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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    any #gamers out here drinking #milk tonight???????
  2. Tokage

    I also agree w/ the other ppl here who think writing fanfiction about real people is fucking weird & kind of creepy i kind of dont rly see the point of fanfic in general anymore these days tbh, like, just focus yr creative energy on trying to write something original instead of leeching off other ppl's creations and totally derailing them???
  3. pls bring back 'visual kei animorphs'

    1. Tokage


      kamijo into this specific fucked up taxidermy bat 233b10d83ea8ca35d50ff28ceb7df1c5_1000-im

    2. Tokage


      also obligatory yuuki from lycaon transforming into a goat and/or kiyoharu

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I'll see what I can do.

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  4. Tokage

    they're making a sequel to meatball machine, aren't they?
  5. not intending to meme here or anything, but have there ever been jrockers (not necessarily vk musicians) who have come out about having aspergers/autism/anything like this? 

    1. Lereku


      The only japanese autism musician who I know is the composer Hikari Ōe, and yes mental "ailments" is still  a taboo in Japan , only few musicians talk about this subject like Ryo the singer of Baroque and Kannivalism who suffered of adjustment disorder.
      He had written  his autobiography Utsu-byo Rocker (Depressed Rocker),  in his book Ryo describes his grueling struggle with the illness in five chapters each called 'Mental Breakdown', 'Adjustment Disorder', 'Life in Hospital', 'Return to Society' and 'Life and Death'.

      You also have Fukase the singer of the jrock band Sekai no Owari he was interned in specialized institute for treat his attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

    2. Tokage


      I guess we may also add ex-D.I.D. to that particular category, as IIRC he's been diagnosed with BPD if I'm not mistaken. 


      it's still kind of sad that such things are so stigmatised over there, but at the same time, I guess they still are to some extent in the rest of the world as well, so...

    3. Lereku


      The major problem is for many asian countries (Japan, China, Korea, Philippinnes,Vietnam, Hong-Kong,Singapore etc...) they associated that with weakness, guilt, and shame.

      For them say to their familly or friends they suffer of mental "ailments" they will "lose their face" infront of them and in asian societies when you 'lose your face" you lose your social standing, reputation, influence, dignity, and honor, so for "save their face" they prefer keep that for them.

      I hope one day they will change their point of view about that.

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  6. Tokage

    to be fair this is the exact same vapid bullshit that basically every single VK band seems to use at least once in their career (then again, mb they all have the same ghostwriter :^) )
  7. I still don't understand these guys' "we want to go full angura but our mom won't let us"-aesthetic....
  8. Tokage

    Just to jump in on that 'subpar japanese acting' discussion from earlier ITT: I'm inclined to agree, at least when it comes to modern day Japanese cinema. ESPECIALLY so when you're dealing with a live-action adaptation of a manga, videogame, anime or anything of the sort. I half suspect that it's partially also because of the whole 'tarento'/ idol industry they have going on over there, where managements try really hard to push their pop musicians into acting / gravure idols into acting and all that sort of ""good"" stuff...
  9. Tokage

    Finally got around to watching the original Fright Night yesterday. Up 'til now I'd only seen the remake back when it first came out. I feel like in this particular case the original and remake are both definitely worth watching, and neither is necessarily worse than the other. The original's a good bit of typical '80s fun, and you just can't beat that particular atmosphere. It makes me nostalgic for an era I wasn't even alive in lol
  10. Tokage

    I've always felt like Plasticzooms are 100% a singles-only band, most of their albums so far haven't managed to leave a great impression on me, unfortunately..
  11. Tokage

    the vk animorphs meme... YES we need to bring it back
  12. Tokage

    Toshiya on suicide watch
  13. Happy birthday, man!

    1. WhirlingBlack


      Thanks! Going to spend it wisely listening to some kvlt music. Or maybe just sleeping more. Haven't decided yet.

  14. Thoughts on the new Creature Creature album, anyone?

    1. Jigsaw9


      Listened to it once so far, pretty good. It seems like an album that needs to grow on you, I guess.

