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Status Replies posted by saishuu

  1. So... I tried last.fm, still don't get it, idk why people use it instead of their own player on their own computer.

  2. Finally a yellow guy, does that make me cool now?

  3. Finally a yellow guy, does that make me cool now?

  4. Finally a yellow guy, does that make me cool now?

  5. Highly recommend Get Out!!

  6. M-H would be a much nicer place if people didn't feel the need to bully, troll and throw shit at each other like monkeys every time they don't agree with someone.

  7. M-H would be a much nicer place if people didn't feel the need to bully, troll and throw shit at each other like monkeys every time they don't agree with someone.

  8. depression squad where u at

  9. remember when Like absolute myself happened to VK?



    (meant to post ジオラマ, but it's noton YT for some reason)

  10. What ever happened to Saki of ClearVeil? 


  11. remember when NoGoD used to be brilliant back in Rashinban days? good times.

  12. so what is the point(s) of men-only lives and women-only lives?

    are there different activities suited to the different genders or something???

    my friend and i were talking about it earlier and were trying to come up with reasons but we just have no idea.

    help please

  13. Leaving MH can be done so easily, trust me, someone has done it so many times~

  14. here's my first entry for pop song of the year 


  15. here's my first entry for pop song of the year 


  16. OOR drama, Wonder Girls disband. Well, today sucks.



  17. OOR drama, Wonder Girls disband. Well, today sucks.



  18. I have a new found love. G-Schmitt.

  19. remember when someone said they needed a lossless rip otherwise it would cause their mental illness to flair up

  20. remember when someone said they needed a lossless rip otherwise it would cause their mental illness to flair up

  21. Just read that Nightmare split a few months back. JESUS, WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?!?

  22. Favorite early ガゼット release? I love them all dearly, but the Zakurogata no Yuutsu/Zetsu/Miseinen maxi is just one of the most perfectly crafted releases I've ever heard. Anyone else feel similar?

  23. i am terrified, what the fuck is THIS



  24. What's your favorite musical discovery of 2016 (i.e. bands or songs that may not be necessarily new, but new to you)? Mine is probably Skeleton Witch, followed by Discharge.

  25. surrounded by lovely friends and beautiful things, finally i'm the happiest child♡

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