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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. Just now, doombox said:


    You definitely need to make some time for self-care "me time".  I would have gone crazy already with that kind of schedule. D;

    The only reason why I haven't is because I don't have the time. I could sit around and feel bad about myself, or I could get back to work and make myself useful. Or I could do both at the same time, but experts call that "depression" and I refuse to believe I'm depressed. I call this phenomenon "work guilt", because when I'm not doing work all I think about is how much work I should be doing. It's like when you're playing Halo 2 instead of writing that report in Spanish due the next day, except now it's complex four-dimensional data set problems and it was due yesterday.


    I need to take a nice week long vacation and reacquaint myself with my bed and pillows.


  2. I don't stop moving from 6am until 11pm at night all day every day. From the moment I wake up to the moment I get to sleep I'm helping someone somewhere, and it's almost always in the background so no one sees it, even less appreciate it, and then people always ask why I'm tired. I'm so tired I can't sleep.


    I need to change my life before I burn myself out. My idea of adulthood was not sitting in a dimly lit room for hours on end problem solving.

  3. 9 hours ago, doombox said:


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    Ugh good point, I forgot Olly had killed Ygritte too. This show has a way of making people cheer when it kills children because they are such pricks!! I do love the cast though, I'd say all but a handful are really good actors. 


    Is it bad I kind of want Jon to go retake Winterfell so the White Walkers can demolish Castle black and scare the hell out of Westeros for a while? I feel like it needs to get really dire before they have Dany ride in on her dragons at the last minute. I need to see all the Lords and Ladies pee their pants before the big battle. xD


    I'm excited for some Greyjoy goodness too. They can't have Uncle I-am-the-Storm come in and then not show the fallout. 


    When you say "fix" Bran, do you mean his paralysis? And a wight or a white walker? I mean a wight would just be like necromancy, but I guess if they are of a hive mind he could learn something that way. Maybe understand their language?


    It feels like the show writers decided to get the plots going now that they know they only got a couple of seasons left. I'm so happy some plots that seemed forgotten about are coming back into play though. It was beginning to become a joke. 





    ACTUALLY, in the last book right before Jon gets stabbed he gets a letter from Ramsay. In that letter Ramsay announced that he had taken and sacked Winterfell and was provoking Jon into action, knowing about his vows to not get involved. Jon decides fuck that, I'm riding south. Some of the men agree, others disagree, and Thorne uses that moment to begin plotting. It's totally possible they'll revive parts of that story line and push it forward. I don't have any idea where else he would go truthfully...does this mean he will reunite with Rickon?????


    And "fix" Bran = get him walking again. He asked that directly in the books and Bloodraven said no, but that he could give him something far greater. No idea what that is.


    The Others do have a society and a language, but I know nothing else of it. We probably won't get to see anyone warg though :|



  4. tumblr_o6xmf9gj0P1rfey86o1_1280.png

    Here's some great riffs we've been digging recently


    HaKU - gravity






    Maybe this is just a personal definition, but for me, J-Rock refers to a special brand of rock made in Japan, just like J-Pop is a pretty distinct from Western conventions of pop music. Indie bands like 凛として時雨 (Ling tosite sigure) were trailblazers of a fresh new brand J-Rock that eschews typical genre classification; let’s just say they’re something you’d be hard-pressed to find an equivalent of in the West. Having said that, my choice today is from a different band! My absolute favorite song in this frenetic style of technical indie rock is HaKU’s “Gravity” from their superb digitized Grisaille mini-album in 2011. From the first note, the riffs are a hi-octane burst, sure to get your heart pumping, rushing over you like a gust of solar wind. My interest in HaKU may have dwindled over the years, but “Gravity” still rocks!





    girugämesh - patchwork






    Not too many songs can instantly take me back to 2007 like 'patchwork' can. One meaty guitar riff forms the core of this three minute nu-metal beast, but there are lots of layers to this particular song which are easy to miss if you head bang too furiously. For starters, the song is all about contrast. The lyrics are depressing - which is a given - but the magic lies in how well vocalist Satoshi both complements and contrasts with the aggression and fury of the guitarists. Then there's the ebb and flow of the song, which does a good job imitating how waves of anger and jealousy possesses a person. Obligatory mention of the kick-ass riff and breakdown and I think I've hit all the reasons why this song kicks off their self-titled album. It's even more massive live, with the cut from their LIVE BEST release featuring additional synth and guitar lines for more complexity! Listen closely and you can even catch Tatsurou from MUCC lending his harsh vocals during the chorus as a guest feature. 'patchwork' is one of girugämesh's most recognizable songs and needs a spot on this list somewhere.




