens




    Gouden Carolus Hopsinjoor




    Gouden Carolus Classic




    Floreffe Tripel





  2. anyone who's ever had a fair share of experience in serious relationships know that this is not a black and white subject. the many shades of grey includes difficult moments you and your partner are passing through in life or work, unresolved feelings for others, sometimes it's just sexual desire. Maybe your relationship doesnt completely fullfill your needs, but you are not ready to give up on everything that you have together, everything that you like on your partner... That really doesn't mean that you don't love her/him anymore. I've been on both ends, and it hurts like hell. being a hypocrite or not, it fuckin hurts.

    That being said, I think it's a betrayal of their trust. In my experience, when you get to that point, your relationship probably can't be saved anymore. If you are the cheater, you probably will wonder if your partner is passing through the same mixed feelings that you are, if her cheated on you too, and so... You have to be prepared to hurt your partner in the worst way possible. And everyone thinks they have the best poker face in the world, but believe me, your partner will notice. you will change, even if it's just a little aspect. In my opinion, this is totally not the way to go, but I tend to understand peoples motives.

    And I've never heard of a relationship that survived through a betrayal unharmed. Even if you or your partner forgives, It will haunt your relationship forever.

  3. I liked the song, btw. I'm getting some RES vibes again, which is okay with me.


    If I've never actually listened to 12012 before Deicida, what would be a good place to start? I only really liked the title track of that release for the guitar work and the chorus.

    SEVEN, PLAY DOLLs and Not obtain+1 will give you a good taste of what they're made of.

  4. I enjoyed TATTOO tbh.

    pain of catastrophe was a terrible mess, it was over the place & seven basically happened exactly before 12012 made that GLAY cover and it seemed like a such pathetic attempt to grab cash both off their 2 jpop era fans and 3 vk era fanboys that were still following this band by some reason.

    I could totally use "terrible mess" and "over the place" to describe the self title and deicida songs... I really think that It's all about personal preference, I can't see how a song like Usubeni no Ame is so terribly composed or performed in comparison to uninspired stuff like CHABOO-CHABOO...

  5. Genuine question, no trollin at all: What makes any track on DEICIDA better than TATTOO, or THE PAIN OF CATASTROPHE, leaving personal preference aside, and focusing on composition creativity, technical level, and performance?


    I wasn't aware of all this hate on SEVEN, I find it a very well balanced album, with songs to please major crowds and early days fans aswell...




    On the origin of the "style", many people credit baroque as the creators of oshare, but everytime someone mentions oshare music-wise, this is what comes to my mind, not what baroque made before turning out awesome (I consider the turning point being the release of Chaplin) What you guys think on this point? What defines a band as oshare, the way they look or the music they make? some say bis was oshare, and I completely disagree. But Panic Ch, whom I consider to be the kings of what I think oshare-music is, have a similar look to bis (maybe flashier, but similar). Can we put them is the same category, just because they look alike?


    And sadly this kind of music is really fuckin dead. Probably because it was a product of it's time, it does sounds outdated in comparison to what's trending today. oshare bands also tend to be preeeetty niche (excluding An Cafe and baroque, if you want to put them in that list...) so I guess new bands try be where the money is today

  7. Hey everyone,

    I always wondered about the "road to budokan". Lemme explain:  what's the "order" of japanese livehouses that bands tend to follow on their road to sucess? Like, if the band X is doing a oneman on livehouse Y, which holds up to 6000 people, si it means that band X is looking good, and has a fairly good fanbase, and so on...


    So, I thought it would be nice to have the most famous livehouses listed by size/importance. The thing is I don't know anything about them, so I'm here asking for a comprehensive guide on the topic, if possible! Thanks a lot!

  8. Apparently you people adressed to all my unpopular opinions...


    The VK fanbase SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS. I simply can't stand 98% of jrock fans.


    Dir en grey sucks a lot too. Mainly because of Kyo annoying high-pitched screams and bs during their songs, I kiiiiinda like them instrumental-wise.


    Japanese vocalists in general also tend to suck. Well, not actually suck, but they only work for a few selected listeners. A LOT of my friends actually like the song that I'm showing them, but their dislike for the vocal part is so big that they simply can't learn to really like it... Nowadays I only show people bands like Fake?, Ellegarden, coldrain... bands with a easily-digestible vocalist for the western listener. It's a shame for them and for Japan, it's the main reason that japanese music-style will never actually leave japan, I believe.


    Their looks also tend to keep the outsider out. People see their pictures and are like "man why they're dressing like japanese cartoon shit? wtf is that Goku hair? MAAAN WHY THE FUCK IS  HE FAKING BEING A GIRL TO PLEASE HIS GIRL FANS?" And a I tend to agree with them. While it's understandable that VK is made and work for a japanese niche public, I think that's really a short-sighted vision as an artist, they could hit a broader audience with a more conservative look, and I'm glad to see that becoming more common nowadays.

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