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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/14 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    Sadie new album "GANGSTA" release

  2. 4 points

    A Riot Last Night In St.Louis.

    What happened in Ferguson last night was a disgrace on all sides involved. It was pathetic. It was horrendous. It was grotesque. It was fucking stupid. There was an instance where a teen (black teen as this is no doubt, the focus of the entire issue) was shot by a cop, and protests began. WHAT happened -- We do not know as there are several conflicting reports (one side says Brown was shot with his hands up, the other said the kid made a grab for an officer's gun with a friend before trying to run away). HOW did it happen -- We do not know as there are several conflicting reports (see above) With that in mind, this group (there's no beating around the bush, all Black) were angered and sought justice for what they believed happened -- so they began a peaceful protest at the sight of the shooting. Soon after, officers (some with K-9 units) entered the scene as is customary of police to do in the states. Oddly enough, though there is the freedom of speech, there are pathways you have to go through in the legal system to get approval for a rally / demonstration (were there? Not to the best of my knowledge). It just so happens that due to a larger group gathering at the scene, more officers had to be called in. With the increased violence against police, you can understand why lots of cops show up even when apprehending just one subject, let alone an entire gathering of people. Soon after police were present, SOMETHING happened. WHAT happened -- We don't know as there are conflicting reports (see above) What happened after, what we do know, gets worse. An officer beaten outside of a Taco Bell, several stores (numbered ~14) were broken into, vandalized (one set on fire), and robbed for all of their merchandise. Multiple gun shots, helicopters shot at, rocks thrown at police, etc. Afterwards, these groups kept moving through Ferguson with just a few reports of break ins happening shortly after the mob moved out at around 3 AM. This demonstration, originally built as a peaceful protest demanding justice for the kid shot, turned into a free-for-all "take everything you can" (as quoted from one member of the mob, female) that had nothing to do with Police, and had nothing to do with the kid that was shot. This becomes even more clear when a large group of the "protesters" (i.e. mob) were people coming out of town well after the riot broke out. So what does this all mean? Is this a "revolution"? Is this Blacks fighting for equality? Is this "The Man" stepping on minorities and preventing them from living free? The short answer, to all of those, is no. "Is this a revolution?" - The ignorant (yes, ignorant) seem to think so. One look on Twitter (#ferguson) reveals a whole shit load of justification for the incredibly stupid acts that transpired last night. "We are standing up for ourselves", "Only violence can end oppression", (various quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.), etc. The problem though, IS WHAT PART OF A FUCKING REVOLUTION INVOLVES BREAKING INTO A LOCALLY-OWNED RIM SHOP, AND LOOTING 1 SINGLE 22" RIM FOR YOURSELF? AND IN THE PROCESS, DESTROYING ALL PROPERTY IN SAID STORE JUST TO GET THE MERCHANDISE? With the family of Mike Brown speaking out AGAINST the riots, this paints a different picture. This wasn't a "revolution", this was a mob that got out of control and decided to take matters into their own hands. "Blacks fighting for equality" - This tends to happen when a black teen is shot, or when any member of the Black community is at the mercy of a police force. Though institutionalized racism is still very much a thing, this matter is completely unrelated. This has nothing to do with workplace discrimination, or discrimination in education, or in the government offices. This has to do with a teen that was shot in an altercation with police (whatever the instance was). It pisses me off that people are so quick to make a racial divide in a matter when it isn't called for. People wanted answers to what happened. But instead of sticking around and asking the serious questions, they robbed convenience stores and walked out with handfuls of liquor and food. "The Man" - This is the most intriguing part, and one that I feel has SOME merit, even when as a whole it doesn't. This very well could be an instance where a cop was quick to gun a kid down, and IF THIS WAS THE CASE, then the peaceful protestors in Ferguson are absolutely right to want answers. An investigation (regardless) should be done, and those accountable should be held accountable. BUT, what if the police reports are true? What if (after FBI investigation and third-party investigation has finished) Mike Brown DID make a move for an officer's gun? Then what does that make of the actions of those involved (remember: many rioters were coming from out of town, NOT rioting because they were upset at police, though some were). And don't even get me started on this MLK bullshit. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man that taught to avoid doing EXACTLY THIS. It makes me sick that people are now hiding behind his quotes to reason something he would never have stood for in the first place. What transpired the other evening was not a revolution. it wasn't right, it wasn't justified, and it sure as hell was not going to help the cause taken up by the peaceful protesters. What this did. What the rioters HOPED it would do, will have the opposite effect. People will not turn to the cause of what happened in Ferguson, of anarchy, of robbing CHICKEN PLACES, of robbing SPORTING GOODS STORES, and say "THAT IS AN IDEAL I STRIVE FOR" No. Whenever a group of people resort to barbarism, they instantly lose any credibility to their cause when there are outlets to access to bring those accountable to justice. What the Rioters (they are NOT protestors) did last night was fucking pathetic. EDIT: and perhaps the most fascinating point of all. Police did not shoot and kill one Rioter. If this was truly a "revolution" rising up against oppression, those cops would not have hesitated to shoot. Yet they didn't. Not once. Suspects were taken into custody.
  3. 3 points
    the embarrassment is strong can already imagine "u dont fakku wizzu me baka mazafakka HURRDURRRDDURRRRDURRRRRRRRCHUGCHUG" shaping into album of the year indeed
  4. 3 points

