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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. Ok so there's virtually no difference otherwise. I was hoping this wasn't a case of D'espairsRay where they had a track called REDDISH-Diva Version- and there was no other version AFAIK. Thanks.

  2. Today I call upon the expert knowledge of @blackdoll.

    On the (mini)-album 「嘘と女と『    』」 why is the third track モーゼルのピストル【murder.ver】? As far as I know there was no other version of that track released....unless it was one of those super obscure live-limiteds?

  3. If there were reset buttons on MUCC's career, Houyoku would be the first time they really pressed it. To go from a complete 180 into Houyoku is what threw me off back then and it still does now! I know that after they expunged all their demons the band felt like they couldn't "force the heaviness" and Houyoku sprouted from the seeds of their angst or whatever. I really haven't listened to it in maybe 5 years so I should try again. I've changed a lot since back then.

  4. 19 hours ago, plastic_rainbow said:

    well, i still haven't heard any of their albums other than homura uta, zekuu, and tsuuzetsu so i'm definitely gonna have to come back and refer to this list!

    homura uta and zekuu have been great albums so far~ ^^


    Homura Uta and Zekuu are two of their best albums IMO, but I'm an old-school MUCC fan that lost his way some time after KARMA. I can find a little to like in each album but that one totally lost me and since then I've been too wary to try anything new. Seeing how @doombox ranked the newest releases doesn't install confidence in me either, but I'd be willing to try a more recent release if she'd recommend me one. @plastic_rainbow those were great places to start. The darkness in Zekuu is palpable. At the time the band were going through lots of internal stress and infighting. That anger and depression is present in a way they were never able to channel again, not even when they tried to purposefully outdo it on Kuchiki no Tou.

    Also surprised to see so many nice words about Houyoku. I absolutely detest that album and could never get into it. I feel like I'm missing out. :\

  5. Quote


    I think Tool has been leading us on in the press. I absolutely cannot reveal my sources for this. Let's just say that the mixing process has happened.


    Tracklist for Decem:

    Abscissa (13:47) The Awakening (12:03) Gematria (Act I) (14:33) Regresolution (13:56) Divinotus (12:45) Astral (Act II) (12:21)

    Descending (13:53) Decem (12:22) Lesous (Act III) (12:43) Principles of March (12:01) Pascal's Wager (13:46) Zeta (Act IV) (14:27)


    Edit: I logged back in after a few hours and, holy shit, this blew up. I can't possibly reply to everyone now but I will try to get any additional piece of information I can to try and add further validity. I'm excited too and I hope this is true.


    Edit 2: Under no circumstance will I reveal any personal information about the source. Please stop asking.


    Sauce: https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/4t2a6a/new_tool_doublealbum_decem_coming_fall_2016/

  6. 4 hours ago, Pho said:

    Which would be completely fine, if your opinion was logically well-founded and well-supported. Refer to Hiroki's post above.

    The key words are "how to feel", not "what to feel".


    You are entitled to your opinion, as is everyone else here, even if your opinion runs counter to mine. What is rubbing me the wrong way, as well as @CAT5, and I would wager any African American MH member, is that there are people trying to tell us how to feel. None of you are African American, so don't tell me your observations about black life in America are equal to our experiences as black individuals. You just won't get it. AND THAT'S OK. To think you can distill our entire life experiences into a few bullet points on an internet forum, to me, is the height of arrogance. You do not get to direct the conversation, or to rephrase the situation to downplay aspects too grisly for you to face head-on, or to tell us what emotions are most conducive to enacting change.




    Now that's not to say you don't get to participate in the dialogue at all but no one is doing that. Not one person in this topic has put forth a solution that will ease our suffering. It's just pages upon pages of people trying to seem enlightened. We will need you at the table next to us in order to enact meaningful change. What we need you to doas non-African American individuals, is to listen to us and help us. 

  7. The rabbit hole goes even deeper! YouTube personalities such as PewDiePie have gotten caught taking bribes by Warner Bros. for positive game reviews. Much like the original CS:GO situation this counts as inadequate disclosure on sponsored videos. I don't think PDP will go to jail but it's probably an ugly gaffe that will blow over in a few weeks.


    The Federal Trade Commission has reached a settlement with Warner Bros. over claims that the publisher failed to disclose that it had paid prominent YouTubers for positive coverage of one of its video games. The FTC charge stated that Warner Bros. deceived customers by paying thousands of dollars to social media "influencers," including YouTube megastar PewDiePie, to cover Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor without announcing that money had changed hands.