    Luna Sea - Storm






    It's just one of those quintessential J-Rock songs that has a simple, yet kickass riff (those crazy guitar effects!), and a killer solo. Like most Luna Sea songs, this isn't an overly complicated melody, but one which is instantly recognisable. A J-Rock classic.



    MIYAVI - "Selfish love –愛してくれ、愛してるから– (Selfish love -aishitekure, aishiterukara-)"





    I don't think this list could be complete without the famous neo-visual samurai guitarist himself. Miyavi has always had a penchant for catchy riffs and they serve as the backbone of his early solo work before he began to experiment with hip hop and synth influences. One of my favorite examples of his guitar prowess is "Selfish Love". The guitar riff is so distinct and so front-and-center it showcased Miyavi as much more than your standard visual rock artist. Miyavi has surpassed his visual roots these days but I think songs like this prove he's always been a student of the blues and his guitar licks are sharper than any katana when he's at his best. 





    L'Arc~en~Ciel - HEAVEN'S DRIVE





    L'Arc~en~Ciel may have many memorable songs in their repertoire but HEAVEN'S DRIVE is a particular song that sticks out especially when it comes to a strong riff. This fast paced energetic song sounds so sweet and catchy. When the song starts you're thrown into an amazing stand out riff that is hard to forget especially since the bass line helps bring it out and gets it stuck into your head. Especially when ken throws in some of his signature guitar solos in-between supporting the main riff of the song which gives the song most of it's life. 





    RADWIMPS - 会心の一撃






    RADWIMPS don't get full marks for just their beautiful lyrics and masterful ballads, but they also have plenty of amazing high energy rockers: just take "会心の一撃 (Kaishin No Ichigeki)" as a perfect example for the latter! Being one of my all time favourite tracks within RADWIMPS' discography and the J-rock scene overall, "会心の一撃 (Kaishin No Ichigeki)" does everything we love about RADWIMPS: entertaining story telling, abstract yet poetic lines, and an unforgettable musical journey. At the two minute, seventeen seconds mark, we're bombarded with what is some of the most memorable, fierce strings to ever grace your unsuspecting ears. For someone as myself who pays most of my attention at the vocal work, it was the riffs that really stood out to me when it came to "会心の一撃 {Kaishin No Ichigeki}". Alongside Noda's signature spoken lyric delivery, it's a match made in heaven that seems to end all too soon due to its speedy run, and the consistency of the chugging throughout the tune is gripping, very fitting to its visually stimulating sport game as the PV. I assure you, this isn't a song you'll be forgetting about any time soon.  It's bloody marvelous live as well!



    deadman - 盲目の羽根と星を手に (moumoku no hane to hoshi wo te ni)






    It's really no secret that I'm a massive deadman (and aie) fan, but choosing their work for a great j-rock riff list is a bit of an odd choice. There's nothing classic, catchy, flashy or technical about aie's guitar work, but what he lacks in technicality, he compensates for with his incredibly unique and mesmerizing style. aie combines a heavy grunge, alt-rock and punk leaning with a sprinkle of jazzyness, all topped with an oddly ugly, lightly-distorted, treble-heavy sound. The resulting sound is mechanical and robust, but the chords that come out of his signature Telecaster add all the flavour. This dichotomy is particularly strong in "Moumoku". Its opened by a fragile yet dissonant arpeggio, before entering a typical aie-style jazzy power-chord sequence. The real kicker comes in the middle, with another variation on the arpeggio from the intro used during a break while all other instrumentation cuts out. The lyrics to "Moumoku" are quite depressing, with Mako's bleak writing and imagery coming to the forefront. aie's playing mirrors the sentiment laid out by Mako; the notes during the break ring out into a void and the harmonics sound like a cracking voice. The technical guitar-stuff is one thing, but the way the guitar fits in and reflects the mood of the song is what makes it all so special.



