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Status Replies posted by Komorebi

  1. I do not put more songs if people do not know how to respect the uploader's request. I will only share with my friends 

  2. How the hell am I even popular contributor this week?

  3. People's thoughts on THE GALLO? 


    I was a sucker for The Skull Fuck Revolvers, so it's nice to hear jojo again.


    They will become a favourite i think.

  4. I'm not sure if others feel this way, but it'd be nice if people posting new releases could write the release titles if known in the post title. Easier on search function and over time it'll keep there from being a lot of vague title releases by each artist...

  5. My facial recognition habilities are SO BAD that I seriously used to mix Ruki and Uruha all the time when I got into tG like six years ago.

  6. It tastes like there's baileys in my coffee at work. :v

  7. What's with everyone sharing suspicious links? 

  8. Internet rules 101. Don't do interneting while drunk. Especially writing any messages

    1. Komorebi


      "I know drunken people do bad things too, but that's not because of the alcohol. it's because they're bad people."


    2. (See 72 other replies to this status update)

  9. poison,poison,poison chocolate...QUIT BEING SO DAMN ADORABLE KEIYA!/

  10. Internet rules 101. Don't do interneting while drunk. Especially writing any messages

  11. wow that new One Ok Rock album... what a piece of shit...

  12. Is scapegoat worth listening to? 

  13. RarezHut has our first exclusive distro CD! Find out more and get a free copy here http://rarezhut.net/ren

  14. What's your favorite musical discovery of 2016 (i.e. bands or songs that may not be necessarily new, but new to you)? Mine is probably Skeleton Witch, followed by Discharge.

  15. turns out avanchick is really good!


    I just listened to ' 明日もし世界が終わっても'. any more recommendations?

  16. Is there any way I can get a cover photo?

  17. I love that Chile still has a VK scene active enought to have not one but TWO DJs that actually throw VK parties at clubs, but do they both have to be obsessed with old school bands and only play 80's and 90's VK?

  18. I love that Chile still has a VK scene active enought to have not one but TWO DJs that actually throw VK parties at clubs, but do they both have to be obsessed with old school bands and only play 80's and 90's VK?

  19. Internet rules 101. Don't do interneting while drunk. Especially writing any messages

    1. Komorebi


      As soon as I manage to get a decent picture I'll share it here lol

    2. (See 72 other replies to this status update)

  20. Internet rules 101. Don't do interneting while drunk. Especially writing any messages

    1. Komorebi


      Feel free to pm me if you want to keep talking but keepin' it private ;)

    2. (See 72 other replies to this status update)

  21. Internet rules 101. Don't do interneting while drunk. Especially writing any messages

    1. Komorebi


      Pour the contents of your drunken soul right here lol


      I'm not really one to talk about sexuality as a kinda asexual person, but... lol

    2. (See 72 other replies to this status update)

  22. Internet rules 101. Don't do interneting while drunk. Especially writing any messages

  23. Internet rules 101. Don't do interneting while drunk. Especially writing any messages

    1. Komorebi


      Well... I'm not the right person to ask since I consider sex to be really overated and I'm not interesting in anything beyond making out...

    2. (See 72 other replies to this status update)

  24. Internet rules 101. Don't do interneting while drunk. Especially writing any messages

    1. Komorebi


      I must add that I'd rather kiss girls than boys when I'm drunk, because girls CAN keep it in their pants XD like, you can make out but don't have to awkwardly tell the guy to stop because you only wanted some smooching and not sex.

    2. (See 72 other replies to this status update)

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