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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. Yeah I was trying to search for "-OZ-" Which is kind of what promoted me to make this thread. MH doesn't even allow me to search them for some reason. Anyway I'm glad to finally get an answer about this issue. It has bugged me for a long time.


    That's a different issue altogether. I explained it elsewhere but the gist of it is that search engines interpret the "-" character before a word as NOT (search query). It ends up searching for the opposite of what you wanted. That's a big part of the reason why OZ changed their name (not like OZ is any easier to find though).

    Also I should issue an apology. It was not my intention to keep everyone in the dark so long. I didn't want to give constant updates about the state of progress without really knowing what I was dealing with and that took a lot longer than I thought it would.

    The good news is that the malware is harmless. It's designed to be annoying and hard to get rid of instead of dangerous.


    I encountered another spam-filled website yesterday when I clicked on something from Google, I can't remember how old the link was though. Also, it's not only designed to attack from Google. I've also encountered it when I click on Monochrome Heaven links people send me over Facebook, for instance.

    Facebook / Twitter / other big name websites integrate with Twitter for analytics and other purposes. It's part of the reason why we stopped posting updates on the official Facebook page for a bit.

  2. They are already working on it, but it's a bigger problem than they have thought.


    Late last November/December when the website was experiencing instability, the server was hammered by a bunch of spam bots. One of them got in and left some malware on the server. Once nostalgia. and I first spotted the redirection we made moves to find it and remove it.

    But malware is a pain in the ass to remove. It probably has something to do with being designed to be as annoying as possible and to not be removed. Also nostalgia and I are not malware removal experts. I would remove it and it would be gone for anywhere between two hours and two weeks but inevitably it would make its way back. Many of the server updates and planned maintenance windows that we had were my attempts at getting rid of it. I went through an exhaustive list of ways to get rid of it before finally contacting IPB support a few months ago. They pointed me in the right direction, I removed it once more, and for the last three weeks I've been monitoring the server to make sure it doesn't come back anymore.

    The good news is that the malware hasn't come back (yet). The bad news is that the Google bots have indexed the website with the malware redirect since it took me so long to figure out how to remove it. That means that all the links that Google has of this website have the redirect attack in it. There's nothing I can do until the Google bots index the website again, which can take a few weeks to maybe a month.

    The workaround is to not use Google. This attack is specifically designed to redirect you from Google. Use any other search engine and you should be fine.

  3. tumblr talks about issues? I thought it was just for sharing random stuff. Aren't most things under posts either reposts or like? I rarely see any comments about other posts.

    Keep it that way.


    Which is weird because there's one user that would shame someone about having tribal tattoos or something and another shaming someone for not learning the language of a country they are visiting. I believe the latter was in response to an auto-translating application where you can take a screen shot of a sign and it will translate for you. However, with their ever changing definition of buzzwords, wouldn't learning a language of a different country constitute as cultural appropriation?

    Also, when I call them tumblies, it's mostly because I don't know what the users call themselves.


    I was always fond of tumblrina myself.

  4. I guess, but none of the tribes aren't really white, so this Tumblie is doing something that they hate what Hollywood does: whitewashing. Also, it's weird how said Tumblie is going to recast other tribes when they are already based off of people of different cultures. What was that one term they keep tossing about? Cultural apporition or something like that?


    You have to remember that Tumblr is not one extremely misguided user who rants on his or her blog to no one in particular. It's many equally as misguided users, who exchange their passive-aggressive, "good intention but bad execution" thoughts on equality and appropriation with each other until they believe their ideas are flawless, foolproof, and completely revolutionary. Then they share it with the rest of the internet to literally no effect. They also all don't agree with one another. So even though Tumblr can agree that "cultural appropriation" is a bad thing, they can't agree on what it is and how to fix it.

    Much the same way Tumblr feels about....well everything else.


  5. For all of us music lovers stuck with iTunes for better or for worse, one man asks a very interesting question.

    Apple’s iTunes desktop app is notorious for trying to be everything to everyone, all the time: music, books, apps, videos purchasing, syncing, and a lot more. Would iTunes be a better product if it were split up into smaller, focused, single-purpose apps?


    What do you think?

  6. MUCC vs SID = MUCC


    I think MUCC has been around for far longer as a band than SID. When it comes to convincing live performances the charisma and experience MUCC has is too much for SID to overcome.

    UNITE vs カメレオ = UNITE

    I don't know too much about either band but from what I know about UNITE, they can tear a stadium down if they wanted to. I gave my vote to them this time.

    ギルガメッシュ vs DIV = ギルガメッシュ

    Both are amazing energetic bands but I think girugamesh is taking the cake with this one. DIV is still pretty boss as a band when they want to be so truthfully it can go either way.


