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Posts posted by saiko

  1. It's kind of a sinister feeling one gets while watching the ridiculous scenario of a pack of "users" actively giving a stuff you know it's ridiculous, nonsensical, inconsistent, etc. a lot of attention all of a sudden... feels like one's gone crazy or something...


    But buying social media 'credits' (likes, views, subscriptions, downloads, etc.) these days is SO much common than what oneself could ever imagine.  And I don't think it would stop any day, considering we are moving forward a virtual society more and more each day.

  2. 39 minutes ago, Jigsaw9 said:


    yeeee boi, what an album, even to this day!

    Yeah, incredible even to today's standards. No wonder why they became and immediate success back in time.

  3. I wonder if they also are gonna attack other precious accounts that share Dir stuff in HQ and very well organized, such as direngreyvideoz...


    But hey, we can still share it through direct upload to any server, I guess.

  4. Monochrome has always been a favorite of mine. Definitely very vk sounding, I just love it.


    Reincarnation morning is one of the most magical songs I've ever heard. It's just so mysterious yet so heart-touching; it's like achieving getting out of the deepest abyss, like a storm vanishing and giving life a new opportunity. I've never had the opportunity to read decently translated lyrics, but harmony and melody arrangements definitely talk about something like morning and reincarnating. Listening to it feels like a very cathartic moment, waved but peaceful at the very end. A masterpiece.


    3 hours ago, Disposable said:

    Yeah I also thought this was super mediocre, and my enjoyment of their two prior singles had a good helping of wishful thinking and good will. As much as I still do like the A-sides from those, I have to say there isn't really anything there that puts them over other recent stuff from the scene that I like for me. I just love Ai's voice and aesthetic enough to color inbetween the lines thinking all of this is just a prelude to a sick second act where they bring out the big guns. 

    Literally me listening to everything VK has put out in the recent years (yeah, even big names). Thanks for the cathartic moment @Disposable.


    52 minutes ago, Nighttime Jae said:

    In my opinion, if you wanna make sure that bands write their own music, stick to indies or at least follow the bands closely enough to know if they' ever post about their composition process and stuff like that. Most bands I follow often post their previews of the music they're writing and stuff like that, so I don't even question it. That and of course pay attention to their evolution and sound and past bands and stuff like that like most people have said. Basically, keep your eyes open.

    Which current bands would you definitely say that make their own stuff by themselves?

  7. Perhaps we could move the discussion about ghostwriting to this thread. Recently I've been watching the topic pop up very often, so maybe many of you guys would like to talk about it.


    Maybe we could start by each one making up a list of the artists or songs or whatever stuff you consider useful to explain to somebody how ghostwritten music looks like and how not-ghostwritten music differentiates from it.


    In my case, I think I caught a nice example while yesterday looking up for old classic I've never had the chance to try. It was the case for baroque. The contrast between their A-sides before disbanding and after their comeback screams idolization so loud that I couldn't believe my ears.





    One doesn't need critical music-listening skills to appreciate, in one hand, in the pre-come-back songs, the experimental nature of the trashy and psychedelic arrengments in every song (and what amazes me the most is that these songs, as A-sides, where intended to serve for promotional, commercial, issues!); and in the other hand, the almost complete submission of every musical arrange, and even their looks, to a very well-known, standarized, Johnny'sesque aesthetic, in order to appeal to the recent younger fandom. The differences are so abysmal, and kinda scary, imo... from early century neo-Tokyo punks, to creamy-sweaty-ribbon-shotacon manga characters...


    Anyway, and don't willing to enter into much musical details, further than what can be clearly seen in the example above, I think an indication of not-ghostwritten could be the lack of imitation of a song style as a whole. Let's say, a not-ghostwritten song would be one that, although you could clearly identify well-known music trends in it (a punk sound, a nu metal sound, etc.), or even previously famous artists signature arrangments (a Sugizoesque kind of solo, etc.), still sounds fresh while displaying said features in a way that you definitely know it wasn't heard/seen before. Inspiration is always there, nobody creates something from nothingness itself, but that doesn't mean you can't make your own version of it and through that create something unique.


