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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. Ahhh...this reminds me so much of a similar occurrence a few years ago, when HearJapan started working closely with XodiacK to promote their first single. They made some monetary mistakes which ended up hurting the band more than helping but it was a good experience overall to learn from. I hope this time things go more smoothly for Deviloof!

  2. I'm watching my friend slowly get used by this succubus and it irritates me. It irritates me so bad.

    I know part of it is because I have seen this pattern of behavior before. I got involved with a girl who had some ... issues ... but that didn't come to light until well after we were a "thing". But she never wanted to make it official despite all that I would do for her. When I say I ran through a snowstorm to comfort her ass one time I mean it but at the end of the day I lost out to someone else because I wasn't the ideal man she was looking for. This situation is like looking at a mirror all over again. They used to date but she dropped him because "God told her that he wasn't right for her". He said that he won't ask her out again and that if she wants to date she has to ask him (and mind you they never had sex because she is hyper religious and my friend respects that so there's no ulterior motives here; he genuinely feels this way). Then she gets back with her gang banging ex-boyfriend who just got out of jail, cheated on her before, and is clearly no good for her. He doesn't treat her very well, cheats on her physically and emotionally again, doesn't support her when things in her life go south, and ultimately breaks up with her for really shady reasons. She's talking to my friend despite all of his so he's technically emotionally dating her but when he wants to take it to the next level she refuses. She disappears from his life months at a time, comes back when things are "difficult" and she needs his help, and he does everything he can to help her anyway. He takes mass transportation five hours one way to see her but she doesn't come down here to see him. He will see her in any weather even if he has no money. He talks big about making her his "wife" but she clearly isn't interested in it because she won't date him. She hasn't met any of his friends despite "being" in his life for three years and refused my invitation to go out to the bar yesterday. For crying out loud the no good ex called my best friend to tell him to get back into a relationship with his ex (so succubus) because "you would be a better man for her than I ever would".


    She's been in his house since Thursday eating his food, taking his attention and his time and his money and his energy and yet she still won't date him. She "isn't sure". Excuse my Arabic but she can get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. There is nothing to be unsure about. Either date the man that does so much for you or stop accepting his help, tell him it will never happen, and move on. She uses his help and keeps emotionally manipulating him but won't give him the one thing she knows he wants. She's using him as a crutch until she finds the next guy she wants, then she'll say God told her to leave, and then this cycle will continue all over again.

    I'm working up the nerve to tell him to stop talking to her for good if they aren't an item by tomorrow. Everyone I tell this story to thinks she is using him. My grandma does. My girlfriend does. Our mutual best friend shook his head in silence and pounded a drink by the end of it. His girlfriend thinks something's up. Some random chick he was taking to on Tindr from ATL told him straight up that the girl was no good for him. Like holy fuck does God need to shoot fireworks into the stratosphere saying "DROP THAT GIRL" for him to get it? I know the only way out is heartbreak. I don't think he can withstand the depression...

  3. Not gonna lie, I have preferences. But these preferences are about 10 to 15 percent of why I would choose to date or not date someone. And even though someone is outside of my preferences doesn't mean I won't find them attractive (I kinda have to considering my surrounds). Plenty of women have a type of beauty that only comes out over time. The more I get to know a woman and the more we begin to vibe, the more beautiful she will look to me. If we don't get along she will begin to look less attractive to me. I have little to no control over it other than knowing its there so I roll with it.

  4. Anyone else have mind for Redrum? The one where the singer left for some other band with a stupid name that turned out to be terrible?


    After Initium I noticed at least here a couple of times they were remarked as a sort of follow-up D'espairsRay.

    Disappointing so see where it ended up.

    After Initium or including Initium? I found that mini very underwhelming and devoid of the charm which pulled me in. The only D'espairsRay feel I ever got was from ELECTRIGGER.

    Another band that was pretty good at one point was brodiaeabrodiaea is perfect proof that any visual kei indie band heavily hyped today is not guaranteed to be remembered in five years.