    Under the terms of the agreement, Warner Bros. is banned from failing to disclose similar deals in the future, and cannot pretend that sponsored videos and articles are actually the work of independent producers. "Consumers have the right to know if reviewers are providing their own opinions or paid sales pitches," director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection Jessica Rich said in a statement. "Companies like Warner Brothers need to be straight with consumers in their online ad campaigns."



  8. 37 minutes ago, finnthesubhuman said:

    I didn't know where else to post this, really.


    Let's rewind to yesterday. I'm playing around with this really awesome app called Spotify, which I mostly use to find new music. I decide to check for some older bands for some reason (maybe because I can't find my ipod with all the music I listened to prior to this year).


    i find out Girugamesh hasn't done anything new. I check the internet and...disbanded.


    Sadie, hiatus.

    12012, hiatus.

    Deathgaze, hiatus.

    unsraw, disbanded.

    cocklobin, disbanded.

    nega, disbanded.

    e'm grief, disbanded.

    d'espairsray, disbanded.

    lycaon, disbanded.

    dali, disbanded.

    GazettE, best left unmentioned.


    Everything I used to listen to in 2007, 2008 and 2009 is not only making music I'm on the fence about, they're more or less gone forever. I'm left with Dir en grey and Max the Hormone, with Black Swan the only newcomer to follow.


    What happened to J-rock? Where did it all go? Someone help, I feel lost. Who are the successors? if all of the bands I used to know have gone do I even like j-rock anymore? Am I alone in this feeling?


    i guess this is part request thread, part mourning for the end of an era.


    I'm in the same boat as you so you aren't alone. I don't even have musical releases to look forward to outside of new DIR EN GREY. The only direct and obvious continuation worth following was NEGA -> THE BLACK SWAN and OUSIA is literally my visual kei album of the year by default. All the other veterans either disappeared or ended up in really underwhelming bands, so it's up to the new bands to fill the void.


    The first thing I would do is recommend you check out ORZ Reviews if you haven't already. We make an effort to try to review visual and non visual releases equally, although as a whole we are finding 2016 an underwhelming year for music. Maybe you will find something new you like :)

    The second thing I would do is to check out the various mixtape and trade-off threads and maybe participate in the next one if the theme interests you. One of them was a "Journey through the decade" style exchange and many people chose the last decade, so look for that one in particular maybe. I find that this year the trade-offs have been invaluable in exposing myself to new music and new artists, especially after I left last.fm. If you can stand the interface and don't have an account, maybe try that out too?

  9. The YouTubers could be looking at real jail time for this stunt.




    What would you do if got caught promoting a highly profitable Counter-Strike: Global Offensive gambling website without disclosing the fact that you owned it? Well, Trevor "TmarTn" Martin found himself in that situation earlier this week, and he chose to post an apology video where he sits in the foyer of his expensive house and makes a sad face at his dog. And then delete it. Thankfully, whenever YouTube closes a window, it opens another and immediately re-uploads the video on another account.

    "My connection to CSGO Lotto has been a matter of public record since the company was first organized in December of 2015, however I do feel like I owe you guys an apology," Martin says in the video, referring to the articles of incorporation, I guess (because everybody watching YouTube videos definitely checks the articles of incorporation for all mentioned businesses). "I am sorry to each and every one of you who felt like that was not made clear enough to you. I truly honestly hope you guys give me an opportunity to earn your trust back."

    "I believe that every game offered on CSGO Lotto has been legitimate, and I'm committed to making sure that that remains true."

    A quick primer in case you're not familiar: CS:GO lets players trade and sell in-game items like weapon skins for real money, some of which can go for thousands of dollars. Using this system and tools from Valve, external sites like CSGO Lotto can set up lotteries and other games of chance where players pool, win, and lose items with significant monetary value. Legal systems around the world are still conflicted on whether this fits for regulatory purposes, but functionally speaking, it's gambling.

    Back to Martin and his dog: it's impossible to say whether his videos were rigged, since we can't see the admin side of CSGO Lotto. It doesn't really matter, though: the fact that Martin and CSGO Lotto co-owner Tom "ProSyndicate" Cassell ran the site and could theoretically change the odds to win big for their undisclosed advertisements makes it ethically unacceptable. Even less acceptable than feeding their audience undisclosed advertisements for a site they semi-secretly own, I mean.

