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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. 44 minutes ago, DarkWater said:

    btw how can you update your

    Recent Status


    can't find it..

    Click on your name in the upper left corner, then click profile. There should be a rather large box that says "What's on your mind?"

    39 minutes ago, anakuro said:

    In the status previews on the main page they seem to cut off for longer statuses, you see more than one from the same user (which isn't so bad unless someone is spamming or something.... but kind of a pain because of my next point) and there is no "see more" so you can't just easily scroll through a list of statuses like we could before.

    Also, I hope that when they come back the headers don't take up too much space, given that the header scrolls with us down the page now...

    Will icon previews of the most recent poster come back? 

    Last time the header scaled down. I expect it to do the same. I can look into the other two issues as well.

    14 minutes ago, seurong said:

    im assuming we are stuck with tiny avatars now right?

    Yep. I have to tweak the skin settings to make them larger and I'm not sure where that is right now.

  2. 31 minutes ago, eiheartx said:

    I was about to ask if you can change the background of the quote, which was the same colour than the thread but seems you did it already.

    How is @membername working now? Still no notifications when we cite someone? It's so much easier now, using @  instead of [member . it's a good thing.
    I've been logged in private but seems I'm not?
    Preview button?

    Besides that, I've got no questions for the moment. I really love the update. It's more professionnal, and our personal profile is so great, with our own banner. Oh, and the notifications, browse and activity systems are great.


    edit: the "hide users signature" is a jewel!!! thank you for this feature!!!

    I think @nostalgia is behind changing the background of the quote.

    I am not sure how the new member name feature works. I need to play around with it more.

    The preview button is stirring some controversy on the official form. IPS' stance is that since it is a WYSIWYG editor a preview button is redundant so they did away with it. However, it's a feature everyone has become used to and loves and the original poster presents an interesting use case where it would be valid. I was looking for it myself and missed it, and toggling between raw HTML and the nicely formatted text doesn't work on everything. I find it annoying to have to edit my post two or three times to get the desired result as well. They seem hellbent on not implementing it so don't get your hopes up.

  3. If there are any questions, constructive criticism, or issues concerning the new skin, layout, and/or board software please leave them here. We will be happy to take a look at them.

    Answers to common questions:

    • We were forced to upgrade. Rolling back to IPS 3.x is not an option.
    • If you see question marks in your profile, this is a result of Japanese or incompatible emojis from IPB 3.x. (noted by @shiroikitsune and @seurong)
    • The forum's wideness is a result of the skin. I have to make some manual adjustments. I reduced the width a bit @DarkWater how is it now?
    • The member tag is replaced with putting the "@" symbol before a member's name. And damn is it convenient!
    • Preview functionality of posts seems to be gone in favor of a WYSIWYG editor. I can't put it back.
    • The rotating banner is back and I know it looks a little funny when you scroll. Also working on that. The banner should work properly now.
    • Custom BBCode is known to be broken. The thumb tag is now obsolete as images can be manually resized.
    • We are looking into other options actively but we will roll with this for a few weeks or so.
    • Various graphical glitches are associated with certain browsers. I don't have an issue with Firefox and Chrome seems to be working alright as well.
    • Colored names are back.
    • YouTube videos should now max out at a width of 640 @Original Saku
    • Max avatar size is 178 x 178. Any larger will break Chameleon Dark.

    "Restoring" View History of Status Updates (as requested by @freesia, probably a useful thing to know)

    IPS4 has removed the functionality of seeing all status updates with the button as we are used to. We can use a new tool, called Activities, to replicate this view. I will show you how to do it now. Assuming you are using Chameleon Dark, click "Activity", then "My Activity Streams" and create a new one. Check the uploaded image to see how to configure your settings and then click OK. Status Updates history should now be easily available from this activity.

    status update feed.PNG

  4. Drama in cali≠gari community ended with blocks of users and the final split within the community. As it was expected.

    Regret nothing, we need less shitty people here. Well, dead and don't give a fuck about us mods also agrees with this...