    Sadie new album "GANGSTA" release

    For a sec there I thought the 3rd track's title was gonna be WELCOME TO THE HOOD.
  5. 3 points
    new PV for the new album, and it's great
  6. 2 points

    Monochrome Radio?

    So I was thinking, I know we all like our jams and such, but with the recent activity of people sharing music genre's not everyone is familiar with and with everyone discovering new artists they like... I was wondering what people would think about like an online radio broadcast? Maybe it could include live reports for overseas countries that come directly from the users here. Or maybe you saw a show in Japan you'd like us to talk about on the radio show. We can also make reminder announcements for things going on with the site as well as up coming events related to the Japanese music scene. I personally have a collection of cds i don't mind using for give aways and things like that. And of course we can't forget the music part! Thoughts? Or is there anyone interested in helping with a radio broadcast? What do the mods think?
  7. 2 points

    Sadie new album "GANGSTA" release

    There's only one gif worthy of my reaction to that tracklist:
  8. 2 points
    This is going to be the come from behind album of the year you watch
  9. 2 points

    Sadie new album "GANGSTA" release

    limited edition (3,980yen) will include CD+DVD (including "DEAD END" PV), and regular edition (3,240yen) will include CD only [CD track list] 01.MODE OF GANGSTA(op.SE) 02.DEAD END 03.WELCOME TO THE UNDERGROUND 04.SHOOT THE TARGETS HIDDEN YOUR MIND 05.GESSHOKU 06.TOKYO GYPSY 07.RIZE A FLAG 08.HOWLING 09.HATE ME OR LOVE ME? 10.BLEACH 11.THE NEVER 12.MESSAGE FROM HERE 13.PHRASE OF LIFE(ed.SE)
  10. 2 points


    Been spinning EL-P's Cancer 4 Cure a lot lately. It's the straightest EL-P-produced album I've heard, but there's still a shitload of chaacter and uniqueness to it. Pimitive, furutistic and filled with badassnes. It's also geat that the man is almost as good at rapping as he is producing. Ridiculously good album, and the opening track is one of the best within the genre ever. But the first 4-5 tracks are all beyond perfect. What a man! Also, I've tried to stay away from everything that has to do with Run the Jewels II until the album is released, but today I (finally) failed. Christ almight, the preview of the album is good. It is beyond good! God damn! For those not heard it yet: http://www.stereogum.com/1695029/run-the-jewels-blockbuster-night-part-1-snippet/mp3s/
  11. 2 points

    A Riot Last Night In St.Louis.

