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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. They were one of the few bands consistently releasing good songs, and one of the obvious choices of bands next to go major or something... quite a shame.


    used translator to read Chobi's comments, but apparently this is another "differences in music directions" kind of disbandment, right?


    dude decided to leave xTRiPx during their more electronic-oriented era too, so I don't know if he is into this kind of sound and other band members aren't, or vice versa...


    In any case, Shogo is the heart of this band in my opinion, and I'm pretty sure he will find his feet again soon (maybe back with Yoshito and K? one can dream...)

  2. Eu pessoalmente acho que o forum tá melhor do que nunca. Muito mais sóbrio, e com mais discussões interessantes do que antes... tirando a galera que saiu quando teve o takedown do TW (teve gente legal que ficou do outro lado), hoje a comunidade me parece muito mais disposta a interagir com  menos fanboyismo histérico e um gosto mais abrangente que os filhos de Dir en grey de antes. Claro que sempre vai ter doente, mas a sessão dos reviews, os trade-offs de mixtapes, as discussões off-topic, tem coisa bem legal pelo forum atualmente...


    E é o que eu disse, o Trombe tem problemas sérios a lidar. O jeito obsessivo dele em achar/postar news, o jeito que interagia com outros membros, as coisas que fazia, ele tratava isso aqui como um trabalho mesmo. Ele precisa se tratar e/ou criar um blog ou twitter pra postar e ter o controle que ele quer ter...

  3. Ele obviamente tem algumas questões internas pra lidar. O cara vai fazer falta pra cacete, mas ele não era nem um pouco normal, não dá pra ficar fazendo o que ele fazia e cagar pras regras do fórum, mesmo que o saldo fosse positivo no final. Ele já tava desafiando a autoridade não só de quem manda aqui, como quem paga domínio, trabalha na manutenção, etc e etc. O grande lance é o famoso internet: serious business, nego parece que leva isso aqui como a coisa mais importante do mundo, não tem trabalho/estudo, relacionamento, vida fora disso aqui. Tudo vira um drama...


    E nem acho que MH vai morrer depois disso não. O pessoal da antiga é o mesmo de sempre, e aqui ainda é a maior fonte de download de VK do lado de cá do planeta... enquanto não proibirem downloads por aqui, a comunidade vai viver

  4. Oh well...


    1 - I kinda know what this is about, and rules are indeed rules. News section are a section of the forum as any other, so ANYONE could and should post there. While I understand that it's kinda lame for people to manipulate timestamps, use older posts or alter shit just to appear to be the first post and stuff like that, I also think that says much more about the person who did it than it affects the community as a whole. That's why we have mods, I guess. To do what's necessary, even when that means hurting the form in some way;

    2 - That being said, people should absolutely NOT dismiss the service @Trombedid for the community all those years. I'm here for I don't know long, and no one will be able to match him/her in news broadcasting EVER. MH is THE frontpage of western VK on the internet, and the news section is one of the big reasons for this. Trombe work was so good and fast that it spoiled us, to be honest. THANK YOU, Trombe;

    3 - Him/her/it describing itself as a band is a joke guys, c'mon;


    Wish you luck, Trombe. maybe bringing up your own news site/tumblr/twitter will provide you the control of the news you think it's necessary, or maybe your're back next week, since we old forum geezers apparently can't stay out for long, as someone said before. In any case, hope to see you again pal. Thanks again! cheers!

  5. 2 hours ago, doombox said:

    Then I guess I better go get acquainted with more of their releases since this! Thank you. <3

    Edit: If anyone feels like recommending me their favorite releases I'd be game!



    Most of their releases weren't shared, I'm afraid... I really like their songs on both Yougenkyou VAs, the b-sides of the Uppercut!! single, and the Eternally single aint bad aswell

  6. I've been playing a bit of Tree of Savior, but is to grindy for me, I think. Started on Song of the Deep yesterday, a cute little underwater metroidvania, check it out if any of you enjoy the genre! and of course, tons of Overwatch and Dota 2!


    6 hours ago, Gaz said:

    it's been ages since i used my PC for playing games but playing Axiom Verge now lol. a great game, however i don't like playing Metroidvania games using keyboard at all -___- i would've finish off that second boss much faster if it wasn't for that.


    Axiom Verge is great, interesting plot! really hoping for a sequel!



  7. Suda should stick to the creative direction of his works, and let the technical department to other companies... His works are always really interesting, always with their own identity and style, filled with nice ideas but atrocious gameplay. I couldn't even go past the beginning of Killer is Dead, with that disgusting PC port. bugs everywhere. Even my favorite of his games, Shadows of the Damned had it's own share of clunkiness, but at least was playable... 2016 and his works still feel so low budget, when other indie companies out there are killing it... go figure

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