    Here are some songs that I returned to after a long time not listening to them. After being triggered with the whole baroque thing, I started to look up for '01~'05 releases, and hell... say what we know, VK was always about dragging otaku girls into fandom while displaying androgynous looks, so it always had a commercial approach inherent to it, and also bandomen were all chinpira prostitutes who knowed little about playing actual music, blabla... all of that is true to an extent, but those facts shouldn't deny that there actually was people trying to express themselves in their own way, even if the results where amateur and unpolished, and even if they signed a major contract and started to make their sound and appearance more appealing to mainstream...



  8. 11 hours ago, saishuu said:

    it's an easy listen, but objectively imo it's nothing special - the hype surrounding these guys makes it sound like they're the next big thing, but I honestly fail to see the appeal. the songs all sound the same other than 「悪人」and おやすみ。and I still cannot tell 火炎瓶 and 汚れた豚 apart after 5 or more listens. kagerou did the heavy thing with much more diversity and catchy tunes back in early 00s.


    also the plagiarism in the chorus of 「悪人」is cheap and makes me hate it

    +1. What most draws me to Gulu is Ai's definitely unique intonation, Lanju's cool skills (although not as exploited in his previous band Grieva), and overall well done production. Guys have a pretty decent budget, contrary to 95% of the other bands in the scene, so everything they do surely is gonna sound a least enjoyable. But they are far from something notable; just enjoyable clichés over and over.

  9. 10 hours ago, Ikna said:

    It's good that the scene nowadays is more open about discussing what's going on inside and that we are not foaming at our mouths because someone "insulted" our fav bands by pointing out the obvious… like Kisaki's misdeeds. If that would have become public ten years ago I bet you there would have been at least a small army of people defending this guy. At least now most people see him for what he is.

    That said, VK always rubbed along with a bit of delinquency and depravity. Since the hosts entered the scene that got even more amplified, but that transition has taken place since a whole decade. I think we reached a point where almost none of the "original" spirit is left behind. Ofc you get the occasional band that's truly concerned about doing art, but for every honest group you get 10 forgettable ,mass-produced trash ones.

    I'm really interested in this topic of the lack ofart spirit within the scene. If it existed since always, I think it is patent that is reached whole new levels in the last ten years. During this time, which for me still is a time of much frustration over discovering good artists in this scene, I've been digging a lot older bands, and kinda started to understand some threads tied to its origins, differentiating key acts, waves into the scene, and also looking profoundly for an understanding of the many Western trends that inspired VK since its very proto-eras when even the "VK" label didn't existed. Unfortunately, English is not my mother tongue, so writing down all my thoughts over these matters could take me a very hard time in order to make things meaningful and not weird at all, lol! But perhaps I could try to do it in the near future!


    In the meanwhile, feel free to make posts about your thoughts over this stuff! I think many of the users here are interested in discussing much more things than liking A or B band's scheduled new release and PV...


    @ghostpepper I will definitely read an online "diary" of your work behind the curtains! 

  10. On 5/2/2020 at 11:13 AM, ghostpepper said:

    Even if you read the credits it would be falsely under a band members name. I will not name any active bands online 


    Can you name the bands that you are sure they write their own stuff?

  11. 14 minutes ago, Seelentau said:

    If they do (ha, as if), it will only be from official releases anyway.

    So nothing interesting. I'll see if I'll record the talk stuff, just for posterity.

    Or just hope @nostalgia does :D

    Yeah, I guess they will do as always and use the same overdubbed and irrelevant footage from the Mousou Kakublabla VHS's (God, what an orgy of fan-frustration those are) and then shift to images of Obscure and Sustain the delusional from 2011 and 2013' Budokans...


    I hope someday we will get to sneak onto something of that vault before Covid kills us all.

  12. 16 minutes ago, EvilHippy said:

    Shinya... I guess I just don't like their visual stuff that much. But the bigger problem is that there is no flow. He just picked songs where he likes to bang (Uroko, Berry, Umbrella). I dunno, feel pretty wtf.

    Yeah, kinda messy, but we urgently need someone in that weird band who openly acknowledges their VK stuff is quintessential for their project and the whole Japanese rock scene altogether. #GauzeToo 

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