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Status Replies posted by saishuu

  1. Some idiot in the internet from a Different Fandom just pisses me off.

  2. Facebook is recommending Kiwamu's actual FB for me to add... I'm wondering whether I should, just for shits and giggles, or not. Didn't he one day randomly say he hated his overseas fans?

  3. That Satellite Young album fucking bumps!!!!

  4. I may have spent 3 hours today crying at the Budokan because MUCC decided to play their selection of MEGA EMO SHIT (from stuff they released from 1997 to 2006 + some stuff from the new album). I mean I was trying to write something cynical but they started the show with Kuchiki no Tou and ended it with Zuta Zuta so it was like a very delicious emo sandwich. I'll never refuse a good emo-sandwich. 

  5. anyone know which la'mule song this is 


  6. Does anyone remember a VK song from the 2000s where the vocalists sings the word "masturbation" on repeat? The song is in my mind but I can't remember which band. :(

  7. a meme so fresh, so fierce, so fabulous, so flawfree....

    do we really deserve Cuca, I'm r e a l ly not sure!!

  8. a meme so fresh, so fierce, so fabulous, so flawfree....

    do we really deserve Cuca, I'm r e a l ly not sure!!

  9. is this one of the best choruses of VK ever?





  10. The video that I discovered vk with is still on youtube, and it saying 10 years now is disturbing 


  11. The video that I discovered vk with is still on youtube, and it saying 10 years now is disturbing 


  12. marry the ones who drools over you the way y#hio still drools over 2009 matenrou opera


    (another band I couldn't stand back than but am finally bored enough to catch up on.)

  13. marry the ones who drools over you the way y#hio still drools over 2009 matenrou opera


    (another band I couldn't stand back than but am finally bored enough to catch up on.)

  14. do u think they fucc, MH?


    Still the best thing Namie Amuro ever did.

  16. Do we have any graphic designers here? I'm in need of someone who knows how to design a logo.

  17. real talk hennies,


    can you trust people who are openly admitting they watch yao͡i͞ OVAs in 2017

  18. real talk hennies,


    can you trust people who are openly admitting they watch yao͡i͞ OVAs in 2017

  19. Jesus god, Slowdive was glorious. #shoeslaze Any MH members seeing them on tour? 

  20. Happy b-day Prism! <3


  21. I dressed up all nice just to watch my 2006 alice nine dvd 💅🏼

  22. Remember S.K.I.N.? Rememberカラス??



  23. vk boys I miss: ヱレキテル式のKuromitsu, アヲイのOTG/Sho.,  ネガのYuu, V-last.のShyena, AvelCainのkarma, NovAのRiona/Mia, 妃阿甦のTakayuki.

  24. Are even Kiryu themselves able to read the titles of their songs? Jeez...

  25. amazed we still don't know why shia was booked

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