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Status Replies posted by Komorebi

  1. I can't believe a toe created such a angry shitstorm imagine taking everything seriously yjghjghjhjhgdtgfsd

  2. I can't believe a toe created such a angry shitstorm imagine taking everything seriously yjghjghjhjhgdtgfsd

  3. *Breaks a toe*


    Ok, time to disband, guys.

  4. tfw random bandmen follow u, yet u can't even get ur faves to do so ;w;

  5. tfw random bandmen follow u, yet u can't even get ur faves to do so ;w;

  6. how the fuck do you search for "D' stuff, this is so pain


    entry level vk complaints, but GHHH

  7. Who wants these three super-rare DIAURA fanclub DVDs that are coming up on our auction? Each packed with over 30 minutes of footage.



  8. Of all those bands that makes the same song over and over again, MORRIGAN is the one that nails it better. Everything sounds just like the previous release, but it's all equally good, lol

  9. Gave マルコ a chance and now I'm in love. I'm disappointed that I didn't listen to them sooner. 

  10. Gave マルコ a chance and now I'm in love. I'm disappointed that I didn't listen to them sooner. 

  11. I tried really hard to like Mediena and now I'm trying really hard to like Virge but those vocals keep bekng a huge turn off.


    Anyone knows what's Yu-ki up to?

  12. Wondering if someone knows if there are any clips with Asagi perfoming Shikabane no ouja live. Youtube has offered me nothing so far.

  13. If you have ever argued about Coke vs. Pepsi, I hate you.

  14. It feels weird to listen to Jrock again after like 2 years, omg I missed this T_T. Anyone who has some recommendations for me which I definitely have to check out?:glitter:

  15. BAROQUE's kei solo work is so fucking brilliant. This dude single-handedly influenced SO MANY bands, his composition style was mimicked so many times, and sadly the western fanbase don't seem to think so highly of him... a shame



    On saturday i went to Kobe to see my favorite band UNiTE. in a event with DADAROMA, RAZOR, D=OUT, FEST VAINQUEUR and Rides in Revellion.


    After RAZOR concert i was totally in love for them and then tweeted that they were the best so far. 

    UNiTE. was the last band, and IT WAS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST OF COURSE. After the concert, they called all other bands to return to the stage in order to take a picture with everyone (that usual pictures band+crowd).


    I was in the bottom of the live house (cuz it was the best place to watch) so i didnt thought i would even appear on the picture, but in any case i got ready smiling to the stage and making PIECE with my hands when . .  ..  . i felt someone pushing my arm really hard, and before i could even see who it was i've head the fangirls screaming like KYAAAA KYAAAAAA.

    When i finally got my eyes into the person it was UNiTE. guitarrist LiN. At some point that i didn't notice, he came down from the stage to take me and bring me to the middle of the crowd. He brought with him Kouryu from RAZOR and i was really surprised (did them stalk my twitter before that? LOL) 


    So in the end i took the picture while hugging my favorite band member. 


  17. I wonder in the future, when I'm a mom of my children and look back at the disbanded bands I used to love but don't exist anymore, who will still remember them at that time? Their existence seem so insignificantly small, especially when even the members themselves pursue other work with other people after disbanding. The importance of that band may even be overlooked by the members themselves after ten or twenty years.

  18. alternate universe where slipknot was a wildly unsuccessful visual kei band.

  19. i've always wondered what vk bands do w/ their old costumes when it's time for a new release.
    Like, d'you think The GazettE just rolls up to the nearest closetchild like hey..... how much can we get for these?....
    or do they just have warehouses full of all their old #looks just in case they ever need them again?

  20. I'm a huge FULL EFFECT' Stan but moving to BLAZE to Sound Museum Vision? Do THEY HAVE THAT MANY FANS? I know they wouldn't be able to fill half of Blaze, but Vision has a capacity of 400 more! That's 1000 people!

  21. Closet Child is trying to sell a live-dist. Chanty single for ~$600, how fucking stupid can you get

  22. I'm a huge FULL EFFECT' Stan but moving to BLAZE to Sound Museum Vision? Do THEY HAVE THAT MANY FANS? I know they wouldn't be able to fill half of Blaze, but Vision has a capacity of 400 more! That's 1000 people!

  23. That feel when you win a Cali Gari VHS for 100 yen. Brb, squealing like a Hyde fangirl circa 1998.

  24. If you knew the internet would disappear in 24 hours, what would you do on your final day?

  25. A new wild user appears!

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