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Status Replies posted by saishuu

  1. I still don't understand people who go into threads about bands they clearly don't like, just to bitch about how they don't like them... find a better hobby...

  2. I still want Janne Da Arc back...

  3. I just read "to be honest, seremedy was 10x better than any of their new projects, there was something about seremedy that set them apart from every other band in the world, with their unique take of visual music and yohio's guitar skill." on youtube lol

  4. Just got Ruvie's mini "Awakening your's" in the mail and holy crap, it's amazing.

    You should all listen to it if you haven't yet.

  5. Just listened to "Boukai no mato ~entith de marge~".

    What a bad thing to do.

  6. Man, who's the shady ape that deleted my news topic and didn't even bother putting the info somewhere else ಠ_ಠ

  7. never thought I'd say this, but the new leaked Diru is actually good? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtY3HNuBCTc 


  8. falling in love with deadman's in the direction of sunrise and night light all over again. i'm so happy that i own this album in physical copy 8)

  9. Luna Sea's Limit sounds very promising :) 

  10. remember when Vinett of all things dropped one of the best VK bops of the last decade? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnCRBMjp1UU


  11. #5 popular contributor this week thanks for enjoying my bullshit!

  12. Damn, Paradeis is horrible.

  13. Masayuki Hasuo (ex.school food punishment) and Yoshimasa Terui ( ハイスイノナサ) made a band together and it's freaking awesome! Think of old sfp on steroids. Band & EP name is 'siraph' for those that are interested!

  14. Just got one of the rarest cali≠gari-related things in existence. Feels good to be a gangsta.

  15. It never fails. Once I listen to one ??イスイノナサsong, I feel the need to listen to their entire discography lol. Do any bands do that for you guys?

  16. these guys kinda sound like midtempo RADWIMPS mixed with Uchuu Conbini. i'm intrigued:

  17. Hisui is alive. #thesecondcoming #hailsatan #heisalive #alsosendingflowers https://twitter.com/KISAKI_OFFICIAL/status/711589746187706368

  18. A LUNA SEA song in an upcoming anime.

  19. What are your first impressions of DIV's new EDR TOKYO mini-album?

  20. New Heavenstamp = nice! <3

  21. For how long did Gazette have their "indie" sound? I want to try out some releases by them but most I've tried is shit. The sound I am refering to is basically this:

  22. woah woah WOAH, Beni. PLZ CALM DOWN :Phttp://i.imgur.com/Kkcl5ni.png

  23. What's new music releases are coming out this month?

  24. Pretty awesome to know that MASS OF THE FERMENTING DREGS are back in action! They were one of the coolest female-fronted indie bands of the 00's.

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