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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. Wow what a scummy guy. Enon messed up when he said his wife was "just a friend". Just a friend my ass you put a ring on it own up to it.

    I am missing something in the big picture. Why is Becky facing the end of her career if she was the (mostly) oblivious third wheel? I don't see her having any fault in this considering she didn't know what's going on.

  2. An album that will be released in march should be fully recorded and in mix/master process right now. Lets face it, theres no album, Pata would probably be Ok in time to tour, there are months for his recovery. 


    To be fair, diverticulitis is not something that develops overnight. It takes months, if not years, to develop to this point. I would know since I have something similar. It makes you feel like you want to die.

  3. At first I thought "What activities does this band have to pause?". Then I saw that for once they are pausing for legitimate reasons and not smoke and mirrors. I feel so bad for PATA and hope that he will get well soon.


    I'm baffled they are not able to get a publishing deal. It makes no sense.

    They've released four albums in twenty years. Labels aren't willing to take a chance on a band that can produce only four times a century.

  4. If this is limited to just playback tracks of vocals then I agree. I'll let a backing track of growls or screams pass because I understand what that does to one's throat.  Other than that, I came to see the band perform even if they aren't all that great live. If the vocalist sucks, he sucks. Make up for it with charisma and singing lessons.


  5. now sis I said apologising for, not advocating. Don't twist my words. There's posts blaming the victim.

    Moderator Message:

    So calling people out for it does what for anyone exactly? People are entitled to their opinions but throwing shady one-liners on members whom you disagree with is one degree too removed from conversation. It derails the topic and starts drama. The last thing we need is additional drama in an already incendiary topic. No matter how valid your point may be this isn't the time or the place for it. Let's keep this topic for discussing only this man and the band and not other members.

  6. how did i know when i clicked this there would be child rape apologists here

    Moderator Message:

    Posts like these are the kinds of things you should avoid writing. There is no one overtly advocating for child rape so do not stir the pot.

    On another note, I find it hard to believe that the rest of the band members didn't know what he was doing. They may have not had the whole story but certainly they had bits and pieces. Did one of them turn him in?

  7. Lool and there I thought something BIG happened


    This is pretty big though. SHITNARO pulled down the smoke and mirrors around visual kei. Yeah, we all knew that bandomen were getting anywhere between some nookie and full on financial support from their fans. We just always assumed that these fans were of (dubiously) legal age. Now it's not fantasy it's ephebophilia (like pedophilia but exclusively for teenagers). It's also the first time in recent memory a visual kei bandmen was actually caught. It makes me wonder how deep this goes.

    My Tanuki warriors, go forth and gather more information! Anything that you can't verify or looks suspicious should be prefixed as a rumor or put into the rumors section. Thanks!


  8. That's so fucking sad I feel like crying I wished they would take their time, take a pause, come up with another solution than disbanding cuz no..can't deal with this atm


    Edit: thanks for translating this hiroki

    Considering they've been playing music together for the last twelve years (RENNY AMY -> D&L -> BORN) I think they've known each other and their musical habits long enough. When it comes to expressing yourself sometimes there is no other solution. I think it's fair that they decide to part on good terms because they've gotten into a very "BORN"-y way of making music and perhaps they want to challenge themselves in new ways? Ray says he is retiring but look forward to the activities of future members more! When one band dies another is born in it's place.

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