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Posts posted by Tokage

  1. I still haven't seen the Child's Play remake but from some of the shots I've seen that nu-Chucky somehow vaguely looks like Christopher Walken at some angles lmao


    Definitely a contender for ugliest killer doll out there, I'd say this mad lad still wins though:


  2. Trauma - Yo, this is ass. I know calling Argento's post-80s output overwhelmingly mediocre ain't even remotely within the realm of hot takes anymore these days  but goddamn,  how did he lose it so suddenly (and so hard at that)? Was it really just stumbling his way into Hollywood that did him in? This pretty much felt like a giallo film filtered through at least two corporate boardrooms. Some aspects of it still maintain that relatively dreamlike quality a lot of classic gialli tend to have, but the way they're blended into the overall story ends up jarring (talking decapitated heads and such). The end result feels  like a standard hollywood thriller and a giallo film clumsily mashed together. Tom Savini was apparently on board for sfx but you wouldn't be able to tell, as he doesn't really seem to get a lot of chances to show off his skills. Also, what's up with Argento weirdly sexualizing his own daughter in most of his 90s films? It feels incredibly awkward.  


    Wouldn't recommend this, Stendhal Syndrome was in the realm of the so-so but this one I REALLY couldn't get into.

  3. 15 hours ago, ghost said:

    Man, you're going through a lot of good PS1 classics 👏


    Yeah.. I've really been itching to play through some more fifth gen games lately. Decided to start off with some stuff in the PSX library cuz there's a buncha titles I physically own(ed) but never managed to complete & there's plenty of hidden gems to go through as well. Might move on to the Saturn at some point as I've pretty much played NONE of that console's games yet as well but for now I wanna dig a little bit deeper into the Playstation's absurdly huge library


    As far as Tomba goes so far: Still a great game. I'm still very far off from reaching the point in the game where I stopped playing it last time around but it's been so long since I last touched it I've forgotten a lot of things and the whole experience almost feels like I'm playing through  it for the very first time again. Highly recommend anyone into metroidvania-esque games to give this one a chance

  4. 18 hours ago, ghost said:

    Yeah, there are 6 or so different variants? Check em out! (Not sure why the site isn't working, just used it yesterday. Had to use the wayback machine):



    :( The archive ain't loading the images for me either so I'm still unable to see what they look like!

    I DID, however, finally manage to figure out what I was doing wrong and managed to beat the game earlier. Man, the final boss gave me a little bit of trouble in its final form cuz I spammed all my magic and remaining health items too early lol.. God bless that recovery ring. I'll give Alundra 2 a try eventually, I remember I gave it a spin when I was a kid for like 10 minutes before realizing it wasn't anything like the first part and promptly dropping it.. Should see if it's still worth playing despite that, but first I'm gonna move on to Tomba 

  5. There's different versions? I didn't know :o I own a physical copy of the PAL version but I always thought those were all the same.. ://

    (Either way I can't really check my version rn anyway due to the fact that my game collection is back at my parents' place in a different country rn 😂)


    In other news: I somehow ended up stuck in the very final dungeon with only like 2 seals left to do lol

  6. 44 minutes ago, riyusama said:

    Dude, where did you read this stuff? Is there a link you can share? I didn't hear about any new virus and that's kinda scary.

    Here's some articles on this new thing. It's still not quite clear what it is and what its exact connection to corona is atm:





    A Dutch news article on the same topic also said that similar cases have popped up in France, Spain, Switzerland and Italy as well, and Holland has a few reported cases of whatever it is too

  7. Almost done with Alundra now. In what I -think- should be the final dungeon of the game.. Man, this one really doesn't shy away from just absolutely punching the player in the gut from time to time.. Real good game though, probably one of the best Zelda-likes out there. My only gripe is that some of the enemies feel a bit TOO damage sponge-y for their own good but other than that I'm having a good time, would def. rec

  8. Seeing some reports about some potentially new virus that's been affecting children floating around. Symptoms can include general gastrointestinal stuff and flu-like symptoms but also stuff reminiscent of Kawasaki disease.. Could be linked to corona or it could be something else entirely.

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