    Coming in on the tail end of kote kei worship they are a good example of a band that got caught in the crossfire when the influences around the scene started shifting and they ended up getting the blunt end of the stick. They were around for so long but moved at such a glacial pace and had so many issues it's a wonder they lasted as long as they did. They are also one of the few bands where I can say I loved their aesthetics. Things went to shit when the drummer got big-headed and demanded more money for being average, and then the heart of brodiaea split into three bands which managed to be even less impressive. It took them a while to find their groove with songs like インフェルノ, Carcass, and 偽-Fake- but a lot of their songs are murdered by the off-key vocals. I enjoy their potential more than most of their output but some of their singles feel fresh even today. trace of the abyss is their collection album which has everything of theirs worth listening to and then some. If you like Affective Synergy or Synside, check out this band too. If you don't know what I'm talking about leave it that way.

    This isn't my favorite song but there are only 3 left on YouTube so it will have to do.

  5. As an European (since another european here already cited another point of view regarding being "disgusted" about current events in the US ) I would point out what the United States needs first and foremost: major unification, capability and desires to "gather around the table" in order to discuss those things throughout in a civil, non-offensive way. As much as one would like to frame others for being "bigots" from DP's perspective or "cucks" from GOP's perspective respectively (my apologies, had to recollect some instances as a person with centrist views), flinging those buzzwords, calling names, threatening, rejoicing over one's demise in the name of BOTH major parties and their supporters have been practised to the very worrisome extent. Instead of sticking to such practice and letting the blame game go on and on, it would be lovely to see supporters (no matter which party) - no, people have courage to face these both sides and attempt to patch some things up for the sake of emerging progress, i.e. centrist handling.


    By calling each other "niggers, cucks, bigots, faggots, bull-preppers, rape apologists, misogynists, degenerates" (my apologies again, notice quotation marks - that's the collection of "buzz insults" I noticed lately there) and advocating fiercer opposition all you'll do (yes, BOTH campaigns) is just making the rift wider and wider until the meaning of "United States" goes down to being fallacious. Considering this altogether, if I WERE an American citizen - I'd be advising the mass to practise extensively and rationally neutral addressing when it comes to facing "the opposing ideology", and finding the common resolve - NOT "protecting us from ourselves".


    Imposing values instead of discussing rationally on them altogether will merely lead to the worst case scenarios INSIDE of your own country (which is far worse than encountering risks from OUTSIDE). Such warning is applicable to both campaigns, supporters, fans and so on - be it a dem or a GOPper. This is not a "political thoughts thread" ofc but I thought of giving my cents anyway - as a person who has buds and lads from both sides, with extremely varying views, ideologies et cetera.


    Apologies for a long reply.


    Have a doggo


    This is what I wish for too but I know this isn't going to just happen. Chief among my reasons why not is a wave of anti-intellectualism sweeping through the United States. It seems to be concentrated in some geographical areas, overlapping nicely but not totally with socioeconomic status, where people reason with feelings and not fact. People feel like Donald Trump is the only viable option because he says what they feel. People feel like racism is right because their reasons prey off their fears. People feel like the other side is wrong because they believe in things I just can't! Facts? Science? Logic? Pssh, ain't nobody got time fo' dat! Who needs to justify how they feel?

    The equality of opinion has always been the Achilles heel of democracy. As long as one's ignorance is treated as equally as another's knowledge these kinds of problems will always happen. We have too much going on in our immediate lives to really care about things that seem distant to us. Food and rent is more relevant than politics for many people and if you spend your entire life struggling just to survive there's not much room to care for anything else. When lives are preoccupied with struggle after struggle, it is comforting to have someone tell you what to think and give you convincing reasons why your situation is the way it is. That doesn't mean it's right but it's a good enough answer for many people.


    That's why both Trump and Sanders have seen enormous popularity this election season. One uses rousing speeches and his track record for progressive change to court voters. The other uses fear, racism, and other associated rhetoric to court voters. Everyone else is either playing copycat or are trolling. We all agree that we are tired of grinding to barely survive and both politicians are offering their respective sides "the answer". We just don't agree on how to do it because we are too uninformed on each other's struggles in order to understand our commonalities.


    Maybe this is why I'm so depressed all the time...

  6. I saw this topic and thought of one visual kei band immediately and that would be Viored. 

    I'm not out to write a biography but from what I can remember, Viored were a visual kei band active around the mid to late 00's. They sported a typical hard rock sound with some metal influences but what really caught my attention was the vocalist and the guitar work. The polyphony in their compositions was something that was really lacking in the scene and was a nice touch, as they were most active during the "metalcore-phase" where bands like GHOSE and VAJRA ran rampant. Their vocalist Kei was an interesting fellow: he had a high pitched vocalist I would liken to NoGoD's Danchou - although much less refined - and their sound could be described as "hard rock lifting inspiration from white kei while channeling metalcore on B-sides to lure tsunagari to the merchandise bench". Some good stuff, some okay stuff, and some songs I haven't listened to once so you can say they were all over the place.