     :3 Thanks for reading! :3


  5. 6 hours ago, doombox said:

    This episode killed meeeeeee

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    Jon definitely is different. If death didn't change him the experience of dying did. He was stabbed in the front by men he called brothers, men he would have fought and died for. You can't be the same after that level of betrayal. That stare between him and Olly right before he cut the rope was intense. The camera was focused on Olly as the actor definitely nailed the I did what I thought was right, do what you must stare, but all I could think about while watching it is how Jon must feel hanging the man who killed Ygritte. I definitely think it made him hesitate before he cut the rope.


    I need to know what the wildlings will do after this. They were loyal to Jon, not the Night's Watch. If he rides south, there's a large chance they'll go with him. Then who will defend The Wall against The Others? Winter is definitely coming before the end of the season, and I WILL GET MY BIG FUCKING BATTLE AT THE WALL so the NW losing even more power is disastrous for them in the long run.

    I barely care about Daenerys at this point. She's so far removed from what's going on in Westeros that anything they do with her will seem like a plot device to get her to Westeros. I think they're going for a crone prophecy revelation here. The Dosh Khaleen in the books were revealed to have future sight. It is also stated that Vaes Dothrak is large enough to hold all the Dothraki khalasars at once, and it was built that way because one day there would be need for them all to come together. Cue Daenerys prophecy, dragons, ships, fuck Meereen and sail straight to Westeros. That needs to happen ASAP or else Daenerys is going to come back to a tattered kingdom with all the ruling houses dead and no one to conquer. Which would be it's own bit of irony but would make that whole adventure cruel and ultimately pointless. I actually want to see her fight to take her kingdom back. What happens to Tyrion and co. is none of her business...unless she flies back to get them first and then goes to Westeros. But that would be so out of the way....meh this is why I hate her story.


    I am so glad there was no Dorne this week. The less Sand Snakes the better.


    I expect some Kingsmoot next week as well and some Greyjoy goodness, but that entire story line in the books was far too long for the pay off. Sorry to the Greyjoy fans out there. If they can condense it into one to two episodes that would be stellar.


    Tower of Joy means R+L=J is 100% confirmed. I have been waiting for this for so long. I've been a firm believer since high school when my English teacher explained the theory and it all made sense. The other person who knows Jon's true heritage is Howland Reed, who will survive everything and witness the battle. We'll definitely get to see things through Howland through Bran's perspective. It remains to be seen if the show will fix Bran or not, but the books has definitely stated Bloodraven can't fix him. I want to know what Bran will do after he leaves, because he will leave when all The Others are gathering at The Wall so he will have an easy escape route. I also need to know what happened to Hodor.

    I've also been having thoughts about what happens if Bran were to warg into a wight.


    And that Rickon reveal! I don't know if that's truly his direwolf's head or not - popular consensus is that it may not be - but it looks savage enough to be. I wonder what Umber's game is as well...I think he's loyal to the Starks but he is definitely playing a dangerous game here.


    Damn this episode was good. A lot of setup but I get vibes of season 3 where things just went crazy halfway through and that it's going to happen again.

  6. When I hear someone claim "future releases will hopefully see this band improve", usually I'm reading about an upstart indie band or veteran musicians who can't mesh their styles together. I know that's what I really mean when I say it. But it doesn't seem like that's the case here, right? Where did all the magic go? It's mostly the same members, yes? So did FACT's disbandment throw up a mental blocker which is restraining the band? I listened to the video you attached and it sounds so lethargic. The riffs feel flat and you completely nailed my feelings about the vocalist in your review. No energy at all!


    Length isn't so much of a problem for me. If it's short and addictive it lends itself well to repeats. The English gets to me more than the length. Perhaps this time a shorter length is better so you don't have to suffer as long? Great review!

  7. On 4/29/2016 at 1:27 PM, Carmelzors said:

    The staff usually lumps e.g. Wagakki band uploads into VK department for some reason even though


    a ) They have more non-VK members than VK-associated peeps (a collective of popular Nico Nico artists).

    b ) As Para said it already, acts like these (doujin/vocaloid/anime-related aficionado circles) very rarely get in touch with other visual bands live-wise.

    c ) Yuko NEVER coined her collective as "visual" (nor did Machiya btw). This matters a lot when we discuss VK in a large-scale context.


    My additions which some might find "blatantly unlegit":


    d ) Production values and general approach adopted by Wagakki Band has a lot more to do with e.g. groups and Utaite under Lantis' (anime/game/related OST label) wing than how we normally see new waves of visual kei bands.


    e ) Vocaloid/Doujin background is still audible in their music. Could you name at least one (widely accepted) VK collective with genuine loyalty towards those scenes?