    So when was the teenager's death avenged? Before the brick through the window of the Chinese food spot or after enough people walked out of Wal-Mart with brand new televisions? I'm all for holding the actions of police officers accountable as I have to deal with the NYPD, stop and frisk policies, and watching people get arrested, beaten, and occasionally shot for being black on a daily basis. But never get it twisted: no justice was served. The riot will not affect the sentencing of that police officer in a positive manner. The people at that Chinese food spot did nothing to that teenager, yet now they have to deal with the aftermath. Wal-Mart didn't assist the police officer by supplying him bullets, yet now they have to clean up after the riot. Neither did the bank, or the gas station, or whatever else was caught in the crosshairs. How many thousands of dollars did the riot cause in damaged property? How many businesses now have to shut down? All that was accomplished was the successful destruction of a neighborhood.
  12. 2 points

    A Riot Last Night In St.Louis.

    Yeah....no, rioting doesn't do much justice for one death. Definitely not, if it means losing thousands of dollars for business which now jeopardizes the livelihoods of business owners. Also, the city will probably have to spend more money on repairs which will take money away from potentially more useful use of the money. While you can feel a sense of empowerment, the consequences won't justify it.
  13. 1 point

    The Kiwamu Thread

    His twitter is fun "Today there was illegal photo person at our live show. We announced "no photo and no video" before the show.but there are some people can't understand that. They should die. Really really stupid. I yelled that shit man.And I took the camera away from shit man.announcement is English and Japanese. Both. So we did everything before the show for this problem.But there were some stupid person. I can't believe that. If they can't understand language, they should not come to the show.They are monkey. They must go back to Zoo!!!" And... yeah, I couldn't care less about his projects.
  14. 1 point
    Original Saku


    posting just because.
  15. 1 point


    my name’s Lyn and I currently live in England. I’ve listened to J-Rock ever since I was 12 years old and, yes, I was an embarrassing teen who tried way too hard, BUT we had an amazing time back then - 10/10, would recommend. At the moment I’m working on my BAs in English linguistics and philosophy to train for my amazing future as coffee shop barista (“Do you want fries with that?” Oh wait...). My overall favourite J-Rock bands are X-Japan, Hide and D’espairs Ray... Maximum the Hormone is pretty rad, too... Dir en Grey, of course, Kagerou, fucking loved Kagerou... and Balzac... Mucc, Girugamesh. For god knows what reason (it’s not like my RL is exciting or anything), I kind of stopped keeping up with a lot of bands I had enjoyed during my teenage years (for example Suicide Ali, -Oz-, vistlip, Baal...) but I still do enjoy them very much, so I’ve signed up here to keep up with all those different bands a little bit better. I also like Horrorpunk, Progressive Rock/Metal, Classic Rock, and lot of other stuff that I don't know how to categorise. I love books, video games, running, cars and going to rock/ metal concerts no matter if I know the band that’s playing or not. P.S. I feel like I’ve been here before, but I couldn’t find any traces of past-me... so I figured it’s safe to grace you with present-me.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Inb4 420 Braze Et Uppu Massafakka.
  18. 1 point

    A Riot Last Night In St.Louis.

    You can also thank the media for highlighting events like this, because they know it will cause a shit storm allowing them to have higher ratings. If something happens to someone who is not white, they have to fucking HIGHLIGHT it like it's the reasoning behind the event. If the kid were white, it would have been reported as "local teen shot by police after a dispute" rather than "cop shoots unarmed white teen". Many others have already said it before, but this rioting is bullshit and is not an answer to anything. It's just an excuse for people to steal shit and cause mayhem due to what's called deindividuation and disinhibited behavior. Read about it.
  19. 1 point
    Peace Heavy mk II

    A Riot Last Night In St.Louis.

