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Status Updates posted by 少女椿

  1. All my friends are getting married, and I'm happy, of course, but it also gives me anxiety. Can we just stay kids, like, forever. I'm not ready. 

    1. benzaiten._


      I have this kind of thoughts too... i'm turning 24 soon and just finishing my career but i see friends forming their family, building their houses, etc and while i'm so happy for them it stresses me to think me in that scenario

    2. 少女椿


      @benzaiten._ I've always thought that I will be happy if I'll find somebody and then marry (or not, living together also counts), have my own child, and stuff, but suddenly realized that any kind of -close- relationship is... just... ugh... terrifying? I think I will be happy just to love somebody platonically, watch anime together, go to the liveshows, living -esthetically pleasing- life and sleep separately. I think my current -favorite person- is thinking the same, but I'm totally suck at describing my own feelings to the others so I think I'll just die alone (笑)

  2. Can't stop crying, it wasn't a date or something, but the person I love so much brought me flowers and I think my life was a mistake from the beginning. 

  3. Doesn't matter how many battles I've won growing up from UWU KAWAII BANGYA MARRY ME to my current self, mentally strong and responsible, how many "friends" were lost just because I felt myself emotionally abused, but society and "fandom" are rejecting that fact that people are tending to grow up and change their selves and their lives. This isn't even fun anymore, but I can't stop thinking I was trying too hard to see I've got literally nothing, this kind of "zero" you may describe as "stability". I'm drained.

  4. Feel myself really strange because it was the first time ever I wanted to kiss a certain person so bad. Aw...

  5. Few days ago I was like "I miss Machi, aww...", and few hours ago he followed me on instagram :(´ºωº`): w... w... what the... I mean... it's a great honour... 

  6. Happy new year, and good bye...

    1. Keiyuh


      And don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty

      Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest

  7. Host and "nowadays" vkei culture is so cheap, jesusss. Finally able to describe that emotion after being chikaned by random vkei-ish guy on my way home, and his "friends" were just laughing. It makes me so sick, I dont want this kind of attention at all, especially from such a 下品 people...

    1. nikuman


      chikan them back 😡throw drinks at them


      also im surprised when i still see vkei/ old school looking hosts. once i checked on one of those host ranking sites out of curiosity and the top guys were all pale dudes with bowl cuts 

    2. 少女椿


      @nikuman I hate being touched by people I'm not emotionally attached to, so I just run away and started to cry when I got home. It wasn't the first time, the first place in my personal ranking is a really awful situation when I was kissed by a drunk host and he was trying to touch my bra while I was too shocked to run away... 

  8. I can't believe this event was 9 years ago. Memories are fading, but it was the best birthday gift ever. 


  9. I don't like scary things at all, but now I'm in the mood for playing silent hill. I'm sure I'll regret later. 

    1. Manabu


      The original?

      2 is the best IMO but also the scariest

    2. 少女椿


      @Manabu yep, the original... for me EVERY part is so scary, I know I will hate myself at night 

  10. I don't want to be Kiwamu's bitch (' ._.)

    1. Himeaimichu


      Once you get to 400 or so posts, you can change the name of your rank

    2. secret_no_03


      Wait what? You can?!

    3. Zeus
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  11. I even liked madmans esprit  maybe, 10 years ago, but now all that hysterical suicide circus makes me so sad.

  12. I miss Machi so much. He was my feminine beauty ideal back in the school days.

    1. 少女椿


      @Arkady yes, Lareine Machi! The one and the only precious queen of his own rosekingdom ♡ suddenly bought normal version of Chanton l'amour 「l'horloge」today, and can't stop joking about what if when I put together limited and normal versions, he will appear like an angel or something, haha😅 he has an instagram and twitter, but he said he want some privacy, that's why he's rarely with us... just like 20 years ago...

    2. Arkady


      Sadly it doesn't work. I already tried it with my copies of Chanton. 😢

    3. 少女椿


      @Arkady  I was really surprised that limited version was much easier to get... and it took me 7 years so get normal, and not used... 

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  13. I think I give up on uploadings, sad to see it's just drowning and doesn't get an attention it deserves... 

  14. I think it was the fastest job searching quest EVER. Got mail from the company two hours after the interview and they want me at monday 8am with all my documents and health checks. I mean... wow.

  15. I thought Eiji is streaming DENTAKU live just as his colleagues do, but he's just playing weird game in the midnight... ah, quarantine.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tokage


      Eiji vs Uyuni vs Sharaku in the ultimate VK gamer tournament....

    3. 少女椿


      @Tokage game unit of the NEET army

    4. Tokage


      would watch a version of TRON where it's just all the beep boop vk musicians accidentally uploaded into the digital world

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  16. I want to try tarot fortune telling, and I need guide or something... any recommends?..

    1. secret_no_03


      Your more expensive decks come with guides. I personally like Nekro's designs for the Gothic feel, but there's plenty of others.

    2. Jigsaw9


      marisu mizeru



    3. 少女椿


      @secret_no_03 suddenly found this! It comes with book, and cards are so aesthetically pleasing... https://www.amazon.co.jp/デラックス版-秘法タロットカード-沖-門土/dp/4408393711

  17. I was asked to be a model exactly when my face hurts because of skin problems caused by permanent mask wearing... ugh :c

  18. I was avoiding laruku for years, but how can I refuse when the person with the most awesome tastes said 'I want YOU to hear it!"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. saishuu


      laruku gets a bad rep in the west simply for being mainstream and ~not heavy, but they were fantastic (up until AWAKE in 2005 at least). don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. dune, heavenly, ray and awake are all great albums.

    3. 少女椿


      @saishuu I know that thing about "mainstream", but I think I love the balance, not really heavy music and deep voice sounds just great ☺ 

    4. tetsu_sama69


      I'm an overall fan of their works. The "mainstream" stuff is just as enjoyable for me than anything else. "True" is my personal favorite. My reasons for still liking them are more emotional so I'm always happy to see them release anything solo or otherwise.

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  19. I was sure this will be the worst year ever, but my best friend is getting married, and i finally feel myself happy with the person I thought I had no chances with... isn't it a real happiness...

  20. I wish I could reach this level of prettiness


  21. I'm in the stage of stress when all I'm doing is sleeping, eating junk food, scrolling mercari and spending money on merch and clothes 😒

  22. I'm not even sure what's going on, feeling myself absolutely lost. 

  23. I'm not sure I will hear something more romantic than "if we have no choice, let's drown and die together",  jesussss 😭

    1. reminiscing2004


      if we are reborn, let's meet again

    2. 少女椿


      @reminiscing2004 we're both manga maniacs, so this was, like, between the lines wwwww


  24. If ganguro/manba/the other gyaru style with tanned skin exists, can we categorize it as a kind of blackface?🤔

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      I mean it's 2020, tanning yourself is a hate crime now 

    3. 少女椿


      @Komorebi yep, one day I found myself spending my time and a huge amount of money on stuff unrelated to vkei and (somehow) felt a bit relieved...

    4. Komorebi


      Nice, I feel stressed when I do XD

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  25. If it wasn't for the pandemic, Evangelion 3.0+1.0 would be released this month.

    1. Wakarimashita


      Unsure if sad or glad...

    2. 少女椿


      @Wakarimashita I've been waiting for too long and finally forgot what I'm waiting for 🤔

    3. Jigsaw9


      Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 You Can (Not) Delay This Any Further Because I Will Lose My Goddamn Mind

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