  15. Tokage

    Today I watched Before I Wake. The director apparently doesn't really consider it to be a 'proper' horror film, and neither do I. It's more of a fantasy/drama with some mild sprinkles of """spooky""" scattered throughout. I also have to admit that I honestly thought it was kind of rubbish. For starters, it was somewhat too sentimental for my tastes, and moreover there were a bit too many holes. Also, the female protagonist didn't deserve the 'happy' end she got imo considering her actions earlier on
  16. probably just busy givin a fangirl the benis :-DDDDD ( or binging on booze / drugs )
  17. hey guys its me, kamijo from visual kei

  18. Tokage

    leaked grainy hand-held cam footage of the guy from r-15 doing donuts in an empty parking lot in the 'down with trans' bus
  19. Tokage

    ^ Have that one sitting around on my PC, probably gonna have to get around to playing it soon, it seems to be exactly the kind of stuff I love I've been playing a lot of TF2 again for some reason. Say what you want bout the game now that it's gone F2P, but I still find myself having fun just fine
  20. Tokage

    'Kisaki is good'
  21. Tokage

    & this is like the 1 vk band i'd actually be prepared to even travel to another country for.... FUCKING B7KLAN REEEE
  22. imagine a vk band covering this song


    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      should I be upset that I actually knew of this song before now

    2. saishuu


      dadaroma would

    3. Tokage


      fucked up but true is that the instrumental reminds me of cascade for some inexplicable reason

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  23. Tokage

    I remember Monochrome Heaven as a community for pringles enthausiasts I remember Monochrome Heaven touching my forehead in a dark alley and finding a mediafire link inscribed into my skin I remember Monochrome Heaven reluctantly feeding me and raising me as its own child I remember Monochrome Heaven taking The People's Download Section away, essentially literally becoming more fascist than Hitler I remember Monochrome Heaven teaching me how writing thinkpieces about Dir en grey sometimes is okay I remember Monochrome Heaven for its secret hentai board I remember Monochrome Heaven as simultaneously being the most kawaii & unkawaii board of 2016 I remember Monochrome Heaven teaching me it's perfectlly okay to say that this time you're definitely leaving forever, and then still coming back the next day But, most importantly, I remember Monochrome Heaven becau[YOU NEED A MONOCHROME HEAVEN PREMIUM ACCOUNT TO ACCESS THIS CONTENT]
  24. Tokage

