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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. I think it's becoming more and more clear with thoughts like this that Visual Kei by itself isn't a genre, but a statement or movement. It similar to fashion; it changes every season and whether you like the latest trends or not, it's what you'll have to bear with. You can wear your old clothes for another year, or you're following the movement with pleasure. It's why I rather wait this movement of Metalcore out until groups to my interest are coming out in small waves again, and until then I stick with what I know.

    I said something very similar a year or two ago. You're onto something.

  2. Really beginning to wonder what the job possibilities are for an introvert who gets panic attacks from talking to strangers both over the phone and face-to-face. I get declined for literally almost everything.


    Have you thought about web development (or really any kind of coding)? I can't think of a job where you don't have to talk to anyone at all, but if you find the right company most programmers are left to fend for themselves all day. You also have the freedom to work on whatever interests you. I once saw a position for the MLB and they wanted someone to make an app for them. If you really wanted, you could start independently and make a simple phone app, building your way up until you make something that potentially catches on. Many positions even allow you to telecommute so you don't have to go outside every day. I saw a position once It's boring and not for everyone but it's worth a shot.

  3. Thanks for your suggestions, people. I know you're being defensive, and I am aware that watching a top-something-list is the worst thing to get back into the genre. I was just trying to vent a little.

    I'm not trying to insult anyone, by the way. And I appreciate all your input. Please remember that this topic didn't spawn out of malicious intents, nor do I want to ridicule anybody for their taste, as each and everyone has different preferences.

    Also you should check out this topic, which coincidentally (right now) is the one right below this topic. This is the most up-to-date topic about how international visual kei fans feel about the current state of the visual kei scene. It's a cousin topic to this one. You'll notice a lot of overlap between how you feel and how a lot of us feel.

    I also see that you're new here. One distinguishing feature of Monochrome Heaven is that despite the stereotype that the scene is flooded with raving lunatic weeaboos, our members are just regular weeaboos and a healthy amount of otaku. You'll see crazy fans elsewhere but they're all quiet here. Most long time members aren't even that big on new visual kei, especially the indie acts you were citing as examples.

  4. I didn't listen to the other ones mentioned yet so far, so thanks for the suggestions!

    Still, what I was mainly talking about were new bands that are getting popular for nothing. Something like RoNo☆Cro. Heard their first song and though: Ew. Ew. Why.

    A lot of the bands mentioned have been in business for a while (and a good reason), but why does the new band's stuff put me off so much?

    Sounds like indie visual kei is not for you.


    Yet, I still stand by saying that most newer stuff is getting more indistiguishable by the minute. You can prove me wrong, but using classics such as BUCK-TICK or X-JAPAN (or anything older than 5 years, with a reputation you could possibly write home about) is not gonna help much. These people are routined. Name me something new, that's actually worthwhile. Thanks!

  5. I was just listening through some VK top lists of 2015.

    There's your first problem. VK is < 5% of the music industry in Japan and that's probably my healthy gaijin keyboard estimate. If I listened almost exclusively to NWOBHM for damn near a decade I'd get sick of all of the similarities too.

    I was actually talking about this with @fictioninhope a few days ago, mostly about how overseas fans tend to get behind and hype a small fraction of the scene. Even within visual kei there are artists that are hyped and artists that are ignored. You can dig deep into visual kei and find a handful of artists that aren't doing anything remotely mainstream or derivative.


    This just shows me why I've gotten sick of VK. There might be a few exceptions, but they're what they are: Exceptions. Listening to 30 samples of different songs basically tells me: Hey, here we are. Lyrically, we use the same tropes over and over, just worded differently. The prettier you are, the better. There's like two notes that are different in our main melody than in our previous single. Wow.

    At this point I need to ask "What bands do you follow".


    The rest of the song may sound different, but it all sounds so damn similar.

    It's not that it sounds bad, it's just getting indistinguishable. I used to be able to tell these bands apart, but now I simply can't. It's just like a big pile of mashed potatoes without taste, nor salt. That's BORING.