    They weren't the most active but they were persistent and consistent, releasing many singles. They grew pretty fast and were a popular band both in Japan and internationally, which is something that rarely happens but signals good things for a band! Unfortunately the band fell apart when the vocalist's girlfriend convinced him to leave visual kei and "get a real job" and Kei went AWOL before informing the band that he was done. Viored pulled the whole "we can't continue without him" schtick and disbanded after releasing a best-of.

    The Beautiful Dead Song gets stuck in my head every time I think of them so I linked it below.

  7. me when i almost set my house on fire making breadcrumbs


    LAST.FM IS deadass crack cocaine its shit but u hate urself for being unable to get off of it

    I managed to quit cold turkey. It's not that hard considering how awful the site is and how it seems to break every other day (yes I still do keep tabs on my dealer...I didn't say I was totally free :P)

    Also last night I had a dream that I saw The Winds of Winter available for purchase at Barnes and Noble and I didn't buy it. I'm still mad at myself for not even attempting to read it but I guess even my sleeping brain knows not to rush a good thing.

  8. their live-distributed DVD "20140409 Unplugged BORN DVD" will be released at their last one-man live "SUPER BLACK MARKET" at Zepp DiverCity Tokyo at 2016/05/26, which will include scene of their acoustic live at 2014/04/09

    Why do they only decide to do interesting things right before they call it quits?

  9. tumblr_o2xa802BRX1rfey86o1_1280.png



    1. 「howling」
    2. Lily
    3. Royal Order
    4. Declaration of war
    5. Cordyceps sinesis
    6. A Box In Beautiful
    7. Miss.EVIL INSIDE
    9. Chains of collar
    10. Who's bad psycho party
    11. pAIN kILLER
    12. 緋雨
    13. 結晶華
    14. **88**
    15. REDRUM(album edit)

    :_6/10_: | The royal order loses its luster


    Like them or hate them, Lycaon cemented their place as one of the most influential post-2000's visual kei bands. Another thing they've managed to do successfully is to get their fans to debate which album is their best. Depending on who you ask, the most likely answer would be their first album Royal Order or their last album camera obscuraRoyal Order was one of my favorite visual kei albums for many years. If you asked me five years ago for a list of my favorite visual kei albums of all time, Royal Order surely would have made the list. Now? Not so much. I've now come to officially throw my ring into the hat and make this endless debate even more complicated.

    It's always bothered me that so much of this album was released as singles, but it pisses me off to no end that they decided to include all of them on this album. "Cordyceps sinensis", "Declaration of War", and "A Box in Beautiful" get a pass, but each single leading right into the next unbalances the album. "Declaration" is probably the weakest song with "A Box in Beautiful" as the strongest of the three, but that could be my preferences talking. Then there's "chains of collar"; one of their more iconic singles but was a bit aged by this point in time. "結晶華", "RED RUM", and "緋雨" are previously released tracks  to pad the run time. Stick two SE's in there and you will realize that I just I covered half of the album in one breath. That's not a good look.


    What else sucks is that "Plug > into the > Socket" was a great, energetic rock number that would have fit anywhere, but they decided to release that on a cassette tape instead. If they absolutely must have included older tracks to fill out the album, both "「琥珀彩」~コハクイロ~" and "The[1st] degree genocide holic" are much better options (they had already pimped the latter out for the さわやか3組 2009 omnibus).  I would have been happy with a remaster of "The Death Game" at least! Note that I stress they do something with their older songs. They changed up "RED RUM" a bit but didn't even bother to touch "緋雨" so Yuuki's unpolished, brusque vocals and rougher production stick out like a sore thumb against the crisper production of the newer tracks. However, there is no reason why a band must include anything from their oldest singles at all.