    Since the, riot things have been a hot mess there, it would seem.
  20. 1 point


    thank you all I could easily spend my whole life at university :] To me, gaining knowledge and especially questioning it (and everything else...), is important. And, @DistRhyme, thanks, I'll make sure to check it out!
  21. 1 point

    Sadie new album "GANGSTA" release

    The amount of Engrish in those song titles already made me cringe. I think I'm going to listen to this just for the fun of it :'D Hope Mao's going to spit some sick rhymes on this one.
  22. 1 point

    Sadie new album "GANGSTA" release

    MODE OF... what ?!
  23. 1 point


    Damn Bear, that’s tempting. I put C4C on my list for 2012 and two years later it’s just as dope as it was the first time I’ve heard it. Although I find myself gravitating towards his second album more lately, C4C is still great. But ISWYD has great tracks like Tasmanian Pain Coaster, Dear Sirs, Poisenville Kids No Wins, EMG, Up All Night…actually the whole album is just fantastic. Run the Jewels benefits in the same way, except now he has Killer Mike to share verses with. The two of them are charismatic enough to carry the entire debut on their own, and only feature Big Boi and that guy on Twin Hype Back who I consider to be a joke and not a featured MC. I’ve also been staying away from any news related to RTJ II and I don’t even know when it’s coming out. You’re tempting me with that video but since I’m at work I can’t watch it. Other than El-P I’m really fond of Earl Sweatshirt and early Tyler, the Creator. Wolf was a letdown for me but Rusty was an awesome track. Doris was just stellar and although it didn’t follow in the same vein as Earl it was one of the best hip-hop albums of last year. Dark, mysterious, brooding beats with complex, multisyllabic verses and plenty of features that added to the track. Burgundy, Sunday, and Hoarse in particular are two excellent tracks. Everything was great except for SK La’ Flare. I have no idea why Earl let him on the track because he has no flow and can’t rap. As for Tyler, Bastard was his best album. Goblin was okay. Wolf was less okay then Goblin. I honestly haven’t gone back to Wolf except for Rusty, IFHY, Tamale, and Colossus. And sometimes Pigs. I checked out Czarface upon your recommendation last year Bear and I have to say it’s pretty dope! I’m into that 90’s scene a little bit (Company Flow, Cannibal Ox type shit) so hearing throwback boom-bap these days is nice. I have to listen to it a few more times before more songs other than Dead Zone, Czar Rafaeli and Air ‘Em Out stick in my head. Newest rapper to enter my rotation is Capital STEEZ. He’s only got one album (and will only ever have one album) but it’s great! The man not only can rap but he picks topics to rap about and doesn’t resort to money, talking about bitches or wealth or killing people to get through songs. He’s also really great at wordplay while telling a story. Amazing stuff to check out! As far as Japanese hip-hop goes I don’t listen to much but lately Meliyas has caught my ear. Meliyas is the side-project of DJ Itsuka from Charisma.com, whose name you’ve probably seen around here once or twice. I remember liking MAJO LP but it’s really hard for me to remember some songs. I know CAT5 has said something similar to me as well. Guess that means I have to start bumping it again at work to see if it will make any lists of mine at the end of the year.
  24. 1 point
    Is trombe trolling us or is this the actual tracklist lol
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point

    Monochrome Radio?

    Honestly, you'd be an ideal person to work with, so if you're up for it... if it pans out.... I'd like to ask you *___* You're really open minded, enthusiastic, and you have a very good knowledge of many bands that I don't. I will send you a message!
  27. 1 point

    Monochrome Radio?

    No problem. I'm available for grunt work. It wouldn't take much for me to get my hands on equipment or software if it came down to it, either. Depending on how big a project this might be. And I'm on the opposite coast from you so might could help with some timezone constraints.
  28. 1 point

    Monochrome Radio?

    I have an actual recording mic that i can use, I'm pretty much just checking out again to see what options there are for a hosting site. Thank you for being willing to help :'D This is literally an idea I came up with a few hours ago and I was talking to CAT5 about it and decided to just make a post to see what other people thought.
  29. 1 point

    Monochrome Radio?

    It seems like a lot of work depending on how high quality of a broadcast/podcast will be done. It could be tricky if people don't have very good recording or editing equipment. But I'm interested in helping out if I can. Anything to spread the word on good music. Something where possibly segments sharing different sides of Japanese music/Japanese rock. Something where people that specialize in certain genres can not only talk about them but compile the playlists for a segment. Or maybe have user spotlights where they contribute their favorite artists for a spell. I dunno.
  30. 1 point

    Monochrome Radio?