    Nitpicking is definitely tiresome but giving it some thought would be nice and less *ignorant*.

    I lump Wagakki Band into visual kei because that way people are more likely to check them out. They're nice and have a cool concept but I do not believe them to be visual kei. I do think they put most visual bands to shame and they could claim the title very easily if they chose to. My rule of thumb is that a band is not visual kei unless they say they are. Seems to work well for my cases anyhow.

  8. @peffy


    The books never go into how a soul is revived. We know it requires the Red God's blessing and some steps, but the steps we saw Melisandre take don't seem too complex. GRRM doesn't go into explaining how magic works at all.

  9. 2 hours ago, Gaz said:


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    welp so Jon is alive. OMG HOW UNEXPECTED!! ...not. was hoping there would be more to it but w/e. i'm curious how they will play his card later on.


    also Greyjoys are in the game now, which is really good imo. besides now D&D have more screen time to drag the show without making up their own stuff. the same thing goes with Bran. now there is quite a definite possibility that we'll see Robert/Ned vs Rhaegar fight. 


    so i'd say they(D&D) prolly took a defensive strategy trying to use as much of books' plots as they can before doing some drastic changes.  




    We all knew this was going to happen. But I took a look at the oath of the Night's Watch:


    "Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."

    Doesn't this mean that Jon is released from this vows?

  10. 1 minute ago, herpes said:


    harmless topic ≠ making actual LGBT people seem derisory by placing themselves as a group under the queer umbrella. Not just myself who shares that opinion.


    21 minutes ago, Zeus said:


    I'm not even going to get into whether or not asexuality is a thing. I am no domain expert on sexual orientation.


    Let people figure out their own sexual identity for themselves, even if it means that they are wrong for a portion of their lives. You are robbing people of a chance at self-exploration because of your own personal beliefs, which is no different than high-minded religious zealots who try to rob the LGBT community of their chance at self-exploration because of their personal beliefs. This was a perfectly harmless topic about people sharing experiences and asking questions until you complicated it with your sectionalism. What others have to say or how others define sexuality outside of Monochrome Heaven is irrelevant to this point because no one here prompted you to take it to this extreme and no one appreciates it. And unless this topic is literally causing you to be unable to live with yourself, you'll survive avoiding this one topic on this forum.


    I would now like for this topic to return to a place where people can ask questions and figure out what they are for themselves.

  11. 1 hour ago, herpes said:

    idg why my comment was deleted, "asexuality" isn't a thing and is offensive to actual lgbt people.


    Because "this seems like a term frigid people use so they can fit their otherwise heteronormative selves under the Queer umbrella................." has no place in this topic.


    I'm not even going to get into whether or not asexuality is a thing. I am no domain expert on sexual orientation. What I do know is that the onus is on you to avoid things that offend you rather than on others to not trigger feelings. Let people commune and sort out their asexual experiences in this topic. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, don't enter. But I will not stifle discussion about a harmless topic such as asexuality because you personally don't believe it exists.

  12. 1 hour ago, Gaz said:

    the first episode was pretty good. despite my all fears this season might be way better than previous (80% of which was mediocre)


    I can agree with you here 100%. D&D know they only have twenty, maybe thirty hours to wrap up the show. GRRM is not restricted by time in this way so he can write as much as he wants to wrap up the story. However, his lack of restraint has backfired with him missing deadlines to make S6 canon and two bloated narratives that are agreed to be the worst in the series.


    D&D also know the ending, so I've already accepted that the show will end before the books and be the definitive ending. I think Martin has too. I'll be pleased if they do it justice.


    But did they do season 1 justice last night? Read on...





    The answer is sorta.


    I read a lot of complaints online about how much of nothing happened and I disagree. The twist with the Martells was huge!  Plot lines have to start converging now so  it was a necessary move, even if it was an unpopular one. I'd like to actually see Dorne wage war against the Lannisters. I'm pretty sure everyone is expecting a clusterfuck of war or the aftermath of one when Dany descends, so perhaps we'll see Cersei crack before they kill her off. People are also upset that Jon's fate wasn't wrapped up tonight. We got a ton of information as long as you were watching closely. I missed a few things due to a laggy stream but it was still pretty dope. Overall I think it's good that while some things happened tonight they took enough time to set up future events as well.


