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Status Updates posted by CAT5

  1. *goes to search something, and accidentally posts status instead* gdi

  2. Outside of vk, the fans of non-mainstream Japanese music (rock, jazz,folk, electronic, hip hop, and more) are SO fragmented that it makes me sad. Why is no one trying to reign all of these fans and give them a place to congregate and share music as whole? Atm, the place closest to accomplishing this is jpopsuki...and well, no. just no. There's a huge void just waiting to be filled.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. CAT5


      What sites do you go to get non-mainstream stuff? There are sites out there (j-mp3, undermusik, otonomai, and various blogs) but they only cater to non-mainstram Jp music fans in small, niche patches.

    3. DeithX252


      all that you mentioned above, and doujinstyle (for doujin music). And there is astost (chinese forum, but now there is place with international user) when you can find lossless (but again, that place fulled by doujin and anime song mainly, but there are some rare and nice upload)

    4. allisapp


      There is also Undermusik, but it's a bit dead. D:

  3. I actually disliked a YT video. This is such a fucking insult: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6yfxOCiHr4

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. WhirlingBlack


      You can't make a racially exclusive point out of a universal issue. Breeding ground for racism both from the people claiming the issue as solely their own and lashing out without offering others the same courtesy and from the people who witness that kind of sectarian and narrowminded behaviour. I don't understand why some people insist that seeing all sides of an issue is dismissive. I'd like to talk to you about this when you have a moment.

  4. Zess, I don't recommend watching wagakki band's 'Vocalo Zanmai' DVD. That is, unless you're willing to forfeit your current existence and ascend to blackdoll-levels of stanning enlightenment.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. nekkichi


      "despa's kaoru" (2) I love this thread, I worship and idolize it

    3. Zeus


      brb gotta watch

    4. bonsaijodelfisch


      also @cat, i don't really see what is so "positive" about belittleing and offending literally every music-enthusiast, that isn't that fond of lycaon. i find that kind of behaviour rather offensive tbqh..

  5. So yeah, I'm going to quit taking these psychiatric drugs. Fuck em'. I'll quit drinking coffee too eventually, but one thing at a time. One thing at a time. Wish me luck.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Umi_Niwa


      I hope you find something to make u happy :)

    3. sai


      Nah, don't agree. There's a difference between feeling bad and sometimes anxious compared to a chronic mental disease. Just saying.


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. nekkichi


      (remember realplayer PVs)

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      remember limewire

    4. CAT5


      ...and kazaa and bearshare D:

  7. OMFG I swear to god if I see another "BLACK KID KILLED/SHOT BY EVIL COPS" post on tumblr, I'm gonna explode. Reblogging this shit does not help. AT ALL. All it does is spread bullshit propoganda. Allows ppl to feel self-gratification for thinking they're really helping. And most importantly, it keeps ppl trapped in their delusional paradigms and belief-systems.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      I want asian women on mine. Y'all can keep the men.

    3. kyoselflove


      I'm down for that too.

    4. beni


      Can I have both please? < 3

  8. Kagrra,...imma let u finish, but a ling banner would be the GREATEST BANNER OF ALL TIME

  9. woah woah WOAH, Beni. PLZ CALM DOWN :Phttp://i.imgur.com/Kkcl5ni.png

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. emmny


      is that blackdoll [3]

    3. yakihiko


      In a near future, I will not understand what beni says x'D

    4. Ro plz
  10. Game of Thrones...I knew it was gonna happen, BUT I WAS SO NOT READY TO SEE IT. I'm literally shaken after watching that.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more


      I really need to start watching that show.

    3. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Lol I'm so glad I didn't spoil it, unlike many others apparently

    4. Aion


      Can't wait for the next wedding =)

  11. ^_______________^

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. bonsaijodelfisch



      !!DAMN FANCY??!


    3. sai


      Alright he wins ^

    4. CAT5



  12. A large faction of tumblr = http://i.imgur.com/sV1p6uT.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Miasma
    3. nekkichi


      <3 [2] it's perf okay to mock tumblr!!

    4. Zeus


      I'd rather be around neither. I'd rather be around ppl with open minds and open spirits who resonate nothing but love and good vibes. [2] this is why i don't go on tumblr

  13. Guys, I don't know what happened but I can't turn any of the pink names back. We'll be stuck like this for idk a year maybe. Get used to seeing pink.