  7. Yes we can, since 99% of smartphones don't even have flash.

    There are alternatives for Flash.... and I'm sure there will be other kind of alternatives for playing "flash" games around the web.

    That's HTML5 for the most part but not all websites have made the transition. Mostly twitch.tv and "tube" porn sites. Be careful whacking it for the next few days guys.

  8. http://bgr.com/2015/10/15/adobe-flash-player-security-vulnerability-warning/


    The fun never ends with Adobe Flash.


    Just one day after Adobe released its monthly security patches for various software including Flash Player, the company confirmed a major security vulnerability that affects all versions of Flash for Windows, Mac and Linux computers. You read that correctly… all versions. Adobe said it has been made aware that this vulnerability is being used by hackers to attack users, though it says the attacks are limited and targeted. Using the exploit, an attacker can crash a target PC or even take complete control of the computer.


    And now for the fun part: The only way to effectively protect yourself against this serious security hole is to completely uninstall Flash Player from your machine.

    What a shitty piece of technology. How can one product have so many security holes? The sooner Flash dies the better...

  9. I don't do either, but D'espa is an exception to this and I second CAT5's recommendation 100%. There's more to their music other than just dark/heavy. "MIRROR" could be a good place to start too (although some people dislike it) as it's slightly less heavy than "Coll:set".

    Thirding this. Basically the later you go in D'espa's discography the less heavy they get (overall).

  10. whoa, this has been out since mid-august? damn, i'm not worthy of calling myself a fan...


    (btw. i found the last album pretty solid actually, agreed tho on "begierde" being rather underwhelming)


    I might put in my few cents here as well later, but i doubt there's much more to be said^^


    Don't worry. This flew under my radar as well and I found out about it only a week ago. I have some catching up I need to do as well.

    In regards to comments I made about Begierde Des Zauberers and Le Grimoire de Reve. Begierde is considered to be one of Demetori's worst albums because it couldn't match up to Nada Upasana Pundarika or Offering to the Sukhavati either with pure melody or pounding aggression. Listening to the album gives me an impression that the band was struggling to "top" themselves with that album and it didn't pan out so well. I like Le grimoire de Reve much more, especially tracks like "Dream War" and "Death Echo". I just feel that when compared to "the holy trinity" it sits in a healthy fourth or fifth place.

    This album does a really good job of topping those two. Feels like a mix of Il Mondo... and Offering... with some of the aggression from Nada Upasana Pundarika. So basically speed metal Demetori mixed with Meshuggahtori, just a little more engaged and lively than usual. Basically if you liked the last two albums you'll love this even more.

  11. So I just heard two songs off the new album, and what the fuck happened? They finally sound like a melodic death metal band again. Slightly more progressive than their first two album, but this actually sounds good. I hope this mean they finally left the alternative/groove metal shit that they've been doing every since Natural Born Chaos behind and focus on the melodic death metal again. Will check out this new album for sure.


    And based on these two songs alone this is easily their best album since A Predator's Portrait. That's exciting! Hope the rest of the tracks is as good.

    Listened to the newest Soilwork album a few weeks back and it's not bad!

  12. I just want to chime in and say that it's hit or miss with direct links from Google. Sometimes I have no problems clicking them and there are times where they redirect me to a link but it never fully loads due to ad-blocking software.

    What you said here is consistent with what I figured out about it. I know more about how it works than how to get rid of it unfortunately but I know that it's only affecting Google link searches. Coming directly here avoids this issue 100%. It tries it's best to pretend that it's "random", but it really is flipping a coin to see if it should redirect or not and if it does it "remembers" not to redirect you for a few hours. It's really annoying and spammy and stupid but it's not causing any major security issues.

    Still though, I will get rid of this as soon as possible.

  13. Thank you for filing this issue.

    and I are aware of this. We know that you are not the only user to suffer from this problem because I get it all the time too. We've been researching it for quite some time and we think we know what it is, and the problem is buried somewhere within the skin.

    Tonight or tomorrow morning, we will temporarily disable the Innovation 4 skin and enable the Chameleon Dark skin for all users so we can test our hypothesis. It may stay this way for anywhere between a few days and a few weeks.

  14. Unpopular opinion: I greatly despise most of the -core bands that are coming out right now in the Visual Kei scene, and absolutely love every band that maintains their melodic intentions and clean vocals. I am also deeply disappointed that whenever a song nowadays is too soft or gentle, the forum immediately dubs it as garbage.

    I had to pause for a bit and ask myself if this is truly an unpopular opinion. I've felt similarly about the abundance of -core bands in visual kei for a long time so I never thought to question it...although I was under the impression that the scene was beginning to step away from -core a bit.