    I think this is a wonderful idea myself - although I'm unsure atm how a radio broadcast would work (I'm sure it can be figured out), I'd totally be down to contribute.
  31. 1 point

    new band "DADAROMA" has formed

    I should have known you were into that, senedjem.
  32. 1 point

    A Riot Last Night In St.Louis.

    And how is what I'm asking. How does looting stores avenge this teenager? It doesn't. There's no connection at all. Just anger and violence. You want to take a stand? Go down to the police station and protest until he is fired. Start a class action lawsuit against the police department while stressing racial issues. Do anything other than start a riot. The only statement that was made is that you all are dangerous and need to be monitored further. And if you absolutely must start a riot, how about you fuck up the police station instead of innocent businesses for a start? Direct your rage towards the actual perpetrators.
  33. 1 point
    http://inhabitat.com/nasa-confirms-the-impossible-propellant-free-microwave-thruster-for-spacecraft-works/ This is pretty cool! We might land a man on Mars sometime in the near future!
  34. 1 point
    Thanks guys! Luckily someone recorded it
  35. 1 point
    Original Saku

    The Walking Dead

    http://youtu.be/j4GAs9TJVjM So fucking intense, looks like it's gonna be a really good season
  36. 1 point
    ahaha this so much! BOKU WA NIHONJIN WA DAISUKI DESU~ ^___^
  37. 1 point