    Do you care to explain?

  5. Quick recap of the last season. I didn't watch too much as a lot wasn't appealing to me.

    Caught up on Dimension W pretty quickly. I heard they took some liberties here and there but the story was interesting and unique. The anime took the time to explain the rules of its universe (which were rooted in pseudoscience but convincing enough to sound real as if the author did a bit of research first) and then stuck by them the whole show. An entertaining 12 episode anime I could recommend to anyone in the mood for something different.


    Schwarzemarken had promise but quickly deteriorated into a B-movie sci-fi plot with no discernible direction, the threat of a threat never materializing, and characters doing things only because the plot demands something happen for the sake of progress. It tried to throw a left hook in the first episode by appearing as if no one is safe and then for the next ten episodes no one is in any real danger - and you know it. Also there's incest and that's gross. I heard the main character brains his sister not too long after but I didn't have enough patience to wait it out.


    Loved all 10 episodes of Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!. Much funnier than I anticipated it to be (as in it's actually funny and not "Dagashi Kashi" levels of boring) and I can't wait for S2!


    Ace of Diamond is done. I still don't know what to do with my Mondays.

    Asterisk is coming back but if it continues to be a generic battle harem I'm turning it off.


    Boku no Hero Academia looks like it will be a fun and interesting adventure.


    What the fuck did they do to Terraformars: Revenge? The creepy horror feeling is all gone. I was terrified every week for who would die and who would get maimed and how much smarter the roaches would be. They were smart, determined, and relentless. The colors are off, the roaches look stiff, the gore has disappeared, there's fan service (did you REALLY have to ask for a shower scene 3 times in one episode?), Michelle isn't Michelle, and now the bloody fuckers walk away when one of them gets his head kicked off. It transformed from a seinen to a light shounen at best. I really don't know how I feel about this.

  6. Is it possible to ask jpopsuki moders to delete user which steal and upload stuff without rip owners permission?


    Not a JPOPSUKI mod but there is no way to control for that. MH tried and it didn't give us intended results. And what we did wasn't even heavyhanded! Throw that fantasy away and deal with piracy being piracy.

  7. Well, I have to say that I saw this coming....even if it's sad, I believe it's for the best! They really need this break and rest for some time in order to come back stronger :D but by the way, let's hope they don't stay on this hiatus until their 20th anniversary...it's like 4 years from now D:

    I actually hope they do. This is mean but I feel like a lot of their music for the last 5 years has been a total disappointment. I think they know it too so they're going to split, grow as artists, and come back. Or maybe they'll wake up and end this band for good.


    I do agree with sentiments regarding that spewing stuff seems to be usually useless. However, it won't leave much room for discussion and consequent understanding of different aspects we enjoy, criticize, misunderstand, understand, pinpoint etc. in the said music. We are "the community" after all, aren't we?

    'Asshole' is a subjective matter.

    Discussion is a two way street. If you are as willing to listen to thoughts as much as you are willing to share them then that's not really elitism as I usually think about it. Elitists stereotypically don't care about what others think if it doesn't line up with their thoughts. CAT5 response is much better than mine at exploring different kinds of elitism.

    Also I didn't put this together as a serious attempt to categorize fans. I'd need way more than 10 groups to do that. This is mostly for laughs. Don't get too wrapped up in how I broke them down and what I said.

  9. 10 Types of J-Music Fans





    The Casual

    That moment when you actually try to talk about visual kei with someone.



    The Casual's knowledge is primarily limited to bands featured as anime tie-ins. Tends to believe all J-Rock is Anime Music and that visual kei is "gay". He might dig GLAY or have "Ready Steady Go" on his MP3 player, but that's about it. Don't expect a long conversation about the ethics of visual kei with them, but you might be able to take them to a Dir en grey concert once in a blue moon.


    Pros: Potentially interested in learning more.

    Cons: Unfamiliar with anything else an artist may have done.





