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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. 39 minutes ago, Bear said:

    What's the best/easiest way to convert lossless files to mp3? Any decent program where I can just drag/open all the files I want converted into the program, choose my prefered bitrate and push convert?


    It takes a bit of set-up but foobar2000 can do that.

  2. Someone explain this travesty.



    A lot of people were really pissed when Paramount Pictures cast irrefutably white actress Scarlett Johansson as the Japanese lead in the live-action adaptation of cyberpunk anime/manga classic Ghost in the Shell. So what did they do to placate the pitchfork-wielding, Twitter-fueld lynch mob? Try to use CGI to make her look more Asian. Allegedly.

    If this is true I'm 300% done. brb dying of laughter. I might just go to see what Scarlet Johann-san looks like.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Ito said:

    I know it isn't a particularly huge deal, but man she just doesn't look right. It's just that I've seen so many cosplayers that look the part way more.


    The entire cast doesn't look right. Let's count the ways:


    • Motoko Kusanagi is played by a white woman.
    • The Laughing Man and Batou are both white men.
    • Aramaki is apparently B-tier enough to be authentically Japanese. Or maybe they were going for the Mr. Miyagi-sensei angle.
    • There's a black guy playing a character named Ambassador Kiyoshi. There is no such character in the universe called Ambassador Kiyoshi. So now they're just inventing non-canon Japanese characters to be played by anyone but Japanese people.
    • It's going to be directed by Rupert Sanders, whose only other directorial credit is Snow White and The Huntsman (and he didn't direct the sequel).

    Apparently I'm supposed to be okay that the character names and location are still intact (for now) but it's hard to have hope when the director very clearly isn't paying attention to the source material. For fuck's sake the hairstyle is from SAC but the color is from the original movies where her hair is cropped short. Our very own @Arithmetica would make a better Motoko Kusanagi than ScarJo and she doesn't even have to change her hairstyle.

  4. All I came to say is that

    • this is bullshit
    • really makes Izumi look like a slave driver

    The rumors about them disbanding to get away from the label may not be rumors after all. Hectic release schedules be damned, benefiting off the free promotion while they were active but scrambling to save your bottom line when all the cash cows leave one after the other is the scummiest business move of 2016. It'll be even worse if the record label doesn't monetize the PVs. If they did at least it would make sense, but it would make more sense to do it while the band is active and new people will more easily find them.


    Is Izumi this decade's Kiwamu?

  5. 3 hours ago, 『Hotcakes Butt MK II』 said:


    While I agree that their production quality isn't the best, they sound cool. Yuuki just needs to improve on vocals and they need a better sound producer. I literally don't understand why they don't have this whilst they are on Speed Disk and  how high def their pv looked. Like cmon.


    I heard similar claims back in 2006. He's only gotten worse over time, in part due to his four year battle with pneumonia. You can hear the difference in harsh vocal power between songs like Social Faker and BEGINNING OF LOOP. Now his harsh vocals are even a step down from second-era UnsraW if you really want to compare REBORN to anything in the master post. I make no claims for golden ears.


    While I could (and probably should) be sympathetic towards Yuuki considering all he's gone through, he made the choice to leave UnsraW because of his inability to perform. He even said coming back to reform UnsraW that he was unsure about his ability to perform. He still sounds like he can't push it to the max and I'm certain that illness took it away from him and he never will be able to. While he has newfound confidence, he doesn't have new vocal chords. Much like one of my favorite vocalists Hizumi, he's going to have to work with his limitations and do what he can. I believe you said something similar below. He insists on performing music he can't anymore, and for that he deserves all the proper criticism that comes with it.


    Anyone that's going to call those larynx-shredding warbles good harsh vocals needs to get better speakers.


    P.S. I believe UnsraW were also signed to Speed Disk so I'm not understanding why this label can't fork over the cash to make them sound as good as they look. Then again their limited budget must also be a sign of wavering faith, as I remember someone claiming UnsraW's last three releases were live distributed because the company didn't think it was good enough to release as an EP. Take that at face value.



    Admittedly I hated DOAK and their sound, aswell as Yuuki's vocals and that disgusting autotune shit from the first single. Not to mention the vocals sound so out of place with these D.I.D. esque compositions, satoshi and yuuki go together like oil and water tbh. Oddly enough though Hakuri and Ito sound pretty alright, while Inside Fear sounds like a song that didn't make it on Providentia, i still want to hear it. 

    As for THE BLACK SWAN, Jin's voice is nasally but it fits aswell as the compositions, but then again he has Makoto of ex-Reviver and Itsuki of ex-Origami. He and Yuuki fit that category of Unique voiced vkei vocalists but going off of basics, Jin just can hold a key better than Yuuki, his voice is a lot smoother. Yuuki does have his sweet spots though, he can harmonize aswell..but it feels like he really doesn't spend time refining his voice. But that was back in Unsraw..I feel Yuuki should take a bit more time to focus on those Sweet spots.


    Amen, especially to the part in bold.

