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Status Updates posted by chemicalpictures

  1. hueye new mini is pretty cool, huh?

    1. Enki


      That jazzy song is still their best

  2. I'm here spinning some Aozora Guillotine and remembering of Tenten making fun of himself for never sticking to a project for long

    Really wish MBHI was the exception

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      I love the outro riff on that song!

    2. chemicalpictures




      man what wouldn't I give for another melodic djent kei band in the scene

  3. man, the Riotts was such a cool project

  4. Jouei is one hell of a singer, underrated as fuuuck

  5. Is STEREO C.K. still a thing?

    1. Jun_


      https://twitter.com/sck_official They're still updating their Twitter! :D:D

    2. Jun_


      I mean, their last update was last month, but still xD I guess they're touring again with HOLLOWGRAM

    3. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      So... about as active as usual.


      What is anyone in this band other than Kazu doing otherwise?? Must have *real* jobs.

  6. Will we ever see those super rare  World Wrap Word songs surface on the interwebs, I wonder?

  7. man, I miss Shounenki... it's such a shame that Amai Boryoku sucks so hard

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Totally agree. Shounenki was a cool band!

  8. breakin' holiday's debut album is definitely on the weak side. Which is a shame, this project had everything to be great... gonna listen BE PROUD for some palate cleansing now brb

    1. chemicalpictures


      @ShanethVarosadownloaded on Nihon Ongaku, go check that out


      its bad tho

    2. patientZERO


      Agreed. They truly are the definition of mediocre.

    3. zombieparadise


      I found a rip of it and I can back your claim up. Yikes!

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  9. I'm sure I'm late to the party, but I just discovered Poppy yesterday and I'm freaking the fuck out how cool that shit is


    yeah, there's a lot of kawaii metal and shit ton of japanese influences there is, but I really think they upped it a notch with the industrial, metalcore in your face guitars, screams in feature songs, radical tempo changes


    And I'm really happy this kind of weird shit is getting some recognition, the girl slays

  10. I've probably already said this but  IMHO pentagon's drummer is top 3 on the scene right now. From all the members, I look forward to his return the most

    1. saiko


      Why you think so? Is there any stuff out there where he shows his good skills?

    2. chemicalpictures


      not on raw skill, I should mention, I think there are quite a few others like CHARGEEEEEE, KNZ and Sujk before him. Mainly the way he dances around pentagon "genres" doing his own thing, It oozes potential and personality, it's like he tries his best to not stick to used patterns for ballads or punkish songs that are tried and true.


      線香花火, MONOCHROME, 17 and Teenage. comes to mind first and I think shows my point above

    3. IGM_Oficial


      One more reason why their disbandment sucks

  11. ANGELO songs are almost always good, but hardly memorable. I keep forgetting stuff I just heard and actually liked

  12. 1 year since APPLIQUE's debut and that album still kicks so much ass


    really hoping 2020 brings more Shiina and friends for us

  13. okay, OOK's Giants is pretty catchy if you're willing to ignore it's OOK and pretend its some random pop boyband

  14. okay, am I the only one who chuckles a little bit reminding of Chocolate Rain when listening to the beggining of More's Scar?



  15. Why does RAZOR keeps releasing the same song over and over again? I must've heard at least 5 different iterations of 完全無欠, all of them boring AF

    1. Komorebi


      I thought the same once I saw them live. I regret paying over $60 for hearing the same song on repeat for two hours. 

  16. man, Soshi's era lolita23q is underrated AS FUCK. Haters gonna hate, but not only he was technically much better, the compositions there are miles ahead. BIOS, 天球シンフォニア, lost minerva, a_Shiner, レーザーライトテーマパーク, Star Philharmony, HIKARI are all KILLERS

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    2. chemicalpictures


      @ricchubunnyI guess you probably aren't much of a fan of Wing Works, then?


      cuz everything there is Ryosuke doing his WW thing

    3. ricchubunny


      @nekkichi hmmm I'm not really sure. You got a point, but Zonbi and Neverland, for example, are way better with their new vocalists.


      @chemicalpictures I really enjoy his first album. But it's nothing really memorable to me.

      I think our musical taste is very similar but maybe not for Lolita hahaha I prefer their weird cat-dying-voice tracks 

    4. colorful人生


      Seconding the "Soshi-era tracks being boring" statement. Also, his vocal style reminds me of a half-baked Sou from A9. (I could never get into that band either.)


      Though, I was also a fan of the brief existence that was Remming, lul. Something about that vocal wobble...

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  17. This Hueye band aint half bad. What they lack in polish/execution, they make up in pretty good ideas here and there. Hope they develop their sound.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I've enjoyed their singles, but there's something missing from each of them that really makes me "wowed" instead of "this is fine." 



      Supposedly they're much better live?

    2. saishuu


      having a good vocalist really helps elevate their music too. haven't been too sold on their music yet, but the anesthesia (?) single is fairly good

  18. This Gelnica band was a pretty nice surprise. Hope they find their footing and last more than a couple months

  19. So LAYZis came back out of nowhere, released a couple of singles and went dark again without any notice? that's a shame

  20. any thoughts on the latest coldrain?

    1. -NOVA-


      someone in the band is hurting. See you  and January 1st really surprised me I never expected  songs like that from them. those two songs really got me in the feels ❤️ Breathe also has a similar heart break vibe to it and the harmonics were really well done.

      the side effects has a powerful messages and the call back to decade in the rain was nothing but genius. 

      ANSWER / SICKNESS has the sickest breakdown and im stoked to see that live. 

      COEXIST / REVOLUTION solid tracks 


      I'd give the record an 8/10 



    2. chemicalpictures


      ANSWER / SICKNESS is really cool indeed! my favorite hard track from this album. But the catchiest one imo is STAY THE COURSE. That main riff is simple but really effective, that chorus has been stuck in my head for the past week.


      as far as ballads go, January 1st is interesting, but I'm still waiting for them to top 'Whole' as the most teenage heartbroke angst ever, lol


      overall a very solid release indeed

  21. this ayabie album is pretty fine, but it does sound more like a filler collection than a proper album, there's no cohesive idea there


    プロポーズ is a bop tho

  22. Chiyu's first release is pretty great!


    the second one tho, not so much

  23. DIMLIM  is frontlining this god forsaken scene

    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      Tbh theres alot of current bands I really love but it still feels like theres a 42069 mile gap between dimlim and everybody else

  24. Man, miyavi was once a top 3 favorite. Sad to see him becoming this low budget Don Broco copycat

    1. YuyoDrift


      Nothing against him in that regard, as I never got around to listening to his music. I simply didn't like the way he carried himself back then, but they were all young, so it's something I can look past now.

    2. YuyoDrift


      I did however predict this being a thing he'd stoop to, as Gackt, HYDE, and other artists who went to make solo-careers at that time ended up, well, you know.....

    3. chemicalpictures


      If you're willing to give the dude a chance, I believe miyavizm, myv pops and miyaviuta can give you the best sample of what he was doing at the time. lots of great ideas, weird stuff and most of all free experimentation

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