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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. 13 hours ago, Original Saku said:

    Finally finished Uncharted 4 and I have to say the ending was pretty great... all I'm going to say is that it has some pretty good closure that I'm satisfied with.


    I want to start playing Witcher 3 again... especially since the new expansion is coming, but I don't know if I'll be able to tear myself away from dark souls 3 long enough to give it the attention it needs.


    gonna go pick up the new TMNT game from Platinum tomorrow as well!


    Same here, really need to get back to Witcher, but DS3 is on the way =(


    And I never understood the appeal behind DS series, but this 3rd entry really got me hooked!


    Currently cheesing Anor Londo Knights with estoc for ez souls lol




    EDIT: watched now and LOL, thanks for the shout-out, man!


    I really agree with you. I think they are more to an indie-rock band than vk in everything, even the looks... And that's a great thing, I really thought they had what it takes to go big on the mainstream, maybe they've chosen the wrong audience, I don't know.


    And that's exactly what I love about hatch. It's hard to say that he is a great vocalist, technically speaking. But he is really honest, he really tries. There's feeling in his singing, and that's A LOT when talking vk.


    I think Female E.P. is really a great showcase of their sound. You go all ranges, from sweet pop-rock to a nice banger. 4 GEMS. A great choice for your first on the road review!


    lame names suggestions:


    Rev's VK on the road

    Riding along with Jrock


    Keep up the videos, man!





  3. I guess that in the end, being one's intention to show off or not, what matters is the impression the community gets of it. There's not much of a discussion to be made here, it's a right to review and it's a right to think whatever you want to think about it...


    but maybe this is a matter for another place? we are absolutely off-topic here, maybe one of the mods should clean it up the posts?

  4. I think @madygrain is absolutely ON POINT. People are allowed to review everything they want. But when you post a review of something that the WHOLE forum desires and you won't share that thing, this absolutely does sound like you are wanting to brag about having a release, which is SILLY AF. In the end, the review section is here to people share and discuss their thoughts on a release. What's the point of you posting a review if no one is able to comment or discuss the release with you?


    I think was made pretty clear, since OP posted this ages ago and no one bothered to comment or like the post.


    In the end, if you are going to post a review of something only a handful of people had access to, you are better not posting anything, since not only you are going to look bad, you'll also not going to achieve anything with your review, since no one was able to listen and discuss it with you.


    But that's just my opinion...

  5. Just now, Candy Warhol said:


    I saw Rivaldo tells everyone to avoid visiting Brazil too. But if it isn't that bad, that's better. :D



    lol yeah, I know what u're talking about, he's not totally wrong, just a bit of overreaction there!


    It's the same protocol for every 3rd world country, I'd say: stick to the tourist and famous areas, avoid showing off jeweleries or high value possessions, uber instead of taxis and you're set for a good time


    maybe bring repelents? xD

  6. At an anime event is the only way I can see them having a sucessfull concert here, the first time they were in Brazil, during their peak, there were only like 400 or so ppl in the venue...


    2 hours ago, Candy Warhol said:

    That's very brave of them considering the political unrest and zika happening in there now.


    Nah, it's nowhere neeeeeear of what's probably being pictured on the media. Protests happen every now and then indeed but people are kinda letting the soft coup happen without many problems, and our police apparently is specialized in crushing protests, since they suck in everything else.


    Zika/Dengue virus are a constant problem, but more on the poorer parts of the country than on Sao Paulo. Besides, the event is happening on a relatively wealthier part of the town, so no problems...

  7. 3 hours ago, plastic_rainbow said:

    I started Clock Tower 3 yesterday and it's such a short game I could've probably finished it in one day, but I had to sleep. Will most likely finish it today instead. It definitely reminds me a lot of Haunting Ground/Demento, which released later and based the gameplay off on Clock Tower 3. However, Clock Tower 3 is not as challenging and the villains aren't even half as scary as Daniella. I hated her so much while playing Haunting Ground/Demento! But she was a very important factor in the scare element. Clock Tower 3 seems rather weak in comparison to Haunting Ground/Demento, but it's fun to play because I love retro survival horrors when it was more puzzle-y and less action-based.


    Always wanted to play those games, but fuck I shit my pants with games where we can't defend ourselves properly. I can blaze through resident evil, silent hill and every other game where you have a chance to fight back, but in games like Clock Tower, Outlast, Amnesia i'm freaking hopeless, lol

  8. Eu particularmente não vejo problema nenhum em compartilhar tudo que tenho. O problema é que tendo a comprar somente o que já conheço e/ou releases já compartilhados, a única coisa mais rara que comprei eu já lancei logo aqui, um single live-sold do ap(r)il, que comprei usado, numa sale de um membro aqui do fórum, pra aproveitar o frete.


    Agora eu tô devendo um DVD raro do bis, mas por pura preguiça de ripar a parada, hahaha


    Minha opinião é de que ao não compartilhar, se faz um desserviço ao artista, porque impede pessoas que não conhecem de curtir um som novo, e talvez arrumar um novo fã pra apoiar o artista. Mas eu entendo a pessoa que compra não querer compartilhar, ela pagou, é direito dela...


    Mas o que me deixa mais puto é que quando alguem compartilha algo e vem um cidadão comentando 'ah, já tinha/já ouvi, muito bom!'. Porra mermão, foda-se caralho, não quer compartilhar e quer ficar pagando de bonzão? Que nem um fera que fez esses dias um review de um release do Stereo C.K. que todo mundo quer, e ninguém compartilha. Enfia o review no cu, com todo o respeito. SE GABAR de ter um cd é de matar...



  9. On 03/05/2016 at 5:42 PM, seurong said:

    Me taking one single blurry pic to brag on facebook later isn't going to kill anyone.

    But I hate dumb cameras/phones in front of me the whole show.


    This. Not so hard to understand the middle term. a shitty pic I took on my cellphone isn't going to make any band to go broke. Besides, the 10 sec I spent doing that won't gonna stop me from enjoying the concert, neither is going to bother other fans and such.


    On 01/05/2016 at 3:01 AM, NICKT said:


    On the other hand, without the fans then bands wouldn't be able to earn a living.

    If you treat your fans poorly then don't be surprised when the rug's pulled from underneath you.


    So, like I said. Little of column A, little of column B.


    Yeah, people here have a curious idea of consumer/producer relations. A band is a content producer, their product is music and related media. We are consumers, and like EVERYTHING else in the world, they do what they do JUST TO please us, or better saying, just to have the most of our money as possible. So don't fool yourself, we are in charge here.



  10. Mainly a language barrier I think, and close on second, japanese vocalists tone. It's way too weird for a regular western ear.


    And the idea of eastern songs being better than western ones is called fan bias. No, it is not. Neither is western better than eastern. It's absolutely a case by case scenario, you can find great songs, compositions, structures and vocalists/guitarrists/drummers etc etc etc E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E.

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