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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Status Updates posted by sleepy coffee

  1. does any band do chill/mellow stuff better than umbrella 

    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      thanks i need more stuff to listen whenever i need a break from the usual insanity and chaos 

    2. CAT5


      Not sure if it's your thing, but sleepy.ab are super mellow!



    3. CAT5
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  2. I'm not entirely sure how well their stuff sells in japan but Kizu's YouTube numbers are pretty crazy high at least by vk standards, I wonder if theres any chance in the years to come for overseas touring...

    1. madygrain


      They're doing well at lives at least. They grew pretty fast.

    2. WhirlingBlack


      As far as I know their stuff sells really well, when my friend was going to buy Steroid she had to go to three different stores because it was sold out everywhere on release. Based on the fact that their first single sells for 8000+ yen at PureSound also tells me that there's a demand bigger than the supply.

    3. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      Well even if oshimai has fake views kizuato is passing it up probably in the near future and 0 has also had a high amount of views for 2 and half months 

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  3. If someone can somehow go to laveil mizerias shows and pick up merch for me I'd love you forever, I'd give a huge fat proxy fee to you too pls

    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      do they ship internationally?

    2. Paraph


      not sure. i sent an email off inquiring about it recently. 

    3. Paraph


      they responded asking what items i wanted and which country i was from to get shipping cost. seems they will! best to shoot off an email and maybe they'll make the whole store overseas friendly soon enough.

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  4. While everyone waits for god knows when the heisei music video drops heres my rankings for their main tracks 



    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      Yeah it still feels pretty odd to me nothing is out yet since I'm pretty sure stores in japan are open now and the single is basically available, oh well hopefully the wait is worth it since given their trajectory this can be another incredible single 

    2. 123Sandman321


      It's fucking 9 AM, in the Ramen-land, I hope the PV is there when I wake up.

    3. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      i still have about 5 or 6 hours of being awake before i gotta get some sleep for work so hopefully i get to see it before that lol 

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  5. what are some good vk bands to check out with a heavy gothic influence, doesnt matter to me if its old school or new school 

    1. yomii


      kress devia, where kousei(ghost) and kei(dio) participated

      ive found only two tracks by them, but one of them is a pure gem

      ghost are very goth too but i think its very likely you might know it already


    2. merchenticneurosis


      Deshabillz, CANARY, Verfe~gorl

    3. God


      oh, nice.  i’ve been wanting to check out some vk with goth influences, too.  good thread.

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  6. i need catch up on my backlog and the two bands i really wanna peep next are emmurée and merry, any specific standout releases (albums, singles etc) or should i just do a deep dive on both of their discographies 

    1. Alkaloid


      emmuree: "love letter" & "Hokage"


      MERRY: "Fukurou"

    2. yomii


      emmurée: 灰色(haiiro)

      merry: under-world

    3. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      Fuck me these bands are good

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  7. Day 420, still waiting on that heisei music video 

    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      Is there some details I'm missing out on? I thought it was just production issues 

    2. yomii


      nope, i think production and mv issues are enough to call this whole thing a mess w luckily, because of previous outstanding performance people still trust them, but if they fuck up something else in the near future i'm afraid people might start loosing interest in them...i hope it wont ever happen tho

    3. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      Idk the production might've been a miss but I legit think the songs itself minus Tokyo are all super solid

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  8.  I'm not too sure what to say about this but if you miss Yuri's vocals from signal this seems to be some sort of project of his that ended sometime in 2016, the channel is also yuri's so anything else on here is bands and projects post signal disbandment 

    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      no problem, and as for actively, yuri is still around in the scene but seems like he just directs music videos for other bands so thats about everything for yuri lol

    2. Elazmus


      Y'know I think the very FIRST video on this channel was shared around here somewhere back when it went up, the video looks familiar! Not a bad song featured here tho..

    3. yomii


      can't say i miss his screechy vocals lol but i miss signal so thanks for keeping us updated~

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  9. going through some threads of bands around here and did any band go through a bigger change of perspective and opinion from users around here than The THIRTEEN


    people were absolutely clowning and hating on Pandemic and i think Liar Liar as well but i only see praise and positive stuff from Evil Mad Science and onward

    1. saishuu


      might not have been as drastic, but dimlim wasn't really well liked before vanitas iirc

    2. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      hmm i wasnt around so im not sure what dimlim opinions were prior to vanitas but i dont think they got as slammed and as hated on as The THIRTEEN. its just interesting to see band's either drastically improve as is the case with those 2 bands and vice versa 

    3. nekkichi


      pandemic sounds like someone pressing a dental drill in ur skull, their reception obv went uphill once they found a decent mastering engineer.

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  10. maybe a silly question to ask but since the dude has been around for awhile in like 10 different projects, what are some notable SUI releases i should peep out, im fine with any of his bands/projects i just have no idea where to start is all lol

    1. Paraph




    2. nekkichi


      oop @ me sleeping on sui because I avoided UCP and didn't like david but metis gretel actually sounds really close to (very budget and stripped down) CULA?



      good sis got consistency

    3. suji


      🌺metis gretel - devil's masquerade

      🌹megaromania - prophetic faction


      +1 to what evenor said anyway

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  11. doing a deep dive on larc-en-ciel beyond just theme songs theyve done for anime lol after i peep all of this is there any hyde solo stuff would people recommend or should i just check all of it out 

    1. saishuu


      you can skip anything after faith tbh

      also this is an absolute bop



    2. saishuu


      also don't forget to check out laruku's best song



    3. IGM_Oficial


      ~"Blurry eyes" starts playing in the background~

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  12. Someone brought it up in chat box but figured some people dont check that out too often. 