  6. THE BLACK SWAN managed to craft a progressive clusterfuck of a MACABRE clone even if the rest of their music is nauseating. We know what we're getting with Jin as a vocalist and even though tonally he leaves much to be desired as a vocalist he runs circles around Yuuki. For one, he can harmonize.


    DOAK sounds like absolute garbage with no hope for redemption. I don't know how people can listen to DOAK unironically and still profess to love music. They're tied with Ha;qch. and I.T.G for most overhyped pile of drivel to hit the scene post-2010 and if Yuuki / Satoshi wasn't involved they would be another no-name no1curr band that people would only masturbate over in retrospect.


    I'll stick with my ugly swans.

  7. tumblr_o5hjw4YJGr1rfey86o1_1280.png



    1 サプリミナル・ダイエット
    2 骨抜きに恋して
    3 腰掛けラップ
    4 PH4
    5 GODcustomer
    6 等身大グレー
    7 ベルサッサ
    8 自撮ール


    :_7/10_: | Slowly losing charisma, but still a fun release.

    Pop gets the short end of the stick in "serious musical discussions". A lot of pop is swept under the rug as formulaic music for simple-minded people, so it's challenging for a pop musician to innovate while essentially staying the same artist. It boils down to mixing together a bit of something old, a bit of something new, and the musical equivalent of Chemical X. These are the ingredients which form The Hit Single, a coveted substance sought by many, found by few, and difficult to produce at scale. Over the last few years Charisma.com has taken the approach of slowly but steadily expanding their musical palette in order to produce many Hit Singles. The beats of last year's OLest were much more dynamic than the offerings found on their debut EP for example; they pushed their sound to a place they hadn't taken it before while still keeping the pop hooks and hard hitting commentary that got them fans. Their newest release 愛泥C is set to bring everything together and take it up another level, but inconsistency holds it back.
    I would describe the issue as death by one thousand tiny cuts. Elements don't come together as they should. I am no stranger to famous Japanese producers assisting the dynamic duo, but it feels like the different producers never agreed on the core sound of the album. It will bounce from pop to dance music to hip hop very fast, and sometimes they go off on weird tangents or include cringe-worthy sections (most specifically "GODCustomer"), which requires the flow of the album be immaculate to make up for the constant change in mood. It's not. There's the lead single "サプリミナル・ダイエット" which is classic Charisma to a fault, the deliciously smooth "PF4", and the infectious "ベルサッサ" which catches my ear and please me greatly. Then there are the tracks which sound pleasant but leave no effect at all on me, such as the end track  "自撮ール". Then there are the more abstract trap influenced bangers such as "腰掛けラップ", where Itsuka shows some difficulty in flowing with the beat. It's unfortunate that the most abstract beats are the most beastly but also complemented with trap influences and a very lazy chorus where the beat drops and they echo a phrase for eight bars. It's supposed to sound hard but doesn't. Charisma.com feel much more comfortable in electro pop / hip-hop territory and it shows. Charisma seem to have an easier time making snazzy hits when they stick to pop territory and I'd much prefer if they kept the trap influences to a minimum.
    Bigger isn't always better, and when some tracks bang hard and others fall flat, the whole experience feels like empty calories. More than ever it feels like they're forcing themselves to be catchy, hip, and "lolsorandom". I adore where the duo takes their brand of pop music, but not at the expense of consistency. They need to stop trying so hard. Throwing everything and the kitchen sink at the listener is a surefire way to lose their attention. Scale some of the stranger elements of the beats back a tiny bit, get all your producers in a room to talk about the experience as a whole, and keep the hard hitting social commentary mixed with humorous lyrical themes the band is known for. There needs to be the right amount of direction to offset the spastic insanity that is Charisma.com.

    Purchase from CDJapan!


  8. 1 hour ago, Neolicht said:

    Is there a way to get the profile pictures to be like they used to be? I would rather the entire picture show and not have to crop most of it. 

    I mentioned earlier in the topic that this is a skin issue and that there is nothing we can currently do about it.


    1 hour ago, yakihiko said:

    I notice that some japanese aren't working properly. 

    example: this topic and my sig

    another question, is the code [thumb* used for images returning soon, or is just going to be [img* now?

    We cannot guarantee that we can fix the issue with the polls at all, but if we do the fix will have to wait until the next maintenance. Changing signatures is equally as tricky so it's easiest if the affected members update their own signatures.

    I attempted to replicate the functionality of the thumb tag but I was unsuccessful. I can try again in a bit but I will have to change how it works so the thumb tag as you used to use it probably won't come back. 

  9. Thoughts on the new season so far:

    Really liking Boku no Hero Academia. I can always go for a started from the bottom feels trip.

    Asterisk is alright. Seems to be starting stronger than last season at least.

    Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress is dope. Interesting plot and story with incredible potential. Feels like Snowpiercer with zombies.

    I have similar comments for Sousei no Onmyouji. Really liking the interesting art direction with this one.

    Seisen Cerberus has potential to be interesting as well. I laughed at the synopsis and the name DAGAN ZOD but when it came to the animation it was much more mature and refined than I initially thought.