    • Jon is most definitely dead and there is no easy revival here. Now the question is will he turn into a wight or not?
    • The Night's Watch is about to implode and the white walkers will attack any second. I'm 100% certain we're getting an intense battle north or at the wall this season.
    • We learned that Mel's power is in the ruby around her neck and that's what is keeping her young. Kinda disgusting to know Stannis tapped that eh?
    • Jaime x Cersei is still a thing (it's a bit more dire in the books)
    • Dany finally has a reason to head back towards Westeros! But are her dragons still chained or did they get free and set the boats in the harbor on fire? Stream lagged for me at this point so IDK.
    • Dorne is done. I don't think the Sand Snakes can hold it.
    • Also never turn your back on a girl with a spear that says she's going to kill you.
    • Tommen's gonna die at some point this season and watching Cersei finally go 100% mad bitch will be a glorious performance.




  13. 7 hours ago, peffy said:
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    Uh..  was Jon ever stated to be a warg?



    I only read the books up to page 70 of the 5th book, so I have no clue.






    I believe that all of the Stark children have the ability to warg and some are able to manifest it better than others. None are aware that that is what it is. Bran is the most compatible and if there are Bran seasons north of the wall this season you'll see this for yourself. Basically, he can tap into the power of the weirwood trees all around Westeros and observe what's going on. It's very similar to warging. Arya is the next most compatible. In the books, Arya and Bran often have "wolf dreams" where they dream they are actually wolves doing what wolves do. Sansa is the least compatible as Lady was killed off (and that nicely mirrors how she's stuck in the South & in the Vale where she always believed she wanted to be). We never know if Robb was compatible or not but his dire wolf was always by his side so if he had the powers he was unaware. Rickon so far has been extremely underdeveloped so it is unknown if he is aware he is warging. However when Bran has wolf dreams he is often running around with Shaggydog (Rickon's wolf) so maybe that indicates something?




    Also @Original Saku you're killing me here. I'm trying to stay a S6 virgin until tomorrow.


  14. 49 minutes ago, peffy said:

    Getting pretty hype for tomorrow's episode

    Too bad there's no way to legally watch this show (in Canada) without subscribing through a cable tv provider. I'm not paying that much to watch one show. (and this is the ONLY tv show I watch)

    Time to frequent torrent sites again. =/



    fan theory "spoiler"

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    There are a few ways it can go:

    • Jon wargs into Ghost while Mel resurrects Jon and Jon wargs back
    • Jon wargs into Ghost while Mel resurrects Jon and Jon comes back as a wight and then Jon wargs back. This is a possibility because in the books right before the betrayal one of the wildling giants who is usually calm starts freaking out. While Jon is passing out he is also remarking about how cold it is. I believe the White Walkers are about to attack, so this may be your "twist".
    • Jon actually dies and Mel uses the same spell Beric Dondarrion would have used to resurrect Lady Stoneheart if she were a thing. That means Mel dies and Jon comes back.
    • Jon never died and Mel saved his life. No res required.
    • Jon wargs into Ghost and stays there permanently. This would actually tie up the dire wolves arc quite nicely if he ever reunites with Nymeria and would make for a nice Bran x Jon reunion through Bloodraven's magic. Least likely option.

  15. I wouldn't expect the publisher of the manga to not be supportive. If they put out negative press it could affect their sales. I'm not changing my mind until Masamune Shirow himself says that he's okay with it. And even then the mangaka is not infallible, so I still want a trailer before I make my mind up. What killed the Attack on Titan live-action movie after all was the large amounts of deviation from the source material, all requested by the original author.

  16. 9 minutes ago, The Dead Wolf. said:

     I have, in fact, resolved this by saying that you can not lie if you're simply giving false information about things you don't know. Lying is something you do deliberately. Giving false information due to the lack of information or evidence can not be classified as lying. Thus, as Pinocchio can never be certain about whether his nose will grow if he says it will, no matter what he says can not be classified as lying, since he simply does not have the information available to him. Thus, his nose will not grow.


    But if the statement is something that is easily observed then it is not possible to give false information about something unknown. The key is because the statement is said in the present participle so now time is a factor. If Pinocchio says his nose is growing but his nose is not growing at that moment then he is lying at that moment. Then in that moment his nose will grow. But just because his nose grew after the lie does not make the lie true.


    Now if he said that "His nose will grow" that's giving information about unknown things.

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