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Posts posted by saiko

  1. For some reason, there is always something exciting about listening to lynch. At least to their promo songs... for me, it is something as simple as that combination of Hazuki's faux-baritone voice (with the backing vocals somewhat 'incrustated') doing his trademark anthem-like melodies over that speedy hardcore groove with the drummer hitting the crash on the last quaver of the measure... It's just so 'visual-kei' I can't resist the pleasure.


    This is fucking why in the last 10 years every act in the scene, even the 'leaders', are doing anything but selling formulaic fan-fulfilling garbage and don't seem to plan to someday stop and put their minds into something with a little plus of 'artistic' value...

  2. 4 hours ago, saishuu said:

    guys, listen


    i love luna sea



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    just been watching some random live performances as i usually do lmao slave is such a fantastic song jfc



    Same happened to me with this song.

  3. Imo the quickest solution to this problem of whether X band copied Dir en grey or not is to think that, although Dir was, proofly, one the few projects that had the power to mark the aesthetics of a whole scene for almost a decade, that doesn't mean that the other bands in it copied them. At least, not in the case of Nega and Sadie (I won't speak so much for 12012 and ReS because I haven't listened enough to them to judge); they don't have any song like sounds identical to a Dir song (that actually screams plagiarism, like Grieva's, for example); in the other hand, part of their setlist incorporates aesthetics Dir doesn't  (for example, the draggy outfits of Nega, or the hard J-pop-driven sound of Sadie's chorus-centered songs). That said, that this bands listened at least a bit of Dir back in the time is an obvious fact provided by their level of historic relevance for VK, but I won't assume by it things like Nega or Sadie decided to go nu-metal/metalcore because of Dir, or even they actually loved Dir and looked up at them... Aside from obvious things that scream admiration like Mao's vocal inflections, I'll think that they perhaps made some aesthetic decisions after listening to Dir's output at the time, otherwise we'll have to interview the members to get their words on this to fully confirm that hardcore inspiration. 



  4. Kyouki sings really good. He has that visual kei color that is very difficult to treat, and seems to do it smoothly and with almost no effort. He is ready for something more than Grieva. I hope he comes back in another format that doesn't imply reaping off somebody else's work shamelessly in the name of 'nostalgia'.

  5. 1 hour ago, geist said:


    Way better than the original. Buck-Tick Sucks-Dick.


    They’re one of those bands who I want to like, but then I get super bored and put on D’erlanger. 

    D'erlanger is by far more interesting imo. Buck-tick started to be a thing since 'Aku no hana', then with 'Kurutta taiyou' their classic sound embraced its true form. No wonder why the most part of their hits come from this albums, and not from their prior ones. Speaking of them, they are a wank of formulaic pop punk rock, same as other acts like Boowy. 

  6. 24 minutes ago, Chell said:

    I didn't want to revive that sexuality matters within vk topic but y'know, sometimes I'm laying in bed and I think about how Daigo's sister a full fledged BL mangaka actually wrote a whole BL with a MC who, according to her, was heavily based on her brother. Ok, sure, Naitou siblings are not a force to be reckoned with but still my brain always goes there and I am like hm. Interesting... facts... maybe.

    Daigo from Breakerz? 

  7. 6 hours ago, Jigsaw9 said:

    Here's DIR EN GREY's rendition of the BUCK-TICK track "NATIONAL MEDIA BOYS" from the recent B-T tribute album (until it gets taken down)



    I thought it was quite good! I like how they changed it up and made it their own (unlike most of the other bands judging from the samples).

    I felt betrayed with that radical harmony change in the chorus! It sounds horrible! Even if they take it back for the last play of the chorus... Man, that progression was the dramatic climax of the original song!


    Definitely gonna skip this.


    Overall, yeah, they surely adapted the song to their own style, there's all their recent sonic clichés put in there. But listening to this helped me to realize once again that I've grown bored of their musical decissions in the past years. Listening to TIW, TWoM and this keeps bringing to me the thought that they've entered a phase of difficulty on getting into new realms of sound. They need to stop living on dirty guitar chunks on the A-string with diminished fifth, clackling-bass riffs that can't be undertood a fucking note and Kyo's "uo-ho-ho-ho-ho-hooooo" theatrics. Yeah, it's cool actually, but it ceases to be so when you try to put to everything you make in order to match it with your style. They used to be more fresh in the past.


    Just what the hell is momma goth doing? She just made a killer comeback with Malice Mizer last year, and now opens a Youtube account to upload this... don't know how to name it.


    Now I have less doubts over if it was the right decision for Közi and Yuuki to leave her alone...


    Also, Seth is a really talented singer, what the hell is he doing joining this madness!!!

  9. I've readen the name 'Devil Kitty'  a lot in this forum, and I started considering to go and look up for them. What songs do you recommend to try their style?


    An Cafe deserves much more recognition than what they already have here. They've put out really good music in every point of their career. The "ow but they are not br00tal brooo" 2007 otaku fad must end soon for better in this scene. Now speaking about their first era, 'Touhikairo' is a excellent example of its sound's core: they had the genious to bring out everything of a catchy and memorable track from a radically simple base of punk riffing over archetypic Jpop harmonies and song structures. This song and 'Tekesuta kousen' are masterpieces.

  10. I'm surprised nobody mentioned the hillarious pinned comment the band put in the section of the video: 


    "Let's think about the "ESSENCE"".


    I want to take Retsu seriously, but they guy puts it challenging. I don't know if it's his awkward use of English, his insistence on the matter in every place of his social media,  or both.

  11. 49 minutes ago, Komorebi said:

    I can’t believe it still needs to be said that visual kei IS NOT a music genre in 2020.

    Well, our passion for Dimlim made us go off-topic but...


    Despite being a complex matter to approach, and also the fact that there isn't analysis available on the matter (at least in English), VK actually is a genre. There being a lot of variation and diversification both sonically and visually between bands of the scene doesn't necessarily conclude into VK bands don't having a LOT of things in common to make them part of a whole 'scene', in many levels (sound and visuals, but also other aspects related to production of the artists, their promotion, fans' rituals, etc., VK culture per se).


    'Genre', 'movement', 'scene', call it the way you like. 'VK', as other things, exists by virtue of patterns of key elements that repeat all over their products no matter their differences between; in the end, that is what make their producers, bands themselves, us the fans, people inside and outside the scene, pick the term 'visual kei' to describe some music projects, and not 'glam rock', 'goth', 'punk' or 'metal' instead, in the way of deciding what music to listen according to our tastes.

  12. 6 hours ago, Arkady said:

    I was always curious over what was/is K****o's official stance (I don't know japanese so I cannot follow all the original stuff there). He doesn't seem to hide it much even though he isn't really out either (I think?).

    Or did I miss some huge stuff?

    A friend of mine (who apparently had some connections with people involved into the teams that brought Kamijo to Latin America in his lastest tour) told him that Kamijo invited two guys of the crowd to drink wine and perhaps have sex, after the show. But who knows.


    Btw, Kamijo always seemed pretty non-straight to me. His approach to the androgynous aesthetics differ a lot from what your typical bandoman does with them, imho. 


    Do you have any other info?

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