  15. Demetori
    Artist: Demetori
    Album: 愧人贖悪 ~Evil People as the True Object of Salvation~
    1. Introduction ~ Double Dealing
    2. ラストリモート ~ Type A Personality
    3. リバースイデオロギー ~ The Antinomy of Ideology
    4. アリスマエステラ ~ Flow My Tears,the Said
    5. 無何有の郷 ~ Grief of Ressentiment
    6. 広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When?
    7. Intro:The Shining Needle Castle Sinking in the Air
    8. 空中に沈む輝針城 ~ Counter-Clock World
    9. 輝く針の小人族 ~ Counter-Attack of the Weak

    Rating: :_7/10_: | Demetori proves that once again, quality trumps quantity.


    One of the only arrange bands that I still actively follow, Demetori has seen success by focusing on quality over quantity. This is saying a lot about their contemporaries more so than their particular habits. Most normal bands take a year or two break between albums but it is not uncommon to see a doujin artist release four albums in one year or to find musicians starting solo projects once they exhaust the hundreds of video game jingles associated with Project Shrine Maiden (or touhou if you will). Most of these acts disappear into obscurity faster than you can say "animated jailbait", but despite first impressions the duo have stuck to their guns with making strictly cover music since 2005. Considering how easy it is to fall off in this scene, I find their dedication and consistency incredibly impressive.

    Best described as Meshuggah meets power metal, 愧人贖悪 ~Evil People as the True Object of Salvation~ is their tenth and newest album, with most themes lifted from either the seventh or fourteenth Touhou video game. It's the most interesting album since 曼衍珠汝華~ Nada Upasana Pundarika, restoring a sense of confidence in the band that was missing from their last two albums. It's still the same style of metal since 2007's Il Mondo dove e finito il Tempo, but with a sense of energy and excitement I haven't heard in quite some time. 徳南 (Tokunan) is still a beast with the guitar, so much so that I feel comfortable pinning him somewhere between FAR EAST DIZAIN's LEDA and Galneryus' Syu. His brother 九宝時 (Kyuhouji), keeps his crown as the best drummer in the scene and delivers an equally as gripping performance with the percussion. Few ideas were lifted from earlier arrangements with no modifications and the ones that were are expertly done. The mid-album ballad "無何有の郷 ~ Grief of Ressentiment" is a good example of this; it sounds like it came straight from 2006's 如臨深遠 ~雨縒煙柳~. The wealth of new ideas and the appearance of some uncommon melodies extends the life of this album by a good amount.


    The paradoxical thing about doujin music is that what gives it its charm also holds it back. It will rarely be seen as anything more than "epic rock video game music", and despite the technical proficiency of the Teramae brothers 愧人贖悪 ~Evil People as the True Object of Salvation~ is no exception. Demetori's answer to this problem is to add more of their own ideas to the melodies that they cover, complementing the original melodies to create something that feels familiar but still fresh. It's very much an instrumental shred fest - it always has and it always will be - but sometimes the video game melodies don't make for the best rock or metal melodies. It can be tricky to bring them together without sounding contrived. For the most part they were successful with adapting the melodies to fit the metal motif, but there are still those awkward thematic or mood transitions here and there that make you roll your eyes. However, it's nothing that gets in the way of enjoying the album to the fullest.

    The perfect album for those into insane guitar solos, instrumental hard rock, doujin arranges, or just something to pump you up in general!

    Support the band!

    愧人贖悪 ~Evil People as the True Object of Salvation~

  16. So youre at work when someone who closely resembles your most beloved Ex appears, Youre not sure if its them because its been so long, but at the same time you dont want them to see you, At the same time you just want to be close to them one more time, but your heart stops. your body is refuses to move from you are standing and you feel like you cant breath.


    Then she leaves with her friends and you mentally and emotionally collapse and slam your head against the wall for at least not walking over there and saying a simple 'hello' just to prove to yourself that you have the heart and the courage of a motherfucking lion and even If you fought depression for three years after your break up you've still here and that youre still strong.



    Or your ex could have walked in, saw you not giving two shits about her existence, and then promptly went for a session of tears, ice cream, and crippling self-doubt. I can't even think about what you would have done had you gone over there and said hi. Shit probably would have gotten awkward real fast and you probably would have thought "damn it I said/did something stupid I shouldn't have talked to her at all...now she definitely knows I'm not over her...etcetcetc".

    If the break up was bad enough to throw you into legitimate depression, stay away from her. Even if she's a good person, someone that exerts that much control over your life by just walking into a room is someone you don't need to keep around in your life. You can thank your subconscious for holding you back later.

  17. To be honest, I've never given Buck-Tick or X JAPAN a fair shake. B-T's massive discography just scares me. Everyone I know gives me the perfect place to start, but I have not worked up the nerve yet. X JAPAN just rubs me the wrong way for reasons I don't fully understand. Part of it is Yoshiki's attitude towards making music. Part of it is how much they jock hide's death to promote themselves.

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