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Posts posted by Seimeisen

  1. 30 minutes ago, ShanethVarosa said:

    OffGamers wouldn't let me pay. I'm not really sure why. But I've had verification issues through my bank/Visa before so I'm not very surprised. I'm wondering if I can get someone I know to do it for me and just give them the cash as needed... Hmm... 

    In cases like this, I recommend using PayPal and having your checking accounts/credit cards linked up to it. By doing this, you won't have to worry about stupid Verified By Visa bullshit (or at least, you shouldn't).

  2. I've never bothered to order from them because they charge ridiculous prices that are comparable to flippers on Facebook (one example: they're selling a used GazettE single for ¥5,900 that you can get on closet-child for ¥1,130). Did you choose EMS for shipping or Air Mail small packet? According to their website, they don't offer registered Air Mail with tracking.

  3. 5 hours ago, VkBrutaliaN said:

    4.心臓を君にズタズタにされても縫い続けた (shinzou wo kimi ni zutazuta ni saretemo nui tsudzuketa)



    I have no idea how to translate it. I can translate the individual words, but the grammar is confusing, particularly the "心臓を君に" part.

  4. If I see one more comment that's not related to MEJIBRAY's new release, I'm locking the topic and handing out warnings!


    @frayed @Gichi Gichi @rvrgf @sheepprincessgara I don't know if you've heard, but there is a function on this forum that allows users to send private messages (PM) that aren't posted publicly for everyone to see. So if you wanna call each other idiots, argue about using the words "homosexual" and "pedophile" in the same sentence, you now have a fun new secret place that doesn't derail a thread from its topic. How insane is that?


    @CarmelzorsIs there ever a time you don't make some half-witted attempt at "calling out the staff" for "not doing their jobs?" Here's a super fun, amazing, awesome idea: if you see problematic shit, report it! Does that idea just blow your mind or what?! Another cool idea: if you have any "suggestions" for how us staffers should do our jobs, take that "suggestion" to us directly, and if it's not a wall of text, we'll take it into consideration.

  5. 9 hours ago, Sparrow said:

    I have to agree on this. Sukekiyo was the opening act at a show I went to last month and their entire set was just unpleasant and uncomfortable. No one in the audience clapped or anything, it was totally still and silent. [...] more unpleasant than usual because he seems to have added a screech into his repertoire of sounds that make me unhappy.

    None of that surprises me. I've read in the past that all of their shows are pretty much musical funerals: everyone is required to wear all black and be silent as fuck, and if anyone's making any noise, kyo will yell at the audience to shut up.


    I honestly don't get this "funeral show" theme. The only thing not beautiful or pleasant about their music is kyo's dumb screeching.


    23 hours ago, Tokage said:

    - not sure how unpopular this one is at this point in time either, but i feel like vk should stray more into math rock/post-rock/shoegaze/idm/hip-hop & other territories that are 'unconventional' for the scene.

    I love me some VK metalcore with all the screaming and such, but I'd love to hear math rock/post-rock incorporated into VK

  6. Why does a song called "Go to the Bathroom" have a music video about a girl preparing to eat her ex? At least that's what I'm assuming is going on. Which raises another question, why do I even bother trying to make sense out of VK music videos?


    Confusion aside, I dig it. And also getting pre-hiatus vibes. The bass sorta reminds me of マグロ from 7.

  7. Not gonna lie, when I read the initial draft, I thought it was gonna be an April Fool's joke. Guess the Zess is all about unpopular GazettE opinions...


    Before this release, I never really cared for tracks like Cassis, reila, 白き優鬱, or 絲, but I'm really starting to like these new versions, and they all work well on this album. The reason I never really liked 白き優鬱 is because it just didn't work well with the other tracks on DIM (I think WITHOUT A TRACE or 暪し would have fit better), but it works just fine here so I'm able to enjoy it more.