  14. w00t, 385 followers on tumblr. Good to know so many people enjoy pictures of asians, black ppl, and art as much as I do lmao.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. CAT5


      turtles blog. one of the coolest tumblrs ever: http://turtelsintime.tumblr.com/

    3. Tokage


      @peace that person follows me

    4. sai


      I post too much cats :(


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. togz


      Thanks phone apparently tokage is took age now. Congrats merryxmas

    3. Biopanda


      hey cat have you married the novembers yet?

    4. togz


      No! The novembers sound is basically written by kobayashi, he's already married with

      A kid. No negotiations.

  16. I revisted that DEG vs gazette band battle thread out of curioisty and DEG beat the gazette in a landslide (95 votes to 29 votes). Is there any band that could even begin to rival dir en grey's popularity here?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. kyoselflove


      No beni, I love the GazettE's newer releases, I think BD is awesome! Anyways, as much as I love both of them, I can see Diru winning, because I mean come on...they have been around forever and made ground breaking moments lol.

    3. beni


      YES KYO < 3 What Hellion said made a lot of sense, I see now.

    4. doombox


      I don't think for English speaking fans anything would top Diru. Not only because of their musical catalog dominating (reasons already covered) but they have toured extensively and that has a lot of people stuck on them no matter what. I think if the Gazette toured as much as Diru they might hold a better chance.

  17. It's funny how all of my musically knowledgeable friends can see the depth in and appreciate music that some would perceive to be shallow and generic, and are quickly judged by pretentious music fans who know little to nothing about music and who disregard anything that isn't uber technical or blatantly "unique" lol.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tetora


      But there is always people who will only ever like Ludwig Van quality music, and I can understand that, but I think Paul Mccartney said it well in one of his songs: Some people just want to fill the world with silly little love songs, what's wrong with that?

    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      if you ain't lovin' kpop you don't know shit about music :P

    4. Biopanda


      *if you ain't lovin' kpop you don't know about shit music :P

  18. Dispo, Leaf, Bear, Nekkichi, and WhirlingBlack. Would personally like to see you guys take part in this new trade-off if possible.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Champ213


      I'm over thinking it and trying to come up with a whole theme [2]

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      haven't really thought about what theme i will be going for.... maybe instrumental or jazz or both instrumental jazz :D

    4. CAT5


      lmaooo...I honestly have no clue what the fuck to do, but I'll come up with something

  19. Congratz, violetchain! Welcome to the Reincarnated Really Hot People club!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      well, you need to be hot.


      and reincarnated

    3. violetchain
    4. beni


      Waaaaaaay, congrats!

  20. never has my last.fm scrobbler CRASHED SO FUCKING MUCH

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Number Girl

      Number Girl

      i was listening to hipster indie japonesz music and it kept fucking up and then i turned on teh gazette and it worked just fine hmmm.

    3. Number Girl

      Number Girl

      i was listening to hipster indie japonesz music and it kept fucking up and then i turned on teh gazette and it worked just fine hmmm.

    4. sai


      Lol Windows

  21. Ok, maybe I'm not in love afterall, I thought I was this time...

  22. I'm starting an internet gang. I'd like to recruit turtels, zess, ph (we need the muscle), sai, dwi, arithmetica, nekkichi, dispo and senedjem. I just want to go around and harass ppl in the name of bullshittery.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. nekkichi


      can we start w. gazette threads bc. my most recent humble effort sort of went there itself. I'm glad to see harassment decriminalized, bless you (love/light)

    3. TheBistroButcher666


      Do we get matching shirts???

    4. sai


      do we get matching shirts [2] we should all get code names too. I want to be "the hime"

  23. new gazette album thread (467 replies). new downy album thread (6 replies). YOU IGNORANT FUCKING J-ROCK HEATHEN YOU.

  24. How do I become a bear. Do I need to take steroids

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      what ito said [2] Make as many references to being a bear as possible too. Make sure everyone knows it and if you're not sure if they know or not, remind them. Then remind them that you've reminded them. It doesn't count unless -EVERYONE- knows at all times.

    3. CAT5


      woah, that seems like a hassle. I think I'll stick to being a CAT

    4. Flash-Fab-Supernova


      Don't worry CAT5. Me and your brother will teach you to be a bear. ;)

  25. Noticing a few parallels between ONE PIECE and HxH, but it's probably JUST A SHOUNEN THANG

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. CAT5


      Saku, I'm only on ep 19 so far (gonna knock some more eps out l8r 2nite), but I've noticed that too...and that unpredictability/unconventionality is the same thing I like about OP.

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      nice! Keep at it, soon...soon...

    4. stylelover


      hxh ep 131.. soooon

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