    Sadie new album "GANGSTA" release

    Hey Sadie
  38. 1 point
    Just to answer your question: I grew up in New York. My mother was a Seikima II and DEAD END fan, and I got a cassette of X's Blue Blood when I was like, 11. That's how I found visual kei.
  39. 1 point
    I'm sorry you don't like the way I presented my points. Let me be more concise. 1. Illegal downloading is still illegal. 2. Making music, playing concerts, and promotion cost money that the band and their management pays. 3. This money and promotion comes from cds. 4. Bands won't go to the US/EU/South America if they can't see sales. ??? Result: No sales? No band for you. You don't have to like the bands, but this goes for any visual kei band. And we're talking about visual kei bands right now, which is why I didn't bring up other musical genres. So, you're not really making any valid points.
  40. 1 point
    Exactly, that's what I mean. It's the band who's saying that, not me. I understand it well that someone may not be able to buy music (for various reasons) and it's not a reason to treat them like that, but the band thinks different. They could say it in a different way, without offending fans. I like their music and looks, but at this point I just refuse to be their fan anymore. Music is about entertainment. If it makes me upset, it's not what it's supposed to be. If I have money again one day, I will support a band that keeps entertaining me, not the one that makes me upset with their attitude. iTunes prices are shit, really. They just convert the euro price to pln here (in the Polish iTunes) and it costs the same for us, even if we have much less money than people in other countries. The prices should be lower too. 1 euro for a song in mp3 is way too overpriced. It would be cheap for me if it was 1pln (~0,25eur). But still, with no cash, spending any money on music is a bad idea. I can't imagine why would someone pick music, instead of food. I'm sure these musicians wouldn't support another band if they were hungry. No, they would also try to get food, first. iTunes is an option only for a person who has some income, but not enough to buy tons of CDs each month. Suggesting people to use it instead, is a sign of insensitivity. I understand the attitude towards people who say "why buy, when I can download?", who have money, but not all fans are in this position.
  41. 1 point
    I've honestly only heard one NB release, but I wouldn't spend money on it because I wasn't that into it. However, personally, I'm on the whole I have no money, my girlfriend and I live with her parents and feeding myself is more of a priority than feeding a musician. And, as such, pirating doesn't seem that bad when there are people who are the band's target audience in their actual country who probably can and will buy their stuff when they can--this goes for any band, not just NB. There are certain times where I have extra cash and I buy a CD, but let's be real, it'd be virtually impossible for me to afford every single release I enjoy at this time. But, threatening to sue your fans? Kinda shitting where you eat, imo.
  42. 1 point
    To be honest, I don't blame anyonone, "artist" or not, for wanting to make money. Hey, I want to make money too, don't we all? Money is good. And I don't think the expectation that the effort put into a record should result in some cash return is unreasonable. However. It seems that piracy is giving some artists a false sense of scale. Artists and labels tend to equate each illegal download with a lost sale. 5000 people have pirated a record? So they calculate 5000 x ???$ in lost revenue and mourn all the money they didn't make. The cold hard truth however is that probably only a minority of those 5000 cares enough for the music that they would pay for it. Especially in vk, where people tend to just grab stuff because it's vk (probably applies to other genres too though.) If there was no piracy artists still have to make their fans interested enough that they are actually want to spend money on them. Oh, and acting against people on Youtube is even more pointless. I have yet to meet a single person that says "I don't buy CDs because I can listen to songs on YT."
  43. 1 point
    How many of those that have pirated NB's latest release would have actually bought it if they hadn't had the chance to download it? Maybe 10%? How many of those only know of the band because they pirated the music at some point? 90%? Right. Fact is: people pirate music because it's so easy. If they couldn't, most of them just wouldn't listen to the music. I already spend about 150 Euro a month on japanese CDs, I pirate the rest. If I couldn't pirate, well, tough luck, but I still wouldn't spend more on music than I already do. I would just listen to less.
  44. 1 point
    NB basically killed themselves when going visual kei lmfao I agree with whoever said that today's music industry is awfully outdated, especially in Japan. There are not a lot of artists in VK that distribute their stuff digitally, and when they do it's only in the Japanese iTunes store. Websites like HearJapan offered cheaper digital releases compared to other digital distributors, so I think the website was for a good cause (especially since they also offered bonuses and higher bitrates). It's a shame that not many people bothered to pay less than 500 yen for a full album they actually really enjoyed; most full lengths on iTunes cost 2000yen, physical copies usually 3000yen. With HearJapan gone, in order for fans to buy digital copies now, they'd have to make a Japanese iTunes account and buy Japanese iTunes cards online; purchasing the physical copy from CDJapan therefore is much easier, even though it costs more (of course there's also amazon, but we don't talk about amazon's digital quality lmao). Besides, I know people similar to me who prefer to have the music in the bitrate they desire; iTunes offers 256kbps rips that sometimes sound like shit, especially on high quality headphones. Websites like bandcamp offer a solution to this, and perhaps putting their music on bandcamp costs less than putting it on iTunes, but I wouldn't dare state this as fact. These artists keep complaining about overseas fans that download their stuff while they're not even their target audience. If my target audience was Japan and I had people outside of Japan buying my stuff here and there, I'd see it as something nice on the side, unless these people would encourage my Japanese audience to buy less. If that's what's going on, then I understand why bands like NB are upset. If not, I don't see how they're making huge losses from it if they're not putting any sort of money into promotion outside of Japan. Not everyone can buy everything, but most musicians understand that; most visual kei fans are teenagers who are still in high school and have no income except for their montly allowance they get from their parents, and you can't blame them for not spending that allowance on CDs every single time. If you however DO have the money to support your favourite artist, I feel like you should. I know not many VK fans feel up to that, but how can you make people purchase more? I feel like Korean pop companies found the answer to that question and it's called packaging. EXO for example sold more than 1 million copies of their first album, and even though Kpop has a way bigger target audience because pop music is just more mainstream than VK is, I wouldn't deny that the packaging and price have something to do with it. I know that in Japan prices for CDs are just regularly high, but Korean pop CDs usually cost about 15 euros and are packaged in boxes, books, metal cases etc. with the CD, a thick photobook, a card signed by one of the band members and usually a big poster for free as well. I love buying Kpop CDs because of this; of course I buy a CD when I think it's good, but that fantastic packaging just gives it a little bit extra. I can understand some indie VK bands can not afford this kind of packaging, but I know plenty of bands can. Make it desireable to purchase the CD, give it extra things that a downloaded copy could not give you. If VK is so oriented on looks, why not add in a seperate photobook, for example? You'd have to pay extra for a photographer and the printing, but if it made you sell more copies in the end and raise the profit, why not? Though selling more copies in general only enriches the record company, not so much the artist, as we all know. In Europe, 25$ for a newly released CD is a normal price and the least you can do (legally) is listen to 30 second samples in the store itself (if it even offers that option). That alone is not going to make me buy an album. Anyway this became way too long and doesn't make any sense probably but I hope you at least understood what I was trying to say lol.
  45. 1 point
    Pirates don't care if we're taking food out of someone else's mouth. We don't care if we make it difficult to continue band activities. Historically speaking, pirates weren't nice people. We want music and we want it now and it's hard for a band to compete with free, easy access and still turn a profit. It's the reality of the music scene in 2014. We suck as human beings, we care about a band enough to follow them but not enough to give them money to continue. Don't worry about us pirates because if the only two choices were to pay up or not hear the music we probably wouldn't buy it because then that band would have to compete with every other musician out there for the few cents in my pocket and honestly they probably aren't first in line. NB should just assume that pirates weren't going to buy their music in the first place so there's no money being "lost" because there was no money to be "gained". Piracy is a double-edged sword, because at least people care enough about your band to continuously download your releases for free. It gets your name out there but it also does take food off your table. Piracy is great when you're trying to get known; not so much when you're trying to make money after you build up a fanbase. Try to profit off the free PR you get from piracy as best as you can. I have no other magic bullets or solutions or kind words.
  46. 1 point