    My favourites are 枯詩, D.L.N., 体温, and maybe 絲. If I haven't said it enough times, new 体温 is my everything! This track proves that they should do another re-recording set that consists of heavier, more live-oriented material.


    My main complaints about this release are the mixing/mastering job, and RUKI's vocals (some of the time). One example is PLEDGE; I prefer his deeper vocals on the original TOXIC version. On this new version, he kind of sounds like he's auditioning for an oshare-kei band. There are a few other moments in other songs where I think he sounded better in the original, but I've grown used to the new versions, so again, I can enjoy them more. And regarding the mixing/mastering, I do hope they would have brought a professional on board to do the job better (or that they'd have at least consulted someone), or used high quality equipment for testing.


    I might edit this with more thoughts...

  8. 18 minutes ago, Mr.0 said:

    The 2016 World Tour says hi. (Still pissed about this tbh.)

    Wow... really? I used to keep up with the set lists from the first two DOGMATIC tours, and they all had HEADACHE MAN, even the setlists I checked for the ANOTHER FATE tour, so I just assumed they'd include it in every set list (lol)...


    ETA: I just checked the set list for the DOGMATIC FINALE Blu-ray and that song isn't even there. I've made a false assumption here 😅


    10 minutes ago, Ozileras10 said:

    Yo is there going to be a DVD for this????

    That'd be nice! Not sure if it's something we should expect. We did get a DVD for the 10th anniversary, but I don't think we got one for the 13th. Guess we'll have to wait and see...

  9. A few of the iTunes previews are growing on me. Absolutely loving new-体温, and loving how butthurt people are about the lyrics being Japanese. The previews I'm not digging are the ones for CALM ENVY, UNTITLED, 紅蓮, 白き憂鬱, and PLEDGE, and my main problem with those tracks is how RUKI sounds (except 白き憂鬱, he sounds fine, I just don't care for that song). Cassis and reila are growing on me, surprise surprise, but I still think 送り火 would have been a better choice over reila, since reila always kinda bored me.


    This may be presumptuous, as I haven't even heard full versions of any song yet, but...

    Here's what I think the tracklist should have been:

    紅蓮 (vocals from original version)


  10. Okay I just listened to the previews... half of these songs are wrecked (PLEDGE included). This is just sad that they chose to celebrate their fifteenth anniversary with this poor selection of (mostly) poorly re-recorded songs. They could have done better than this. 体温 and 枯詩 sounded great, though.


    I hope whoever leaks this buys the limited edition...

  11. Still haven't heard these 'cause I need to fire up my proxy (fuck you) and download this, but you know you're in for some god-awfulness when people are commenting on a poor mixing job and saying they'd rather have an UNRAVELING treatment. 😟


    PLEDGE is one of my favourite GazettE ballads so I cannot be okay with them ruining it (lol). Like, I'm a total GazettE-stan (nothing is more obvious) and even I'm worried...

  12. Scrolled through Cassis, it didn't sound all that different, which was very disappointing, and now I'm worried that reira will also sound too much like the original. I mean, I didn't want or expect these songs to get an UNRAVELING treatment, but I wanted something more. After seeing the cover art, I started to imagine a darker sounding Cassis, maybe slowed down a bit, with no piano or acoustic guitars. I usually know better than to let album artwork mould my expectations, I don't know what has gotten into me. My opinions may change, since these are shitty quality radio rips being played through my shitty MacBook speakers...


    I've always really liked 紅蓮, so I don't give a fuck if it sounds the same as the album version (though I didn't listen to that one entirely). It's a good song, sue me bitch.


    I wonder if any other tracks will get corrected Engrish? Will RUKI actually pronounce the L in reiLa? I'm especially curious about the Engrish in 体温.

  13. I'm psychic. I predicted that it would happen sometime this year. I called it. I have powers.


    In all seriousness, I'm looking forward to this. I haven't really sat down to listen to a full cali≠gari album, except for 5 and 8, but I dig a lot of what I have heard from them.

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