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Posts posted by Seimeisen

  1. I've made peace with them disbanding. They're probably the most flaky, uncommitted band I can think of, and I guess they finally realised that they cannot get their shit together. I'm not getting my hopes up for a "new album" or digital single or whatever, I'm just glad they followed through with WOD II and Fatal Error Race. Weren't we waiting two years for that? I would at least like a formal release of the SKP re-recording, but again, not getting my hopes up.

  2. Taking all the b-sides in a compilation and calling it "COUPLING BEST" is dumb. A lot of those tracks are junk! The only one I'd say is worth being referred to as a "coupling best" is Monopoly, which should have just been thrown in on "THE END OF THE WORLD." I never listened to the remixes, I'm sure those are junk, too. As for the BEST OF MUCC II discs, it's nice that they include Diorama, 暁, and those three songs that came with the live DVDs, but everything is in exact chronological order, which is lazy af.


    Wanna do a best-of compilation, do it right! Get your shit together (lol)


    Also, "yens" is not a word. The plural for yen is actually yen. Better yet, just use the actual yen symbol (¥), as in: ¥6,920+tax

  3. On 1/24/2017 at 8:45 PM, ricchubunny said:

    After that he even said he's really Lolicon (pedo) and that's not a character.

    Um... yeah, he's borderline pedo, this is common knowledge. When was the last time they made a video that wasn't centred around a 13 year-old schoolgirl?


    I don't really give a shit if he's hot for lesbians and thinks bald/bearded men are gross. That's how most straight men think, this shit isn't news. Maybe he's not homophobic, just uglyphobic. I dunno...

  4. -Conditionally disband-

    -sold in advance-

    -Record label scapegoat-


    19 minutes ago, Atreides said:

    edit: Unless it's the label doing this.

    Last few times Starwave bands have broken up, I've been very compelled to blame Kiwamu, crusher of hopes and dreams. Not sure if the label is to blame this time, because I don't think any Starwave bands have done this before. It's possible that the band members are just desperate attention whores who require it from some particular amount of girls (and only girls)?

  5. I never really believe in doing "New Year's resolutions," or at least calling them that, but I plan on joining a gym, learning some (actually useful and important) Japanese before my trip in July, and if my blue pig bank filled with loose change gets all the way full, I'm gonna invest it all 'cause why the hell not (it'd probably be only $25 anyway lol).


    Organising digital music collection sounds like a great idea, though that's something I've been trying to do for more than three years! 😆

  6. 1 hour ago, ruki11 said:

    where is Myakuhaku's track list? >_<

    Uh, maybe a week or two? I dunno, and still no artwork either, it looks like.


    I'm curious about the tracklist, though. I was hoping we could get a shorter version of Brilliant World that doesn't trail off into random Christmas songs...

  7. 2 minutes ago, CAT5 said:

    A few predictions.

    • THE NOVEMBERS will release another mini album
    • 凛として時雨 show a sign of life?
    • TK makes a 凛として時雨 song with extra squealing noises and calls it "his own"
    • downy goes back into hiding for another 5 years.

    Fixed and clarified a few things, there.

  8. I think both SM collections should have also included b-sides. Yeah, the second one might be worth buying if you like ナナキ enough and you want the re-recording of Sliver (regular edition bonus track that was not mentioned in OP), but some b-sides they omitted are really good, a few even better than the main tracks.


    Another thing that was not mentioned in the original post is that fans can vote for the eleventh track of SM #1: https://mejibray.com/contents/73709


     - ザアザア will continue to kill it

     - DIR EN GREY will release a single with embarrassing excuses for b-sides

     - MEJIBRAY will release seven singles

     - 己龍 will release five singles

     - R指定 will release three singles

     - possible no announcement for cali≠gari 13 at the end of the year?

     - lynch. will release an album in September or October, this WILL happen, or else Earth as we know it will end

     - Plastic Tree will release a single that sounds like 瞳孔/落花/Silent Noise

     - we might get a lot of surprise albums, since pretty much all we got in 2016 was fucking singles


    As for DEZERT ... well, I don't think they'll go major, but they will do things... they'll either:

     - Be super consistent and release some awesome shit, or

     - Lose another member in the midst of several upcoming releases, and then scrap all aforementioned releases for a short sub-par album

  10. 4 minutes ago, 『 A F E R N I 』 said:


    So just buy it through Yahoo Auction?

    No, I'd actually recommend using From Japan (http://www.fromjapan.co.jp). Their bidding/buying system on Yahoo! is automatic. They used to charge commissions but I guess they don't anymore; they'll hold onto your item for up to 30 days so you can order many other things and have them all sent together. You'll have to deposit money from PayPal (or credit/debit card) before placing any orders through Yahoo! for some strange reason.


    Also, please for the love of whatever, if you come up with something more to say in a post, just edit the first post you made, don't make a second one. It's a pain the butt to merge posts :P

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