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Peace Heavy mk II

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Status Updates posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Shaking && crying @ Hizaki's Vivaldi cover

    1. Spectralion


      Is that Rookie Fiddler playing at Presto?

    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I think so. By the way even the little homage to "Created Beauty" featured on the last track is incredible!

  2. Glory has like 2 good tracks tbh

    1. saishuu


      that's already a lot for Britney lbr

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      First two albums + Blackout + Femme Fatale had great tracks. Circus was a guilty pleasure, and Britney Jeanne only had work bitch + "Till It's Gone," which I now think is unironically about her producer's song writing talent. 


      Smurf song and whatever the fuck she did with Igloo were embarrassing 

  3. Today's aesthetic is: the cultural dissonance caused by how British and Australians use "mate" to mean "friend," where as to Americans "mate" sounds like a completely sterile, National-Geographic-special-on-antelope, way of referring to a sexual partner.

    1. Elazmus


      We should all talk more like aussies, this country hasn't even begun to embrace the word cunt on an everyday basis!!

    2. nekkichi



      I watched two separate videos, one was BBC documentary on tiger sex, and the other contained erect pig penis some1 filmed for lulz and gigglez

      I literally don't want to hear about animals having sex anymore in my life

  4. #TrendAlert: Ethereal metal albums about space and the universe 

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Devin Townsends' Transcendence and A7X' Exist are two recently released examples like this.

    2. IGM_Oficial


      A new subgenre called "spacecore"


    did you do this????

    1. nekkichi


      he's doing it all wrong!!!! first u gotta be a biological female to understand the nuance of Lana del Ray's mind, 

      second I would've started the ~research~ part with looking up worst xanax trip reports on reddit and skipped wikipedia entirely, it's useless for creative investigation.

    2. emmny


      worst xanax trip reports on reddit [2]

  6. New Moi Dix Mois album but it's produced by The Neptunes 

    1. Himeaimichu


      Was Timbaland booked? Then again, if he was, they could pull a Yoshiki and just buy him xD

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      tbh I don't think it costs much money for either producer to be used since it's not 2003 anymore

  7. Remember Quaff?

    1. saishuu


      they were kinda cool. still have their stuff here lol

    2. saishuu


      also this video is iconic


  8. tumblr_ovx0je2Qmm1ufu590o1_540.png



    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      happy birthday, from your me + ur faveorite band unsraw

    2. Zeus


      u idyit that's dad aroma n ty <3

  9.  I watched this, so now you have to too

    1. lichtlune


      Kamijo better watch out!

    2. madygrain


      Clearly influenced by baroque's sug life

  10. Smart marketing: uploading your songs to YT before jajaBijiaruBR does so you get ad revenue and control over distributed quality.


    Dumb marketing: 


    1. Himeaimichu


      "Death Penalty" Ohhh what are they gonna do? Come to my house all the way in the United States and lynch me? 

      Actually, I'm tempted to go to whatever video that was on and reply that to them for shits and giggles

    2. Peace Heavy mk II
  11. Sometimes I buy CDs from bands I don't even really follow or don't like that much just because I'm tried of only finding 40x40 pixel album art for it

    1. fitear1590


      Media archivist par excellence!

  12. HaPpY BiRtHDaY

    1. CAT5


      tHaNk YoU, PiIsU-kUn!! :D 

    2. The Moon
  13. Vidoll's "昔懐カシ人形集~其ノ壱~": discuss

    1. WhirlingBlack


      It's that band with Rame (ex. Eze:quL)

    2. Peace Heavy mk II
  14. What's the sparknotes on what happened with KyoAni? An arsonist set the studio on fire?

    1. Tokage


      crazy 30- or 40-something year old dude set the studio on fire & killed around 40 people iirc

    2. YuyoDrift


      A random guy (not an employee) doused the entire first floor of their building with gasoline and lit the entire place on fire, all over some novel he had written and they supposedly stole (can't confirm).


      Witnesses claim that he yelled out "plagiarism!" and "Die Die!", and people who had tried to escape via the stairwell were burned alive as they we're trapped from a collapse. People fortunate enough to get on the roof of the building were also trapped, with some even jumping off the top in order to avoid being burned alive.

  15. I know I'm like 15 years late, but Psycho Le Cému seem pretty cool 




    1. saiko


      I've "discovered" them the past year, and found them actually very interesting. They aren't geniuses composing wise, but still have very catchy and unforgettable tracks. 




    2. Jenova


      They were my first favorite vk band so you're in for a treat tbh.  Roman Hikou was absolutely bizarre even for 2005 standards but I loved it lmao

  16. idk why Scarlet Valse is cancelling their upcoming shows. There should be more than enough room for the 4 people there to social distance :S 

    1. IGM_Oficial


      But live houses are tiny

    2. evenor


      hey when I saw them JUZA live house was PACKED #sardines

  17. Graduating from college today help

    1. Zeus


      Tomorrow for me :(

  18. Moving to Boston tomorrow :V

  19. Found a Boris album at the library.

  20. DuelJewel are like the P!NK of visual-kei: no one hates them, they just literally forgot about them.

  21. "You tagged Kamijo with visual-kei, rose petals rain from the sky as senpai finally notices you, symphonic and 4 other tags." I need an adult.

    1. Jigsaw9


      accurate tbh. :D

  22. Tried to Google which songs Hizaki wrote for Kaya and just found Kaya x Hizaki x Kamijo smut. I need eye bleach

    1. ricchubunny


      Carmilla, Vampire Requiem and Curse of Rose btw :P

  23. "CAT5 added you as a friend." Remember when you hated me

    1. Senedjem


      keepign grudges is unhealty

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