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Posts posted by Seimeisen

  1. 4 hours ago, itsukoii said:

    btw i like mia

    It's okay


    4 hours ago, itsukoii said:

    i hated stacked rubbish besides filth in the beauty.

    I don't think STACKED RUBBISH was a fan favourite... Filth in the beauty and 千鶴 are definitely fan favourites, but I don't think the album itself is. Though I do know a few people who really like that album.


    Not sure if this opinion is unpopular or not either, but I think AGONY would have been a lot better in Japanese (and maybe if RUKI was screaming instead of rapping?). I've enjoyed making fun of the Engrish rapping, but I've never really enjoyed listening to the song.

  2. On 2016年6月24日 at 10:06 AM, seurong said:


    *bless this post* that fucker needs to have his image uploading privileges removed!! I downvoted, like, 50+ pics. I would have done more, but I got so annoyed. :lol:


    But yeah, with or without jondesu, 己龍's picture section is an irreparable train wreck.

  3. Architects talk:

    On 2016年6月7日 at 3:11 AM, eiheartx said:

     @Seimeisen:D did you listen to AOGHAU?)

    @eiheartx (and maybe @doombox, too)

    Yesterday I played ALL OUR GODS ABANDONED US in the kitchen at work. I surprised quite a few of my co-workers (lol). I was surprisingly impressed, actually. The album is enjoyable, but maybe not something I'd sit down and devote all my attention to. When I sat down to listen to Lost Together // Lost Forever, I was pretty bored. I wasn't fond of the djenty direction they went in, and I don't really like Sam's half-sang vocals on either album. My favourite of theirs is still The Here And Now (don't understand the hate it gets at all).

  4. 9 hours ago, AliceParanoid said:

    Does someone has already orderd by buyee an yahoo auction?
    And does he/she know, if I can let me ship the 2CDs in one package instead of 2 seperate? lol

    I don't recommend using Buyee; their fees are pretty crazy, last time I checked.


    Use From Japan. They charge ¥200 + 5% per item (¥200 per item stops after 4 items from the same seller), and once something arrives at their warehouse, you can wait as long as a month to instruct shipments. Which means you can buy from a ton of different CDs from a ton of different sellers (over a period of a few weeks) and have them all sent in the same box. No extra fees for package consolidation.

  5. The webshop where they sold 六道輪廻 has 404'd, so I'm guessing Shimizufuck took it down. Also, there's no evidence that the mail-order version of 輪廻転生 will ever be released. Fucking liars. Oh, well, now I can un-follow them on Twitter and stop checking their blogs.

  6. 55 minutes ago, Kiryu999 said:

    Also their last single is being released in a week but still not listed anywhere ?? That's weird 

    Their website claims that there will be a mail-order limited version, but there's still no pre-order date. I'm really hoping they don't back out on this version. If this turns out to be only live-limited, I will not forgive them.

  7. Added romaji + title translations:

    On 13 June 2016 at 10:16 PM, ruki11 said:

    1.日出ズル國 (Hiizurukuni; Land of the Rising Sun)
    2.九尾 (Kyuubi; Ninetails)
    3.千鶴 (Chizuru; Thousand Cranes)
    4.阿吽 (Om)
    5.百鬼夜行 (Hyakkiyakou; Pandemonium)
    6.泡沫 (Utakata; Ephemeral)
    7.彩 (Irodori; Colour)
    8.心中歌 (Shinjuuka; Suicide Song)
    9.盲 (Mekura; Blindness))
    10.鉢特摩ヨリ (Hadoma Yori; From Padma)
    11.天照 (Amaterasu; The Sun)
    13.恋心 (Koigokoro; Love) [re-recorded track, from 羞月閉花]

    from amazon


    天照 and アマテラス..............

    アマテラス and 恋心 are TYPE C bonus tracks. So, the album ends with 天照... Not sure how I feel about that. Guess I shouldn't be surprised since Royz's album also ended with a late 2014 single.


    Also, album artwork (L-R: TYPE A, TYPE B, TYPE C).

    9161HDumgyL.jpg 91bzwTXzF1L.jpg 91WtcJ-9RyL.jpg

  8. Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into something sexy like boobs which performed lap dances which seemed very outerspacey wtf? Followed masturbating on my frisky frisby with rage and passion, because CAT5 didn't lick his favourite orifice. Then, a light stone made him super soft, but thirsty, so that booty juice turned pink with excitement, making noises like barks, so Seimeisen inserted coins up that ceramic

  9. Just wanted to remind everyone that this thread is regarding the ultimate destruction and inevitable downfall of last.fm.

    If you want to beg people to upvote pictures, take it here.

    If you want to post your profile url, do that here.


    I'm not sure if I'll ever return to last.fm. A few months ago, I tried to scrobble something, but the app I use didn't process it, since it was previously unplayed.


    And that was the end for me.

  10. 50 minutes ago, Elazmus said:

    Which one was the enjoyable one? Haha you may be right I'm just curious.


    I know I enjoyed PHANTOM PAIN at least so far from PANDEMIC.

    GESSHOKU was the enjoyable one (albeit, I still hear Mao screaming, "I JUST FOR YOUR MASTER/BASTARD/MUSTARD"); GYPSY was the decent one.


    I still haven't heard PANDEMIC, just the previews, and the only preview I distinctly remember was the R指定 Last order rip-off. Everything else was, um, not up my alley...

  11. 51 minutes ago, ghost said:

    The crown jewel of Slipknot vinyl.



    Slipknot - Iowa

    Plural for vinyl is "vinyl" just fyi. Nice find, btw. Probably the only Slipknot album that I still love. The others kinda lost their magics IMO. And from what I've seen, this one gets really expensive.

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