    Repostin frm my tumblr, I remembered this dream very vividly so I felt I had to write it down lmao.. It was set somewhere at the peak of spring, I recall that it was super sunny outside. There was some sort of absolutely huge (and I mean like comic con-sized or something like that) market/flea market blend going on out in a park. It was kind of odd because large parts of it were fully open-air, but then there were parts where there was scaffolding or even partially-built walls or ceilings w/ windows in them here and there, disconnected from everything else. I also recall there was a HUGE wall made out of bookshelves in the middle, so you couldn’t see the other side from whichever side you were walking on. I’d somehow gotten involved in running a stand at the market, I don’t really remember why. Think it may have been connected to the company my dad works for IRL. They sell household tools, gardening equipment and stuff like that, but as far as I could remember I wasn’t carrying any of that at my stand. What happened instead was that competitors would come in, sometimes alone, sometimes in groups, and attempt to ‘sway’ people by handing them free samples of stuff, a lot of people used chocolate, some used.. lawn gnomes??? for some reason. I basically ended up abandoning my stand for a long time and going around talking to people & handing them samples in order to convince them to come see me. At some point, a really ‘bad’ vibe was cast all over the entire market, people started getting nervous and fidgety, and a group of (I guess richer) salespeople appeared. They were dressed in what I can best describe as.. Renaissance fair-bondage-mummy-steampunk gear? Like their faces were obscured, they wore these huge goggles, brown straps of leather flapping off them everywhere, giant propeller jutting from tiny backpacks on their backs to keep them afloat. They flew in through one of the few random half-built window-ceiling parts and basically started to carpet bomb random people’s stands in order to weed out the competition. Felt like things suddenly became like a tower defense game or something. Eventually they just… stopped and joined in with everybody else and the calm vibe suddenly returned. I’d had enough of the ‘going around and advertising my business’ thing & realized I should probably return to my actual stand and, y’know, SELL things.. Problem with that was that, once I actually reached it again (not before accidentally walking down the wrong aisle a few times), my stand was.. gone? Instead there was a trio of middle aged-looking guys in business suits stuffing my wares into a couple of huge burlap sacks. They were already pretty much done by the time I realized what was going on, and they ran off. I chased them out of the territory of the market, past some sort of open-air sitting area/cafe where some of my relatives were sitting. When they noticed what was going on they jumped into action, and managed to catch one of the three guys, the one carrying the largest sack. IIRC, somehow the sack ended up crushing his head. For some reason everybody avoided even TRYING to touch the two other ones, who fled into what looked like a large sideways shipping container next to a garbage bin full of disguises. Turns out these ‘guys’ were actually a man and woman with a penchant for disguising themselves, stealing, and hoarding. Also they were apparently potentially dangerously insane. Don’t remember much about what happened next, but I think it was something like a picnic table-side discussion about what to do, trying to formulate a plan in order to invade their house.. I remember there was some part where people ended up talking about whether we should or shouldn’t feed the leftover raw chicken breast that was in the burlap sack to someone’s cat, though. In the end, I’d gotten tired of everyone just ceaselessly talking, and I’d actually decided to sneak into the thieves’ house. Some girl reluctantly borrowed me a swiss army knife just to be safe. I remember the whole thing was soft and bendy like jell-o for some reason. I remember trying to peer in through the entrance of the container-house.. It was one of those ‘bigger on the inside’-type of deals, with two floors. There were really, REALLY old and fragile-looking stairs leading to both, stairs looked scrawny and resembled ladders more than any actual stairs. Top floor seemed to be made out of wood entirely, couldn’t see much other than a large carpet, a whole bunch of mannequins in the distance and a bunch of disguises scattered around. The bottom floor looked like a hallway ripped from a subway network, completely filled with TV screen-shaped lockers on one side. I could hear the two people in there shout-talking to each other from one floor to the other and decided to enter, wearing a disguise I nicked from the dumpster. For some reason I was drawn towards the bottom floor.. Hallway seemed to go on and on for quite a while, tiled walls on one side and tv screen lockers on the other, until I finally stumbled upon ‘The Man,’ who looked like a humanoid shape covered in blots of grey and static fuzz. At least that’s how I remember it.. Things got REALLY weird from here on. The Man yelled at me, something about how I’d never catch him anyway, I should get out, all that, and ran off into darkness at the end of the tunnel. There was a constant sound of pipes being struck with pipes in the background, everything felt REALLY unsettling and wrong. I decided to follow the guy for some dumb reason anyway, and ended up running into the darkness. Immediately I ended up in some sort of fucked up void. There were giant white spotlight-esque areas here and there, connected to each other by means of long, stretched-out transparent blue glass walkways, and at each spotlight the wall was filled with a projection of some sort of bizarre landscape scenery. I’m pretty sure I was being led through some sort of hallway-ish structure still, not just a purely featureless void.. Occasionally, instead of a single screen-filling image, there were several small ones structured in an order similar to the tv screen lockers from before, displaying random scenes of disaster and other odd things. For some reason I quite distinctly remember going all ‘Holy shit, this IS my aesthetic!” out loud at some point lmao Eventually, after several more turns, I ended up outside somewhere. There was still one of those white spotlight shapes under my feet, but all around me there was nothing but sea. Still it was sunny. Eventually wooden walkways started to appear before me, turning into some sort of boardwalk structure.. Then I woke up, unfortunately
  25. Tokage

    [obvious ripoff band of a more established band] is NOT a ripoff of [said more established band] (+ the occasional attached essay about how totally different they are even though they're actually not) gets me every time
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