    The Expat


    I'm into plush dolls. Native women are so overrated...


    After discovering Japanese music, The Expat believes that their native country's music is "horrible" and "lesser in every way". No one else back home "understands". The Expat hates listening to "American-sounding" rock and metal, but can't draw comparisons to relevant American bands because he doesn't listen to them. Instead he'll drone on and on about how Japanese people are naturally more poetic and musically talented than every other country in the world. Secretly wishes they were Japanese but will settle for an Asian girlfriend.


    Pros: Did you need that ameblo post translated? They know a guy...

    Cons: Will probably find a way to make every music discussion about j-music.





    The Hoarder


    The visual kei ward will be fresh af bby



    With libraries large enough to start their own blog of obscure Japanese music, The Hoarder take everything as long as it's free, even if they may never listen to it. They have downloads over a year old that they still haven't made time to unpack. They are allergic to files with no metadata tags and their worst fear is encountering a file with a password that they no longer remember. They are likely obsessed with having all the limited editions/multi-types/fan club only items no one else has. Measures everything in megabytes.


    Pros: They definitely have that super rare live distro file you've been looking for in flac.

    Cons: It's just on their hard drive from 2001 packed up in storage.





    The Otaku


    How otakus share rarez



    The Otaku are the kind of music fans that got started on the indie, rock, and jazz scenes of Japanese music. Many of The Otaku believe visual kei to be inferior, cookie-cutter, boy-band music. To be one, you must know the song and dance around gaining access to private servers, basic Japanese, and all the rules of sharing and re-sharing. Failure will get you blacklisted. They have been a scattered force since The Fall of JMR but they used to be an active, influential source in shaping many a music fan's taste.


    Pros: Deep and knowledgeable about music, may have variety in taste, love spreading music

    Cons: Can be very difficult to find common ground musically, don't like sharing, neurotic habits





    The Historian


    Visual kei alone would take up half the chart but historians disagree on how many different sub -keis there should be.


    The Historian know the history of nearly everybody remotely connected to the scene, from their high school garage bands that released 2.4923 songs, to the intricate differences among all 8 types of the latest Kiryu maxi-single. Why it is important to know the difference between Vice†Risk and Vice∞Risk escapes most people, but these guys have it down to a science. If you need to know the difference between iryou kei and koteosa, these are your guys. If it seems like someone has more fun organizing and maintaining information about music than actually listening to it, odds are they're a historian.


    Pros: A walking encyclopedia of obscure musical knowledge

    Cons: Doesn't know anything about anyone you would care about





    The Elitist


    Start by listening to some real music n00b



    Also known as the I-don't-personally-know-this-artist-but-I'm-going-to-speak-for-them-because-my-opinion-is-the-only-opinion-that-matters fan, The Elitist thinks every artist sucks except the artists they like, and often bemoans why no one ever listens to "good music". They are a fan of extremes and something is either godlike or total crap. You must like an artist since their first demo tape to be considered equal to them and allowed to speak of said artist at any point in time.


    Pros: Actually has dope music taste (on occasion)

    Cons: Spends too much time being an asshole, too selective, not open to new things





    The Shadow


    Is it safe to come out?


    Rarer than a unicorn, The Shadow is a mythical creature with no predictable music sense or fashion taste. They are able to avoid the negative stereotypes that comes with being a fan because they work hard to blend in. They are knowledgeable about enough bands to appear as The Casual and maintain social acceptance, but The Shadow possesses a much deeper inventory of J-Music than you would expect. They could be among you, waiting for the right time to strike.


    Pros: The coolest peeps in the scene for sure.

    Cons: Rarely ever advertise themselves as a J-Music fan




    The Bangya

    Believe it or not they're sitting in assigned order.



    The Bangya in general are those who love everything about the visual kei movement. It's a way of life for them. Bangya are female fans while bangyao are male fans. They are a little obsessed, but the term bangya does not have a negative connotation. They have dedicated spots at every live, visual kei slang, proper live etiquette about how to share the front row, and will be at as many insutos and ibentos as their schedule humanly allows. The most devoted of them will even support their band member in...ways.