    Joker Game is straight heat. A psychological spy thriller with an interesting twist.

    I can grow to like Terraformars Revenge if they stick to the source material and hope the BDs are gory like season one.

    Ace Attorney  and Beyblade: Burst looks like it's going to be fun. I hope Phoenix Wright stays a savage. The latter is purely nostalgia.

    I'm still watching Pokemon XY&Z on the low. It's still for kids but the battle animations have stepped up a notch. Not quite as nice as the specials but much better than the dreck that was everything before X and Y. Low key Pokemon has better animation than 80% of anime currently airing that's how you know The Pokemon Company rakes in billions.

    Is anyone watching Concrete Revolutio? Is it making sense or is it still a complete mess?


    Overall I'm pretty pleased! Especially considering Attack on Titan was supposed to be here but isn't.

  10. 1 hour ago, Original Saku said:

    I'm still exploring the new functionality but overall looks decent for the moment. A few things in particular I've noticed;

    1.) When I type a post and then press the enter key to make a new line it skips a line instead of going directly to the next line. please fix it's really annoying.

    2.) the avatars as mentioned above are way to small for my taste, would be nice to have them the same size as they used to be. figure it out please :D

    3.) for some reason my post count has been reduced? I had over 3000 posts before the update and now I'm under 3000. Not really a big deal but just something that caught my eye.


    I'll check back with anything else i notice once I play around with the forum some more.


    4.) youtube videos are a tad smaller than they used to be when embedded, not really the biggest issue but nonetheless still a bit weird.

    5.) when browsing unread content, when I click on a topic instead of redirecting me to the latest post/page in the topic like it used to, it now redirects me to the very first post of the topic... this is inconvenient to say the least.





    1. I am unable to replicate this issue. What browser are you using?
    2. The more I dig the more it looks like I have no control over the size. That's a skin thing.
    3. Posts were recalculated during the move because IPS 3.x didn't properly decrement posts when they were removed. Your new post count is your true post count.
    4. I can adjust this....any recommendations for good dimensions?
    5. I can look for settings for this too.
    1 hour ago, Δtypical said:

    Tracing back your own and others's statuses with this layout is a headache. I hope you can make it more user friendly.

    Other than the suggestion to create your own stream I don't know how to do this yet.

    2 hours ago, Delkmiroph said:

    @Zeus still up the forum ? 
    The profile options its good, the problem is in layout.

    New options to profile OK

    The new way to notification is perfect.

    I hope one colorful forum with (color in nickname in all posts) :-)

    so much space between title posts and almost in all in forum i think this need be fixed. (incluing when in box to write one comment. (Press Enter and next line have one big space with other text above)

    The small avatar still this way or gonna change ?


    Colored names are not natively supported by IPS. I installed a plugin to do this but it won't apply it everywhere.

  11. @Gaz and @DarkWater, I have adjusted some options so that the skin scales more dynamically according to your resolution. Right now I have it at 75%. Does this solve both of your issues adequately?

    Also @CoolKill3rX I have adjusted the skin some more so that the header doesn't float as you scale down the page. No more clipping banners!


  12. 7 minutes ago, Ikna said:

    I hope it's possible to get larger Avatars in the future, as well as being able to disable the scrolling banner (it just really bugs me and takes up unnecessary space.)

    Is it normal btw that I don't see any status replies and have to click on the users profile to see them?

    I am not sure, I am not sure, and yes in that order. You are not the only one to have reported this functionality as missing so I hope it comes back soon.

  13. 16 minutes ago, CoolKill3rX said:

    Oke ^^, btw a few more things.

    Basicly the logo of the site f its good, but when you scroll down it gets out of line with the black bar behind it:


    Then there is also this:




    Other then that, maybe put profiles to show About me rather then activities when u go to a profile?, also on the homepage there is a list of people that are in chat, perhaps add a link to the chat there too?

    And thanks for being able to see more easy'er when people comment on a reply, i could never find it out before.

    I am aware of the clipping issue with the banner. I can set it small enough so that it doesn't clip but it's not a dynamic solution. Both of these are due to how the skin is created, which I don't have too much control over. I can't really move buttons around without diving into thousands of lines of code I didn't write.

  14. 28 minutes ago, DarkWater said:

    Yeah, but I also had to ENABLE the option in my profile settings....

    So its working now.




    Search function doesn't work yet too, guess still working on that? hope it will be back soon.

    Posts are still being rebuilt so it will take a while for the search function to become fully operational.



    2 minutes ago, CoolKill3rX said:

    Just an idea, loving the forum btw.

    But woudnt it be more handy to have all account and profile and login stuff right above next to browse and activity?

    Makes it easy to get to wherever u are, and it would actually be at the right site, wich i personally perfer more then it being left.

    Also signature is in acount settings, shoudnt that be in edit profile? ^^, dunno.

    These are skin setting that I cannot control. Part of it is not intuitive and part of it is that it really is badly designed in some ways. This is way better than the default skin that shipped with IPB 4, but we may be looking into purchasing / creating a new skin in the near future.

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