    Seriously, no wonder I've gotten away from it. Same formula everywhere. It's as if every single band is aiming to make their song usable for an anime intro or outro. IT ALL STARTS TO SOUND THE FUCKING SAME.

    I know it's close to impossible to innovate in a certain genre, but these bands aren't even trying. They're just using the same means to an end over and over and over and over. And people are still wondering why VK has lost so much popularity overseas? Well, you know, cool/pretty looks/makeup aren't everything. The music has to be recognisable. And whatever I heard just now is just something utterly and completely replaceable.

    They all need to step out of their comfort zone ASAP, or else they'll be deadweight over here in Europe. I keep hearing of new bands all the time, and out of 100, maybe 2 to 5 are interesting. That makes for a really awful statistic, peeps. It's horrible, and I'm starting to get ashamed about the fact that I used to like this.

    I suspect the main reason is the horrid music industry in Japan. But somebody has to counter it. I'm sure that some bands try, but they just fail to get recognition due to their innovation. But this scene needs just that in order to survive. Otherwise, it's pretty much dead - and only clings to hardcore fans buying their Type A, B, C, D, E, special edition singles for ridiculous prices.


    It just doesn't give me anything anymore. Does anybody feel the same? Can somebody name me artists that are exceptions to this rule? Please elaborate.

    Thank you kindly.


    TL;DR: Excusing myself upfront. Stating that VK is stale as fuck nowadays. Or maybe I didn't notice before, and now I do. Captain Obvious. Moved on. Asking for your thoughts.

    Instead of my snarkiness I'll shamelessly copy Lestat's post and add a few bands below that completely refute your entire point:


    • KAMIJO
    • KEEL
    • Femme Fatale
    • K.A.F.K.A
    • Scarlet Valse
    • ザアザア
    • マルコ
    • メディーナ
    • Synk;yet-シンクイェット-
    • ライチ☆光クラブ
    • Veritas en void
    • Lament.
    • 凛 -the end of corruption world-
    • 己龍
    • -真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ
    • Lucifer's Underground
    • MORE
    • R指定
    • X JAPAN
    • LUNA SEA

    I can add more but I'll stop there. Before you go on a tirade about how boring visual kei is to you why don't you try something new first?

  6. Monochrome Heaven November Madness


    It's that time of the year again where the Monochrome Heaven Staff and ORZ come together to create The Top 25 ChristMHas List! I believe this is set to be our fifth year in a row making these lists, which is pretty awesome, so we decided to add a small twist to the festivities this year. This year, you can take a stab at predicting how our list will come out!


    The rules for the list are simple. We come up with a list of 25 great albums that were released since last December (so since December 1, 2014) and the order they come in. All members that want to participate will post their own Top 25 list and the order they come in with their own post, give a small explanation as to why your list came out the way it did, and then work together to guess what this year's Top 25 List will be.

    Just be aware that this is for fun! If we get over fifteen participants I'll throw in a prize for the member that gets the closest.


    Also, a few additional rules:

    • Staff and the following members cannot participate: @CAT5, @Zeus, @doombox, @Seimeisen, @beni, @ShanethVarosa, @Elazmus, @fictioninhope, @Ito, @fitear1590, @Peace Heavy mk II
    • Members are not allowed to ask any of the above members for hints. Members that do will be disqualified.
    • Members are allowed to ask each other for hints.
    • The topic will be locked on December 1st when the first pick will be revealed. Winner(s) will be revealed December 25th/December 26th.
    • Albums that were featured on last year's list will not be featured on this year's list, so don't vote for them.
    • Voting starts now!

  7. You're showing just how young you are, haha :P

    In other news - two of my favorite Japanese ladies together - Miyuki Hatakeyama and Kotoringo! They look well, especially to be 43 and 37, respectively. Seeing pics of musicians I enjoy together is always a happy sight!  :lolita_happy:




    Indeed. WTF was a lot better than I expected it to be.

  8. how come they will disband cos one member is going to retired, that makeno sense at all, can found a new one like in secs, something deeper is going on

    Visual kei bands do this all the time. Sometimes that one member is a lot more important than you would think.

