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Posts posted by Tokage

  1. The Guard From the Underground - Earlier one by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. Seems to be his take on the slasher film genre, but it already has the iconic style of his most well-known works. As usual for a Kurosawa film, the visuals are gorgeous and atmospheric throughout, with tons of yellowish and sepia tints everywhere. The whole thing has a rather dreamlike, bizarre quality to it from start to finish. Even though the entire thing is for the most part set within the confines of an office building, the way the entire place is presented makes it feel alien, even strangely hellish in some places. The killer is very effectively menacing (dude is TALL) and there's a bunch of rather brutal kills in here. Definitely better than its IMDB rating suggests

  2. if one really thinks about it, politicians are in fact quite like musicians of visualkei:

    - it's all about the looks & public performance

    - their instruments are the states of the country they govern

    - sometimes they go on indefinite hiatus

    - no matter how many scandals they get involved in, there will always be stans ready & waiting for them to make a comeback

    - multi-type albums & singles

  3. On 4/17/2020 at 4:14 AM, secret_no_03 said:

    very heartwarming to see how people are coming up with inventive and alternate solutions to problems in these trying times... you love too see this


    OT: An entire student dorm housing around 200 international students has been put into enforced quarantine over here since yesterday because a bunch of dumbasses apparently couldn't cope with being banned from partying & decided to hold one anyway despite a bunch of the attendees being sick. The amount of confirmed cases in there has already doubled since yesterday and I'm expecting it to go up even more. Nobody's allowed to go out until everyone's been tested and all the ppl who tested positive have been moved to a separate area but like at least 1/4th of the people are as of now refusing to take the test for some reason

  4. smh hard @ the absolute drones still thinkin shit like ''OH NO I NEED MUH NEW IPHONE'' during a global pandemic/global economic collapse tbh...


    Also: Dutch news said that based on immunity-related research so far it appears that only 3% of the examined test subjects indeed developed antibodies for the virus. So much for herd immunity :^)

  5. misreading this thread title as ''artists you slept with for too long''


    OT: For me it's currently Cascade. I remember at least liking them on a surface level but I only decided to dig deeper into their '90s output relatively recently and quite a good amount of their older material is rather unique as far as VK-adjacent stuff goes IMO

  6. 13 minutes ago, Yukimoto said:

    Interesting! I wonder if their is a disco of them somewhere. I need to check them out  now.

    Their official website's not listing anything anymore for some reason but they have at least a handful of singles and 2 (mini-)albums. At least a few of them have been shared before I think 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Yukimoto said:

    Who is this? reminds me of one of those old nostalgic songs like the band the novembers!!! Waiting to hear some more previews!

    you oughta  look into their back catalog if you're into stuff like the novembers / plastic tree / emmuree and such as you'll prolly enjoy what they've done earlier

  8. Klaha because he chose to mysteriously vanish at the right time


    Also technically all VK musicians are problematic because by choosing to become a VK band they are essentially tacitly endorsing the vk scene's rotten business model ; )

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