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Status Replies posted by saishuu

  1. Trombe is back, god bless.

  2. i cant be the only one who got happy at "youtubers react" because now kyoka will finally get some attention and maybe some money

  3. on a ruvie kick for the past few days (;___;)

    temari cum back, melancholic queen

  4. チケットゲット!!!!!


    LUNA SEA, X, GLAY, hide, AÍ VOU EU!

  5. Glory has like 2 good tracks tbh

  6. チケットゲット!!!!!


    LUNA SEA, X, GLAY, hide, AÍ VOU EU!

  7. チケットゲット!!!!!


    LUNA SEA, X, GLAY, hide, AÍ VOU EU!

  8. チケットゲット!!!!!


    LUNA SEA, X, GLAY, hide, AÍ VOU EU!

  9. チケットゲット!!!!!


    LUNA SEA, X, GLAY, hide, AÍ VOU EU!

  10. チケットゲット!!!!!


    LUNA SEA, X, GLAY, hide, AÍ VOU EU!

  11. チケットゲット!!!!!


    LUNA SEA, X, GLAY, hide, AÍ VOU EU!

  12. has there ever evenactually  been a conventionally attractive prog/experimental musician? (noise doesn't count because it's meme music)

  13. has there ever evenactually  been a conventionally attractive prog/experimental musician? (noise doesn't count because it's meme music)

  14. I wish there was a way to change my stupid username on last.fm. I don't wanna lose my scrobbles though. 

  15. slowly becoming a wagakki band convert...HALP

  16. so. good jazz kei is simply a myth?

  17. Tag urself: I'm the clam around 2:20



  18. so what the hell happened with aichuun? is it gone? I haven't been able to load it for weeks now

  19. so what the hell happened with aichuun? is it gone? I haven't been able to load it for weeks now

  20. so what the hell happened with aichuun? is it gone? I haven't been able to load it for weeks now

  21. trombepocalypse...chose ur side.

  22. Waiting for Jefree Star & Kat Von D to weigh in on Trombe's decision

  23. So I think it's about time either (preferably) both Takuma and Misa of Babylon makes a come-back.

  24. So I think it's about time either (preferably) both Takuma and Misa of Babylon makes a come-back.

  25. there was some new good band this year ?

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