  9. I find it absolutely hilarious and I know they did too. It didn't even cross my mind that Kyo would be pissed at that. There's nothing to be pissed at!

    I swear some people take the fun out of everything...

  10. A Serbian Film sucks, and that comes from someone deep into all kinds of exploitation film. Didn't have any impact on me whatsoever as I felt it tried way too hard to be shocking. "Let's take everything that's awful and press it into one film. That'll be cool and shocking, bro.". No, it won't. That's not how you make a shocker anymore. It's also way too polished and well-made for its own good IMO. 3/10, boring.


    I'd rather watch Martyrs, Audition, À l'intérieur, Irréversible or some other classics if I want something shocking, because these films has a lot more going on. The terrorizing, dark and disturbing atmosphere and feeling in these films are amazing. It's a lot more than just some graphic shit like A Serbian Crap. Mmmmmh!

    Any movie that uses the phrase "newborn porn" seriously deserves to die in a fire.

  11. I forgot the name of that syndrome in my own language too, but managed to find it:


    Carpal tunnel syndrome

    Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a medical condition in which the median nerve is compressed as it travels through the wrist at the carpal tunnel and causes pain, numbness and tingling, in the part of the hand that receives sensation from the median nerve.



     I don't know if it's CTS or something in that family but as someone that has it he needs to stop playing now. @leafwork is right; the more he pushes himself the worse this gets.

  12. I like how you used "taste" here. GOOD JOB



    nice on Alejandro, The Death Game, and chains of collar, though i feel like Pain killer is eros and MRC period related


    Nope. Pain Killer is

    material. It would have been a nice transition piece between eras hence "missed opportunities"

  13. as カルディア(cardia) will disband, I wonder whether ex-DI3SIRAE members will consider to reunite


    Wasn't the official reason they broke up about family problems with 6? If it wasn't musical differences, this one-man live might be a way to test the waters. I won't be hopeful but this would be great.

  14. Yeah, almost 40 songs and yet still almost no songs from their original line-up, which was by far their best era, so meh. I remember how I adored this band with their original line-up, but then they changed from badassery to this sexy shit so I don't even mind their disbandment. I was expecting some more older songs, tough. Boring.


    I agree with you but there are a few songs from their original line-up on that set list although not as many as I would have preferred. (Defining original-lineup as Yuuki/Rito/Satoshi/Mio/eve)


    • Miss DEVIL Inside
    • 琥珀彩
    • RED RUM
    • The [1st] degree genocide holic
    • Who's bad psycho party

    I'm a little sad there's no chains of collar, pAIN kILLER, kesshou hana, Alejandro, CamelliA, or The Death Game because I feel like those are missed chances but I'll live.

    Also, I've been waiting for this band to disband since they released EROS. It seemed inevitable when they switched styles and it was about how long it would take them to go. Honestly they stuck around far longer than I ever imagined them to. Now that the day is finally here...I wish I rooted for BORN to go first a little harder...

  15. ^ the related news have been posted in another threads, and in fact they have already held their first live at Shibuya CYCLONE at 2015/06/18 (as the news are posted in threads other than MBHI or DADAROMA, they are ignored by others)





    I wouldn't say ignored. I would say "flew under the radar".


    You gotta look at the big picture here @Trombe. You have almost 30,000 posts. That's over three times as many posts as @Jigsaw9, who is in second place. You have so many posts I have to keep making new user ranks for you so you can continue to promote. We could do a better job of liking your news posts, but members also have a certain amount of likes they can grant in one day. You also have more likes than everyone else so I had to make new reputation ranks as well. You have so many posts that if we were to actually respond to all of your news articles, it would be even more confusing to keep up with the current news. The sleek, minimalistic look of news posted back to back like you linked above makes it super easy to connect the dots and we don't have to wade through pages of comments to do it. You can't do that to the GazettE for example.


    Some news articles promote more discussion than others. Some are really just for reference. Both are incredibly useful. Don't think we aren't reading because we aren't commenting. Sometimes there just isn't much to say.

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