    Akane has locked his Twitter which doesnt really say much when it comes to vk bandmen but I do find his new description interesting, comeback soon?

    1. 123Sandman321


      Man, dont bring up my hopes like that, fuck

    2. Axius


      Hmmm this will be interesting to see if he actually might possiably maybe almost maybe come back

    3. nekkichi
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  13. someone spoonfeed me a link where i can find out how to properly rip dvds 

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      someone help my mans out please

    2. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      sucks the kuroi ame and jigoku live portions only have like 5 and 3 tracks live but i figure its better than nothing 

    3. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      Dunno if you already figured a way, but I followed this that Tanishi sent me awhile back to rip live DVDs with an un-fucky version of imgburn

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  14. tried ripping these kizu dvds with different programs and maybe im just a dumbass but nothing work, alot of stuttering, white noise, clippings, fucked up audio, etc ill just leave this for tmrw or something 

    1. sads123


      "alot of stuttering, white noise, clippings"


      That means the DVDs are write protected. You have to use DVD decrypter:




      to break the protection to rip it properly. DM me if you need help figuring out how to use the program! 

    2. Tanishi


      I had this same problem before and what sads123 posted is the way to go (unless for some reason kizu is using super advanced encryption). The links down for me but there's this one too:

    3. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      Thanks lads, I'll give this a shot later

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  15. if someone teaches me i might consider sharing the kizu dvd 👀

    1. monkeybanana4


      Not sure if this program will work for the kizu dvd, but it's worked for the dvds I've ripped. It's super easy to install and use.



    2. xriko


      Depends of your IT skills and your network connection.

      if you are unskilled and have time or a good connection, just throw the .iso there, with "Imgburn" (just have to copy and upload)

      if you are skilled, you can encore yourself the video file with all the previous application linked by @monkeybanana4


      don't minding about this DVD, just helping

    3. IGM_Oficial


      Just copy the files from the disc to a folder on your computer and zip it in parts. Just upload them and you're done.

  16. Am I crazy for thinking codomo dragon is miles better than anyone on bprecords but they also seem way less talked about (besides that new hz band I suppose)

    1. anadentone


      Codomo dragon ❤️  They might be less talked about but on bpr's yt channel damn near every other video has Men-Men or Chamu eating something :D 

    2. Aferni


      Kinda crazy yeah but, Codomo is good so that's undetstandable. Early Kiryu is amazing 

    3. juuichi


      I agree! they're music isn't particularly exciting, but def not bad

  17. Is it sometimes normal for air Mail shipping from cdjapan to take over a week to update tracking or should I start being concerned 

    1. Mihenno


      CDJ is garbage — very slow to ship and update. But yes, that’s normal for them.

    2. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      What site do u think is the best for international orders 

    3. monkeybanana4


      If you're looking for an online store to pre-order new VK CDs that doesn't need any proxy shipping service (like CDJapan), then the only place I can think of is Brand-X. They take international orders directly if you email them. (Here is the link on how to make international orders: https://www.brand-x.jp/page/44) Otherwise, most other stores don't really ship internationally (from my experience), so you would have to use a proxy shipping service unfortunately.

  18. That Tokyo ghoul music collection coming out this month looks clean as fuck

    1. platy


      The anime is trash, but the soundtrack is remarkable. 

    2. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      The anime is quite literally the biggest disappointment I've ever experienced, I love the manga so much and it deserves better

    3. platy


      I completely agree. RE was the last time I gave it any attention. The last few pages of the manga when Kaneki gets wrecked were the best thing I've read. I wish they had put it into the anime instead of making that root a bullshit ending. 

  19. I'm loving La'veil MizeriA and Crucifixion, god bless this place otherwise theres no way I would've came across either band

    1. Paraph


      recently discovered La'veil MizeriA too! my heart. it was an instant stan.

    2. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      The fact were getting full lengths from them, virge, and verxina. We dont deserve to be so fortunate 

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I endorse this status

  20. Tbh I fuck with all of Hiro's projects from visage to verxina but I feel like I'm the only one who actually digs verxina the most for the exact reason some people dislike it. I just love how messy and over the top it sounds sometimes, it feels more unique and different in that regard

    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      Ofc I'm not staring it's his most impressive or objectively best project, it just has the most appealing sound to me 

    2. saishuu


      gossip is my favorite because it could be emo as fuck sometimes and I fuck with that kind of music the most, but Verxina being messy is over the top is exactly what draws me to them as well. to each their own

    3. Elazmus


      I'm on that !!!

  21. wait tf is glamscure's vocalist not japanese 

    1. Alkaloid


      He's not Japanese. He's Italian.

    2. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      fucking nutty


    3. saishuu



  22. so since i fall in love with these old school worship vk bands like nobodys business is there any other current bands im missing out on doing this besides la'veil mizeria, crucifixion, and glamscure? i know theres that calatorie dude and i find it ok but not what im looking for 

    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      i guess theres marvelous cruelty but there doesnt seem to be much of em out there and it sounds like $5 production budget 

    2. Akrus


      The vanished band ナルコレプシィ (narcolepsy) has some old school vibes.



    3. Paraph


      please listen to emmuree. bless.

  23. i know its hard to compare singles to albums and we got some really solid singles coming up but i dont think anyone can compete with virge this year 

    1. suji


      Virge's album hasn't even come out yet...

    2. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      im just going off vanish and le ciel so far 

    3. God


      hopefully.  but be careful hyping an album based on the singles.  you get burned a lot doing that. 😅

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