    So what about the rest of the album @Zeus? The tone of my paragraph above suggests I would have preferred more new tracks, but the records show it took the band six months to come up with the rest of the album and the new additions weren't as solid as the singles. "Miss DEVIL INSIDE" is our first introduction into the genre-hopping that Lycaon hadn't fully embraced by this point. I can appreciate the unexpected double bass rolls into the screaming chorus but at it's best it's budget System of a Down worship. "**88**"" is a clone of "Miss DEVIL INSIDE" with even less polish and a scream so harsh at the end it can blow out eardrums. Finally, the title track "Royal Order" is weak sauce; it bounces between those burpy harsh vocals and that cavity-inducing saccharine chorus but the rest of the song is forgettable. I can't believe they actually named the album after this...
    Now that I got all my complaints out of the way, what little is left is why anyone should give Royal Order the time of day. The album should have jumped straight into "Lily". Excellent music writing and experimentation with some new sounds and a catchy, almost Gazette-ish chorus makes for one of the better new tracks. "who's bad psycho party" is actually a lot better than it's title lets on. With a four to the floor disco beat nesting lovely with some electronic effects, this and "pAIN kILLER" are the best out of the newer tracks - it's just a shame that the former isn't included on the limited edition. It took me a while to warm up to both tracks but now I see the value they bring towards the end of the record as well as why they follow one another. "結晶華", shamelessly lifted from Ambrozia, is also a wonderful breath of fresh air. A ballad needed to be present and this was their best one to date. They did everyone a favor too by removing the obnoxious minute and a half of silence at the end. It's a good song, but it doesn't leave me breathless. The re-recording of "RED RUM" is a nice touch to finish off the album, although I think it would have been even more effective if "**88**" wasn't included at all and "結晶華" and "RED RUM" swapped positions. I also miss the scream at the beginning but the harsh vocals at the end make up for it.

    So Royal Order is a mixed bag. I still enjoy listening to it to this day, but five years with an album gives you a new perspective on it. I enjoy this album a lot more because I enjoy Lycaon's discography and all the songs I like are mostly songs I've heard before. It has a few surprises here and there, but it's got a few duds as well (well actually, more than a few if you count the instrumentals as music). I recommend it as an overall good album to listen to, but it's not the be-all end-all post-2000's visual kei release I once thought it was.
    ...but @Zeus, you didn't answer the question! Which Lycaon album is the best album?
    You can infer that Royal Order wins because my >score for camera obscura was only a hair lower and as far as I'm concerned 嘘と女と『    』 never happened, but that would be missing the point. A star doesn't mean much in the long run. Lycaon has great songs and poop songs from every era. Some of their best songs are on their worst releases and some of their worst songs are omnipresent. Even the "erotic" era I'm notorious for disliking has "Mary" and "MAD NEUROSIS CHILD"! As a band, Lycaon were all over the place because they were always changing their concept. This is one of the few times that a best-of album would have been very welcome, but that raises the sticky question of how to blend all their eras together with a nice flow. Settling on a style is an issue they never quite worked out before disbanding, and I personally believe the departure of eve and 美央 only made this problem worse because it left the other members to experiment freely. "Experimenting freely" is how you end up with releases like Masochist Red Circus.
    If you want an answer to the most consistent Lycaon release, Ambrozia is a safe bet. That's all you get for free.  :P

  10. These pictures are really amazing. When I look at visual kei band photos a lot of preparation goes into setting up the clothes, the scenery, positioning the members just right, etc. You take these pictures live and when I look at them I can feel the energy from being right there. Keep these coming!

  11. Not exactly "random questions" but here we go:


    Anyone having specific recs concerning (comfy) laptops with more than just decent battery life, processors with i4 or even above (preferably i5) and almost flawless Linux + virtual machine compatibility? Let's say prices I'd accept could lie between 500 - 900 $ (not really expecting to see such comps on the other side of this spectrum but color me surprised if you do).


    Defo not cool with my current laptop's (HP mini 210-2000, hella old!) 2,5 h battery life + jittering by courtesy of Linux' unfortunate battery draining features (@nostalgia, pls?)


    You are looking for the Holy Grail sir lol. I don't have a model to recommend you right now but what I do recommend is that you look for "flawless Linux + virtual machine compatibility" first and then work your way back to the type of processor you want. You can always buy a better battery later.

    Also, if you haven't install TLP / JUPITER. It will help a lot with your power consumption issues.

  12. "I don't mind about illegal uploads, but uploading a song right after its release makes me feel bad for those who purchased it properly. Anyway, I really don't mind. But since you've uploaded it, please advertize it a lot."


    The man himself has spoken! You heard him, bois! 


    ORZ might be able to work something out for Akane and D.I.D.

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