    The Kiwamu Thread

    Did you say something to him as well? Also, found this on livejournal People said it reminded them of our thread here: One day Kiwamu decided to write a song. Kiwamu asked his coworkers, "Who will help me write the song?" "Not I," said the lazy GPK . "Not I," said the lazy shit foreigner. "Not I," said the lazy former members of BLOOD. Then Kiwamu decided to write lyrics for the song. Kiwamu asked his coworkers, "Who will help me write the lyrics?" "Not I," said the lazy GPK as he goofed off . "Not I," said the lazy shit foreigner as he took illegal photos. "Not I," said the lazy former members of BLOOD as they made funny sock puppets with Kiwamu's angry face. When the lyrics were finished Kiwamu needed to record the song. Kiwamu asked his coworkers, "Who will help me record the song?" "Not I," said the lazy GPK who was too busy partying. "Not I," said the lazy shit foreigner who complained of a broken computer. "Not I," said the lazy former members of BLOOD who weren't involved with Kiwi's current project anyway and didn't give a shit. After Kiwamu finished recording the song, he began to sell CDs and made some money from shit fans. Kiwamu asked his coworkers, "Who will help me spend the profits?" "I will," said the lazy GPK. "I will," said the lazy shit foreigner. "I will," said the lazy former members of BLOOD. "No!" said Kiwamu. "I will! Because my greedy!" And Kiwamu spent the money on a new chair to replace the one he broke while beating up fans.
  47. 1 point

    The Kiwamu Thread

    Kiwamu? Is that you? *Gets popcorn*
  48. 1 point

    The Kiwamu Thread

  49. 1 point

    The Kiwamu Thread

    My favourite Kiwamu story is, when GPKism (?) was touring in probably South-America, and they were getting a lots of presents from their fans - and Kiwamu blogged, that they are really appreciate all the gifts and other stuffs, and they are thankful for all the love, but they get so much gifts at the concerts, that they can't carry them during the whole tour, so they have to throw them out after a time. BUT, if fans have the money to make them presents, they also have the money to buy their CDs, so he asked all the fans, that instead of making them presents, they should buy their CDs. I just couldn't stop laughing, when I've first heard this. xD
  50. 1 point

    The Kiwamu Thread

    I need to see if I still have it lying around somewhere, but I made an audio recording of blood's last live in Chicago. It really sucked, but there was one delicious nugget that was caught. About halfway through the concert, Kiwamu just stopped the music and everything and just raged hard shouting at this dude in the audience who was recording a video. He was leaning over the stage shouting like a god damned Yakuza... we totally thought he was going to jump down and rip the guy's face off/smash him with a chair.
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