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Status Replies posted by Komorebi

  1. Did I just have sex with my guitar?




  2. I guess Kiwi or someone from starwave lurks here since they took down my synk;yet video that was on unlisted on my channnel.

  3. I've been kind of wanting to get into Dezert. Can anyone recommend any songs?

  4. I've been kind of wanting to get into Dezert. Can anyone recommend any songs?

  5. Tenso sucks ass even more than before. I'm not paying 500yen a package from different auction wins to be shipped. Is there an alternative to this BS?

  6. M-H would be a much nicer place if people didn't feel the need to bully, troll and throw shit at each other like monkeys every time they don't agree with someone.

  7. M-H would be a much nicer place if people didn't feel the need to bully, troll and throw shit at each other like monkeys every time they don't agree with someone.

  8. M-H would be a much nicer place if people didn't feel the need to bully, troll and throw shit at each other like monkeys every time they don't agree with someone.

  9. M-H would be a much nicer place if people didn't feel the need to bully, troll and throw shit at each other like monkeys every time they don't agree with someone.

  10. M-H would be a much nicer place if people didn't feel the need to bully, troll and throw shit at each other like monkeys every time they don't agree with someone.

  11. M-H would be a much nicer place if people didn't feel the need to bully, troll and throw shit at each other like monkeys every time they don't agree with someone.

  12. M-H would be a much nicer place if people didn't feel the need to bully, troll and throw shit at each other like monkeys every time they don't agree with someone.

  13. im still posting too

  14. When I found out that "akatsuki" isn't "赤月", but actually "暁"



  15. When I found out that "akatsuki" isn't "赤月", but actually "暁"



  16. Less than two weeks until X Japan's Wembley gig. Any bets on how Yoshiki is going to get out of releasing the new album again? (He said when Pata got hospitalised last year that it's going to be released along with the gig).

  17. People who bid in the last minute constantly at Y!A to extend the auction over an hour are literally hitler

  18. Ruiza's singing on his new solo stuff. o.o

  19. I'm think about taking someone here to Japan with my friends and I. Like hold a contest or have similar taste in the same band and get to know one other.. I'll pay airfare, but all other expenses are on you. This is all gonna happen in November though.

  20. Question...how can you change your 'rank' title?

  21. Is lynch. actually a lousy band or Inferiority Complex is just a bad album? 

    I heard it like three times and the best way to describe it is forgettable. Should I give them another try with a better album?

  22. so what is the point(s) of men-only lives and women-only lives?

    are there different activities suited to the different genders or something???

    my friend and i were talking about it earlier and were trying to come up with reasons but we just have no idea.

    help please

  23. I love Aiolin's concept, but sadly their songs haven't really resonated with me so far... Error World is kinda nice, tho

  24. Make sure to RSVP to this weekend's $1 VK auction! We got tons of gazette FC and live goodies~ https://www.facebook.com/events/1619622844719746/

  25. I got insulted and blocked by minpha fangirls for saying I didn't buy his cute virgin act and that he was probably a pervert LOL 

    no offense to USers, but American fangirls are THE worst I keep encountering. 

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