    Deceiving adults is bad enough. But when you consider that kids make up a huge portion of the audience for these videos, and that CSGO Lotto only has a bog standard "You must be 18 or older" checkbox to register (the privacy agreement even said "13 or older"), it gets even worse. Here's the general attitude toward the situation rendered, very appropriately, as a YouTube meme.

    Polygon reports Martin and Cassell have been added to a lawsuit against Valve for enabling and profiting from the CS:GO gambling scene, though only each party's (vast) wealth is at risk from that. New York attorney Ryan Morrison, who focuses his case work on eSports and gaming, told ESPN that won't be the end of it.

    "What this did do, which is in my opinion wonderful, is really open up the eyes of people who can put criminal charges forward," Morrison said, because when attorneys general see these high profile civil cases and controversies pop up they're more likely to pursue them. "So instead of this just being, oh no, ProSyndicate with his $70 million house is going to lose $1 million, this is instead going to be all these people are very much looking at real jail time." 

  10. 18 minutes ago, colorfuljinsei said:

    What I don't like seeing is this. Disenfranchising someone because of their cultural and geographical background. 

    Carmelzors may have a limited perspective on these particular issues, but trying to devalue what has been clearly thought out and researched on the grounds of "living halfway on the other side of the world"...
    I don't 100% agree with everything he says, but given the context of this conversation, I find that assumption quite brash. 


    That's not disenfranchisement. That's someone with a limited perspective and someone with a bit less limited perspective exchanging opinions. You can be intelligent and uninformed.


    Everyone's opinions are not equal in this situation. You cannot say that your ignorance is equal to my knowledge, or that his knowledge is equal to my ignorance, and then expect everyone to "come together" and listen to those affected in order to enact change. When everyone believes their opinions are equally as important, you get a shouting match. You get social media. Now is not the time for that. You either listen to the minorities or you don't.


    It's the job of the disenfranchised to amplify their plight. It is the job of the enfranchised to have the disenfranchised be heard and to use their privilege to enact positive change. The privileged do not get to tell the unprivileged what to feel or how to approach discourse.

  11. 6 hours ago, Carmelzors said:

    What a way to dismiss one's point - do you really think the topic of racism is limited EXCLUSIVELY to the American soil? (I think we have discussed this much earlier in a bit different context and you provided that same "argument" again, wow)


    Not to mention that I didn't base my POV solely on current events over there - I used it as a slight reference. There's a difference, right? Racism and xenophobia exist elsewhere as well in equal proportions if you looked a bit closer.

    This wasn't dismissing a point. This is a factual claim. You live halfway on the other side of the world and you are clearly referring to the most recent murder of innocent black men in America by white police officers, even if you can point to other, more local tragedies to make your point more general.

    I don't make it a matter to get political on the internet because it doesn't matter. You say your piece. I say my piece. No one changes their opinion and we go on our separate ways. But what bothers me is your know-it-all attitude, as if you've seen it all and you have all the answers. No matter how eloquently you state a point or how long you reflect on a situation, some things need to be experienced before you understand the full picture. I highly doubt institutionalized racism is a thing in Finland - and if it is you most definitely do not suffer the brunt of it. The history of the United States is a quagmire of racial tension. To urge people to take a neutral ground and "look at the consequences" in a situation that has no neutral ground means that you don't fully understand the situation. And I'm sure that stands for just about every *-related incident, because nothing in this world occurs in a vacuum.


    If you're not going to be brazen enough to directly address the "PC issues" that irritate you so much then you can't really complain. For as much as you complain about toxic opinions from other MH members, you have not reported one to me even once and I can't find a recent topic within the last few months that's gone unmoderated. This forum is very open and accepting as far as places on the internet go and I work very hard to make sure it stays that way. I'm on @herpes ass once a month and he's the one that's supposed to flare up. For fuck's sake I made a rule to explicitly create more space on this forum for LGBTQ members and to reduce hateful rhetoric (and your response was quite interesting if I may add).

    Realize that everyone has the right to an opinion, but that doesn't make it valid.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Carmelzors said:

    I like how peeps are literally attempting to evade "PC culture mines" very carefully while trying to get their point across w/o accusations of race-related racism (read further), whereas EVERYONE gives specific cultural racist statements a pass every.single.time. instead. This community is no exception tbqh.


    In the wake of latest events and clashing responses, I'd love to bring up a huge reminder: fighting hate with hate will trigger more hatred and havoc-tier division between different peeps. Accusing WHOLE races, ethnicities AND nationalities for inferiority and/or "supremacy" (racism in overall caters discriminatory behaviors and beliefs based on cultural, national, ethnic, caste, or religious stereotypes - so it's not merely limited to the standard tumblr definition) is equally idiotic and bigoted. What we should be discussing here should be merely the nature of circumstances (gun laws, possible criminal backgrounds, federal discipline, corruption etc.) and not the vendetta against all representatives of the "oppressor's" race or occupation.