    Pros: They actually support the movement.

    Cons: Describe going to lives as 参戦 (lit. "going to war").





    The Hype Beast


    This new visual kei band's releasing a 7-TYPE live distributed 30 copy single campaign based on the days of the week all recorded, mixed, and mastered in the same day! Pre-ordered all seven already!



    The Hype Beast makes it their personal mission in life to defend every new band, no matter how derivative. Known for jumping on hype trains from promo images, well before music is even released. The band won't need to release a preview before The Hype Beast throws down the cash for the single. The Hype Beast will know every single indie band coming out this week and the next, their singles, song titles, promo images, and release schedules well before you can even ask "who"?


    Pros: They're on top of everything that's happening


    Cons: Listens to Instigate the Grief and THE RUDIE SATAN PARK for pleasure.




    The Tanuki


    qurl you won't believe what i just found about about satsuki...



    The Tanuki are those fans obsessed with all the drama about their favorite band men. They're the ones that will sign onto 2chan with 7 different anonymous accounts to verify that a certain band member has VD. Sometimes it seems like they like to talk shit more than enjoy the music, but not all of them are like this. The Tanuki are on top of the tiniest of details concerning visual kei fans but lack credible sources. Most of what they know is gossip, but every once in a while they'll surprise you with some saucy legit information. Keep one handy if there's someone you absolutely must keep tabs on.


    Pros: They got all the details about everyone

    Cons: All but one of them are a lie (and they might not know which)



    I hope you enjoyed the read! Are there any you think I missed? Comment and leave them below.

  10. So, Last.fm rolled out another API update, and it completely destroys Google Chrome for me. Nine out of ten times when I visit the website, my browser ends up freezing only to receive some sort mish-mash between black and blank screens. Anyone else? 

    No problems here but I just navigated to the main page. I'm using Firefox as well so someone else will need to test using Chrome. The large amount of complaints on a once dead unofficial subreddit is a bad omen.

    All I have to say is that the new home page is awful. The black on grey on red color scheme is vomit inducing and the page is too busy. Too many things that catch my eye but tell me nothing in particular. Everything is also so large as if I could miss any of it. Does the rest of the site look like a mess?

  11. I'm started to hide my age.

    I look at this drama around age (especially if you're 20+ visual kei fan) and it makes me sick...

    I'm extremely sensitive last months.

    All the real OGs that fell in love with 90s visual kei are 30 by now. If you're a real visual kei fan you're going to be here for a while. We even have old peeps on this forum that have been around for almost ten years. I'm clocking in on eight years on MH now. You either live to see 20+ as a visual kei fan or realize it was a fad and move on to K-Pop.

  12. See that is why i love this band, everything just works out (hoping i am not jinxing Yuuki having a comeback). One of the biggest hiyuu era (fragile/love song too?) critics just said they dont even know. Like Royal order was so above everything else then boom, it nothing too.

    I was like that once too. In all honesty I forget LOVE SONG and FRAGILE exist. They're okay songs but there's better stuff from both before and after so....

    I can tell you that when it was all going down Mio and eve leaving isn't what did it for me. It was EROS and Aventure. Not even the single, just the songs. I'm listening to it now and it still sounds as awful to me now as it did back then. If they took out those garbage ska horns and slowed down the tempo it would improve. I think it was @Disposable or @Carmelzors which told me he heard an alternate version similar to what I described and it "changed his opinion". Never heard it so I'm not sure.

    The only silver lining to that entire period is that there aren't many songs which sound like an unholy matrimony of genres better left separated.

  13. Yeah, you should tell him to get the hell away from her. First, he needs to kick her out and not look back. She sounds like a disgusting individual, aswell as being dense as fuck.

    We're gonna see. I'll see him tonight for the first time in 4 days and get the whole scoop. But if the trash still smells I'm telling him to take it out.

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