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Status Replies posted by saishuu

  1. Any VK recommendations for this month?

  2. eternally missing RES & D'espa :(

  3. TFW you're still unpacking music you downloaded back in MARCH. Ugh.

  4. TFW you're still unpacking music you downloaded back in MARCH. Ugh.

  5. There are so many things I hate about the new Last FM: song- artist view, no cover art on now-playing, no sidebar, the terribad top song header, no dashboard, removal of 0 plays artists. I'm sure there's more.

  6. Anyone notice that MH runs much faster now? We just left Apache for Nginx and run PHP as FastCGI. Hope you guys like it. xD

  7. Jesus Christ this song.

  8. anyone know if there is a way to change your username on last.fm i think my sn on there is a bit confusing

  9. How does an abusive relationship affect the child?

  10. How does an abusive relationship affect the child?

  11. I feel sorry for ザアザア becoming such an elitist band. Sob, cry, howl.


  13. hi i've been gone a week, whats new and good, who's disbanded, who's committed seppuku

  14. Define Art-kei.

  15. why is tammie brown in the new ayumi pv https://youtu.be/09cP2pS6VAo?t=230

  16. matched with a japanese guy on tinder and his name was yoshiki...x-japan gay scandal 2015 u heard it here first

  17. #teamviolet tbh.

  18. Lie / Lay / Lying / Laying - This still trips me up sometimes, even as an English native: http://www.grammarmudge.cityslide.com/articles/article/992333/8992.htm

  19. TIL there's a japanese band called Sounds Like Shit

  20. What's going on with the indie bandmans?XD First Yuuha sent me 3 long DM's telling me how he appreciate the support of gaijins fans, and now Yuuka from The♡Valentine. randomly tells me that he loves me a lot and he doesn't even know why o_O

  21. New Lianne La Havas MV, and it's dope. ; ) https://youtu.be/YFic-xaLsPs

  22. Broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years tonight. Gonna be a rough few weeks.

  23. I keep forgetting we have a non-japanese forum. I have some things I need to upload...

  24. are there any other sistar stans here

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