    Of course, I may face misunderstanding or slandering after these comments but here's the thing: whenever we bring up the case of races - be it its addressing in the name of "inferior opinions" or "instant bigotry" -  we will lose the human, personal touch in discussions of various fields. I, most of all, want to discuss with people - with personalities, mutual interests, hobbies and activity-based backgrounds. I don't give a single damn about your race, nationality, caste, ethnicity or culture unless you intentionally and unreasonably attempt to slam these aspects of mine as the means of providing so-called "counter-arguments" (i.e. "because you represent the ethnicity x, you are subhuman troll and your opinions are invalid" - pretty much almost any baltic MH user I have met, as the case in point) or as the tool of opposing my social presence. Sure, I have been equally guilty for this kind of bullshit but just read everything what I said above - hate will give birth to more hate, and it will go on and on until there will be no one left here.


    So let's not be hypocrites in this case and understand this loop of miseries and division - let us see each other as the avid (Japanese) music enthusiasts and hobbyists from different blocks and slices of life instead. Discussing races, ethnicities, nationalities or "what would be PC" all the time will just put us against each other and crash the concept of "unity", "community"...


    If you didn't find this comment "PC" enough...well I am not sorry. Those who know me better will get my point across very easily.


    That's very easy to say when you live halfway across the planet.

  13. A very popular online multiplayer shooter hosts one of the largest legal gambling rings in the country. There's a ton of information out there so I'll link a video and distill some points below for discussion



    • There is a large underground gambling network in CS:GO in which you can exchange skins for cash. Prizes can range anywhere from a few dollars to a few thousand dollars.
    • Anyone as young as 14 can gamble. They don't check to make sure you are of legal age.
    • There's some legal loophole in that this isn't illegal since you bet on skins and sell the skins for cash, but it's still gambling by another name.
    • Net intake of these networks raked in $2.3B last year. 2.3 billion.
    • Valve is accused of allowing these third party networks to tap into the Steam API so facilitate easy gambling.
    • Class action lawsuit has already been filed.
    • Video goes into a particular example of how several prominent CS:GO players founded a website for trading skins and sponsored it on YouTube through a set of videos showing them winning it big in just a few minutes, tempting others to try their luck at gambling. Kinda scummy how the owner of the websites makes videos of him gambling on his own website and winning big over other people...


    Any aspiring lawyers on MH? This looks like a nice payday.

  14. You need to change your title to "How I Found My Best Friend". Your girlfriend is a champ. She has a good nose for crazy girls, let you work out your personal and emotional issues, and is still there for you regardless even 5 months later. Don't let her go.

    If I were you, I would not be friends with this Sara person. You've mentioned several other people that don't like this person? And pressure, emotional manipulation, extreme possessiveness, and black mail? And your friends told you she was talking shit behind your back? This girl is a nightmare and the best thing she ever did for you was to refuse to date you. You do not need this kind of person in your life. Don't just ignore her; make it your prime directive to not talk to this person at all. Cut her off, lose her number, block her on social media...this kind of person will only ruin your life, your relationships and your self-esteem. But I think you know this already.


    Congrats on making it out of your quagmire of confusing feelings.

  15. Great post @Valicious~ Very informative and there's even some background information I didn't know about. We stress that this is PC only. XB1 / PS4 players feel free to create your own teams.


    I'm SILVERxLOTUS on Battle.net. Currently ranked 47 on competitive. I can play a little of everyone but I end up falling into tanking and support roles more than DPS roles. I have a few videos on my personal YouTube channel of me being above average at this game if you're interested. If you party up with us a mic is nice. It's much easier to coordinate than with typing.

  16. 16 hours ago, Valicious said:


    I'm going to create and maintain an Overwatch thread after the RarezHut auction this weekend.  I really would like to have an MH league, that'd be so cool.  Competitive play is going to be added in the next patch (and you can earn points to buy exclusive cosmetic rewards, including golden guns), and how cool would it be to tear up the ranks with an MH team?

    I've never been able to play FPS games before because I have no muscle control in my hands or fingers, but I finally managed to figure out a system to be able to play Overwatch.  It involves an xbox controller, mouse, a heavily customized button config, and a toothbrush.


    Add me on battle.net!  Valicious#1906


    This happened yesterday. Play with us and this can be you. @Valicious knows I do this on the regular.



  17. I'm late to the party but HOT DAYUM that was a good episode.



    Everyone saying the quality has dropped this season is on to something. It's because Martin didn't write this season (not even that D&D wrote it but they're doing a good job with what limited information they have). He had ways of weaving his stories and writing dialog that's missing. It took years to churn out this saga. A good example is when Ramsay tells Jon to "kneel" instead of "bend the knee". That kind of dialog gets me into the universe and really helps me believe Westeros is an actual place with actual slang! I don't think this season is bad, but I do think it feels predictable because it is predictable. And it's a good thing that it's predictable too!

    Actually being predictable is being unpredictable for this show. We've been through five seasons of our expectations being subverted so now we expect bad things to continuously happen. But if things keep going bad for the good guys the show won't conclude well. Every so often the good guy has to win in order for the stakes to remain high and the show to stay engaging. The Bastardbowl definitely delivered on that front. Imagine Jon died in the battle last ep...His entire arc this season would be for nothing. Then there would be endless complaints about how bad his arc is and how pointless it was and how he should have just stayed dead. If Ramsay didn't die this episode it's because he took a trip down to the smith to thicken his plot armor some more. Etc, etc, etc.

     That entire battle was awesome. Felt like I was watching Saving Private Ryan:Medieval Edition. Jon was a fucking idiot but he was a cool idiot so I let it slide. Tormund really surprised me this episode in a good way. Often in the series so far he's been far too knowledgeable about southerners ways and there hasn't been the simple misunderstandings that would come from meeting someone from a different culture. But the conversation about a pincer movement and then his conversation with Ser Davos about Stannis' demons really stuck out to me as simple little things that really flesh him out as a wildling beyond the wall. Good writing!

    But there are other places in which the show is delivering well and getting no love for it. The entire plot with the High Sparrow in KL is much more developed than in the books. The High Sparrow is def going to be the new antagonist for the last season. The outlawing of trial by combat also killed off hopes of Cleganebowl this season which everyone was expecting. D&D rescued Daenery's plot from banality so much so that I can watch those scenes now without rolling my eyes. Loras is merely imprisoned and not suffering from 3rd degree burns dying. The extinction of giants just happened this episode. The lack of Dorne this season is amazing - that plot and everything associated with it was done terribly which is unfortunate because it's one of the most interesting and least developed places in the books and they could have done much more. All this information we got from Beyond The Wall with Bran is Beyond Important and I fully expect next episode to get back to that and deliver more crucial backstory and WE FUCKING GOT BENJEN STARK BACK. This season is dead lit.

  18. 2 hours ago, Bear said:

    Am I the only one who found the lighting in the scene where Jamie watches Brienne and Pod leave awful? It's like the completely forgot they had  to light the scene. It was painful to watch. One of the worst moments in the series till now. Amateurish.


    Not at all you couldn't see a damn thing! Scene would have been so much more effective with better lighting. Even if we didn't get to see him die, seeing the Blackfish's shadow go up the steps and brandish a sword is effective enough. Seeing Brienne and Pod turn back and walk down the way they came would have been nice too. That scene was most likely done in just one take because it isn't all that important.

  19. 4 hours ago, Tokage said:

    Even though I actually wasn't even a REAL J-rock babby around the time when they disbanded, Number Girl is probably my fav band in this list, so my vote goes out to them.


    Second place goes out to D'espairs Ray.. Even though I'd already sotof lost interest in their output by the time of their disbandment, they were still one of the first japanese bands I ever really got into. Hizumi also has one of the most characteristic voices in the scene imo, and seeing them forced to stop activities due to shitty reasons that are basically totally beyond their control is quite painful. I mean, I DO sort of agree with what @Carmelzors said about the ''imminent kaisaning'' and all that, but at the same time I felt like their story wasn't over yet. They could've still pulled a Girugamesh on us all and surprised us with some enjoyable late-era releases..


    Most painful disbandment for me personally will still always be Guruguru Eigakan disbanding due to Amano's death though.. They were always close to my heart, and seeing them go for THAT reason was just horrible.

    Not to turn this into a D'espairsRay mourning topic, but as I was tying up my blurb I had a hard time distinguishing between what was and what could have been. If we lived in a universe where HIZUMI never got sick, would REDEEMER have come out the same way? Did the sickness force D'espa to play their hand early, or did they just go with the flow and make the best of a bad situation? The world may never know.

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